Final Exam - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Final Exam


Friday Dec. 10, 9:00 am, BSB 119 Cover the material after midterm Lecture notes 30 True/False and Multiple choice questions: 30 points 2 Short answer questions: 20 points – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Final Exam

Final Exam
  • Friday Dec. 10, 900 am, BSB 119
  • Cover the material after midterm
  • Lecture notes
  • 30 True/False and Multiple choice questions 30
  • 2 Short answer questions 20 points

Project Presentation
  • Email me power point presentation a day before
    the presentation
  • 15 minutes. Each member should talk.
  • 5 minutes discussion
  • Peer evaluation
  • Project report due at final exam day

Project Evaluation Criteria
  • Objective and scope of the project
  • System requirement specification
  • Appropriate use of modeling tools
  • Quality of presentation
  • Overall evaluation

Success factors of IS development
  • How to measure system success?
  • What factors lead to system success or failure?

How to measure system success?
  • Stacie Petter, William DeLone and Ephraim McLean
    (2008) Measuring information systems success
    models, dimensions, measures, and
    interrelationships, European Journal of
    Information Systems (2008) 17, 236263.

DeLone and McLean IS success Model
Updated IS Success Model
System quality
  • the desirable characteristics of an information
    system. For example ease of use, system
    flexibility, system reliability, and ease of
    learning, as well as system features of
    intuitiveness, sophistication, flexibility, and
    response times.

Information quality
  • the desirable characteristics of the system
    outputs that is, management reports and Web
    pages. For example relevance, understandability,
    accuracy, conciseness, completeness, currency,
    timeliness, and usability.

Service quality
  • the quality of the support that system users
    receive from the IS department and IT support
    personnel. For example responsiveness, accuracy,
    reliability, technical competence, and empathy of
    the personnel staff.

System use
  • the degree and manner in which staff and
    customers utilize the capabilities of an
    information system. For example amount of use,
    frequency of use, nature of use, appropriateness
    of use, extent of use, and purpose of use.

User satisfaction
  • users level of satisfaction with reports, Web
    sites, and support services. For example, the
    most widely used multi-attribute instrument for
    measuring user information satisfaction can be
    found in Ives et al. (1983).

Net benefits
  • the extent to which IS are contributing to the
    success of individuals, groups, organizations,
    industries, and nations. For example improved
    decision- making, improved productivity,
    increased sales, cost reductions, improved
    profits, market efficiency, consumer welfare,
    creation of jobs, and economic development.

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What factors lead to system success or failure?
  • Information Systems Success and FailureTwo Sides
    of One Coin, or Different in Nature? An
    Exploratory Study by Jeremy Fowler and Pat Horan

  • A considerable amount of IS research literature
    has investigated, among other things, the factors
    associated with IS success and failure.
  • Four of the six factors associated with the
    success of IS were related to the factors
    associated with IS failure.

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Lack of Effective Project Management
  • A lack of effective project management
    skills/involvement was found to be the most
    commonly cited reason for IS failure
  • In order to be effective, project managers need
    to have good leadership, communication, and
    administrative skills, be technically competent,
    and hold a position that is senior enough to
    command respect. They need to be able to get
    people working together, getting them committed
    to the change and building confidence.

Lack of Adequate User Involvement
  • Having a lack of adequate user involvement has
    been found to lead to decreased system use,
    increased project development cycles, and low
    levels of user satisfaction and commitment.
  • In order to avoid these problems, it is vital IS
    practitioners involve all the relevant user
    groups in the development of IS. Through being
    involved in the development process, users are
    more likely to be committed to the IS, while
    gaining a sense of system ownership.

