Title: SysMO-DB: your title here
1JWS Online and model management in SysMO-DB
Franco du Preez, Stuart Owen, Olga Krebs, Katy
Wolstencroft, Finn Bacall, Wolfgang Mueller,
Carole Goble and Jacky Snoep
The SysMO SEEK is a web-based exchange
environment for scientists to share and exchange
Systems Biology data and models. It was designed
to hold the research outcomes from the SysMO
consortium (Systems Biology of Microorganisms),
but the principles and methods employed are
generally applicable to Systems Biology research.
Other consortia are now adopting this approach to
data management.
JWS Online (http//jjj.mib.ac.uk) is integrated
in SysMO-DB via the SEEK interface
(http//seek.sysmo-db.org/). We here illustrate
the functionality of JWS for web based
simulations, annotation and construction.
JWS Simulator
Via an easy to use GUI that loads in a web
browser, the user has access to the model SBGN
schema1, including MIRIAM annotation2 can be
directly linked to the GUI. Many different
analysis methods are available and models can be
linked to experimental data.
JWS OneStop is a tool for model construction,
either from scratch or by modifying existing
models and exports in SBML format, with automated
SBGN schema and tools for MIRIAM annotation,
implementing semantic SBML3 webservices.
1 The Systems Biology Graphical Notation. Nature
Biotechnology (2009) 27 735-41. 2 Minimal
information requested in the annotation of
biochemical models (MIRIAM). Nature Biotechnology
(2005) 231509-1515. 3 Annotation and merging of
SBML models with semanticSBML. Bioinformatics
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