Title: Dynamical Mass Generation by Strong Yukawa Interactions Tom
1Dynamical Mass Generation by Strong Yukawa
InteractionsTomáš Brauner and Jirí Hošek,
Phys.Rev.D72 045007(2005)Petr Beneš, Tomáš
Brauner and Jirí Hošekhep-ph/0605147 CERN
Yellow Book hep-ph/0608079
- Lagrangian and its properties
- Fermion mass generation and scalar boson mass
splitting - Where is the Nambu-Goldstone boson ?
- Gauge boson mass generation
- Symmetry-breaking loop-generated vertices
- SU(2)xU(1) generalization
21. Lagrangian and its propertiesremember
arrows of the fields
4- Why two fermion species no axial anomaly
- With M2gtO no symmetry breakdown in scalar sector
itself - Comparison with Higgs mechanism by heart (see the
5II. Fermion mass generation and scalar boson mass
- ASSUME that Yukawa interactions generate the
chiral-symmetry breaking fermion proper
self-energies S
6THEN Yukawa interactions generate the
symmetry-breaking scalar proper self-energy ?
7Yukawa interactions GENERATE SProvided solutions
for anomalous proper self-energies ? exist
8Explicit form of the coupled Schwinger-Dyson
equations (not very illuminating)
9NICELY CONVERGENT KERNEL (corresponding counter
terms prohibited by symmetry)
- By dimensional argument
- Compare with Higgs
10Boson mass splitting
- In particular case of real ? found numerically
- the real and imaginary parts of F are the mass
eigenstates with masses
11Solutions found for LARGE YUKAWA COUPLINGS
numerically (exploratory stage (!!!))1. Line of
critical couplings
122.Typical shape of UV-finite solutions S and ? .
They are found numerically upon Wick rotation in
SD equations.
133. Large amplification of the fermion mass ratios
14- Large amplification of fermion mass ratios as a
response to small changes in Yukawa coupling
ratios - Explicit knowledge of non-analytic dependences of
masses upon couplings - ULTIMATE DREAM
- Coupling constant ? ignored as unimportant for
- non-perturbative mass generation
15III. Where is the Nambu-Goldstone boson ?
- Axial-vector current
- Axial-vector Ward identities for proper vertices
16For S, ? non-zero the identities imply the
massless pole in proper vertices G
17Basic quantities to be calculated are the UV
finite vectorial tadpoles I
18Effective NG couplings are related to S and ?
19The overall normalization is given by tadpoles I
20IV. Gauge boson mass generation
- Gauge boson mass squared is the residue at the
massless pole of the gauge field polarization
tensor - (Schwinger)
21- In Higgs (complete polarization tensor)
22In strongly coupled models no control on the
bound-state spectrum except NG. Consequently,
only the longitudinal part can be computed. By
23V. Symmetry-breaking loop-generated UV-finite
vertices genuine (albeit gedanken) predictions
24An illustration Three-gluon vertex (G is
25VI. Outlook (bona fide)
- - Common source of fermion and gauge-boson mass
generation - Hope for natural description of wide, sparse and
irregular fermion mass spectrum - Basic SU(2)xU(1) generalization exists
- T. Brauner, J.H., A model of flavors,
- hep-ph/0407339 introduce TWO DISTINCT
massive scalar SU(2)xU(1) doublets. I LIKE
SCALARS-THEY FEEL FLAVORS. - - Phenomenological viability is to be investigated