Title: A Hybrid Edge-Enhanced Motion Adaptive Deinterlacer
1A Hybrid Edge-Enhanced Motion Adaptive
2Problem Statement Motivation
Frame 1
Field A
Field B
Field C
- Canon GL1 Frame Mode 320 Vertical Lines
- Deinterlace from 60i into a 30p sequence
- High Quality, Noise Reduction, Edge Detail
Preservation, Moderate Complexity - MC Recursive, VT Median, EDDI, BOB
- Best Approach Depends on Material
3Initially Proposed Method
de Haan
4Actual Method
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11Conclusion/Future Changes
- Overall the Implementation is Less
Computationally Expensive than MC with Pretty
Nice Results - The Algorithm Tries to Use the Proper Method
Based on Simple Motion Detection - Many Threshold Parameters -gt Difficult to Set
the Correct Thresholds for All Cases - Could Later Implement EDDI Correctly on the
Final Image - Future Method Could Incorporate Motion
Estimation - Implement a Plug-in For Virtual Dub or AVISynth
1 R. Simonetti, S. Carrato, G. Ramponi and
A.Polo Filisan, 'Deinterlacing of HDTV Images
for Multimedia Applications', in Signal
Processing of HDTV, IV, E. Dubois and L.
Chiariglione, Eds., Elsevier Science Publishers,
1993, pp. 765-772. 2 G. de Haan and E.B.
Bellers, Deinterlacing -- An overview',
Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 86, No. 9, Sep.
1998, pp. 1839- 1857. 3 G. de Haan and R.
Lodder, De-interlacing of video data using
motion vectors and edge Information', Digest of
the ICCE'02, Jun. 2002, pp. 70-71. 4 G. de
Haan, Video processing for multimedia systems',
ISBN 90-9014015-8, Eindhoven Sep. 2000. 5
Y. Wang, J. Ostermann, and Y.Q. Zhang, Video
Processing and Communications Prentice Hall,
2002, ISBN 0-13-017547-1.