Title: Anderson Revised Bloom
1Anderson Revised Blooms Taxonomy
Synthesis Creating-Make It Better
The child can innovate create new ideas,
Evaluation Judging-Is It Better
The child can justify a decision or course of
Analysis Analyzing-Tell Me Why
The child can recognize and compare
parts/attributes/factors sees patterns
Application Applying-I Do
The child can transfer new knowledge do a real
world task
Foundational to Complex
Foundational to Complex
Comprehension Understanding-I Understand
The child can explain ideas and concepts in own
Knowledge Remembering-I Know
The child can recall informationfacts
Nancy R. Craig
Adapted from B. Bloom, Anderson Michael Pohl
2Where the Wild Things Areby Maurice Sendak
Evaluating-Is It Better
What do you like about this book? Do you think it
deserved to win an award? Why or why not?
Synthesis-Make It Better
Propose a new method for taming the Wild Things.
Analyzing-Tell Me Why
Do you think Max should have been punished for
talking back to his mother like he did? Why or
why not?
Applying-I Do
Draw a picture of what you think one of the Wild
Things looks like.
Foundational to Complex
Foundational to Complex
Understanding-I Understand
Why did Max get sent to bed without supper? Why
was he called wild thing?
Remembering-I Know
What is the boys name? Where did Max get sent?
Nancy R. Craig