Lack of Top-Management Commitment to the Project
  • When top-management are committed to a project
    they will do whatever is necessary throughout all
    stages of the ISs development and implementation
    to ensure it succeeds. Also, having
    top-management support has been identified as a
    key factor that can contribute to the escalation
    of commitment to troubled projects

Lack of Required Knowledge/Skills inthe Project
  • A lack of the required knowledge/skills in the
    project personnel can result in schedule overruns
    because of the need for the team to master new
    skills, and time and budget overruns because of
    inexperience with the undocumented idiosyncrasies
    of each new piece of hardware and software
  • Combining team members from different departments
    or organizations can also cause special challenges

Poor/Inadequate User Training
  • The goal of user training is to produce motivated
    users who possess the skills necessary to
    effectively use all the relevant features the new
    IS has to offer
  • Without appropriate training, all of the previous
    hard work and planning may be made redundant by
    users who are dissatisfied with the IS, simply
    because they do not know how to use it properly.

User Resistance
  • In order to counteract user resistance it is
    vital that developers make it a priority to
    involve users in the development process and ask
    them what they want from the new IS
  • Users also need to be given a legitimate business
    rationale for using the new IS

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Current trends in System Development
  • The IS discipline is dynamic and always changing
  • More complex system requirements have
    necessitated a whole new set of tools
  • The Unified Process (UP)
  • Radical, adaptive approaches, including Agile
    Development, Extreme Programming, and Scrum
  • Object frameworks and components to increase
    productivity and quality

Adaptive Approaches to Development
  • Less emphasis on up-front analysis, design, and
  • More focus on incremental development
  • More user involvement in project teams
  • Reduced detailed planning
  • Used for near-term work phases only
  • Tightly control schedules by fitting work into
    discrete time boxes
  • More use of small work teams that are

The Unified Process (UP)
  • Object-oriented system development methodology
    (system development process)
  • Offered by Rational/IBM, UP developed by Booch,
    Rumbaugh, and Jacobson
  • UP should be tailored to organizational and
    project needs
  • Highly iterative life cycle
  • Project will be use-case driven and modeled using

The Unified Process Life Cycle
  • UP life cycle
  • Includes four phases which consist of iterations
  • Iterations are mini-projects
  • Inception develop and refine system vision
  • Elaboration define requirements and design and
    implement core architecture
  • Construction continue design and implementation
    of routine, less risky parts
  • Transition move the system into operational

The Unified Process Life Cycle
UP Life Cycle Model Showing Phases, Iterations,
and Disciplines (Figure 16-4)
The Agile Development Philosophy and Values
  • Responding to change over following a plan
  • An agile project is chaordic both chaotic and
  • Individuals and interactions over processes and
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

Agile Modeling Principles
  • AM is about doing the right kind of modeling at
    the right level of detail for the right purposes
  • Use models as a means to an end instead of
    building models as end deliverables
  • Does not dictate which models to build or how
    formal to make those models
  • Has basic principles to express the attitude that
    developers should have as they develop software

Extreme Programming (XP)
  • An adaptive, agile development methodology
    created in the mid-1990s
  • Takes proven industry best practices and focuses
    on them intensely
  • Combines those best practices (in their intense
    form) in a new way to produce a result that is
    greater than the sum of the parts

XP Core Values
  • Communication
  • In open, frequent verbal discussions
  • Simplicity
  • In designing and implementing solutions
  • Feedback
  • On functionality, requirements, designs, and code
  • Courage
  • In facing choices such as throwing away bad code
    or standing up to a too-tight schedule

Some XP Practices
  • Planning
  • Users develop a set of stories to describe what
    the system needs to do
  • Testing
  • Tests are written before solutions are
  • Pair programming
  • Two programmers work together on designing,
    coding, and testing
  • Simple designs
  • KISS (Keep it simple, stupid) and design

Some XP Practices (continued)
  • Refactoring
  • Improving code without changing what it does
  • Owning the code collectively
  • Anyone can modify any piece of code
  • Continuous integration
  • Small pieces of code are integrated into the
    system daily or more often
  • System metaphor
  • Guides members towards a vision of the system

Some XP Practices (continued)
  • On-site customer
  • Intensive user/customer interaction required
  • Small releases
  • Produce small and frequent releases to
  • Forty-hour work week
  • Project should be managed to avoid burnout
  • Coding standards
  • Follow coding standards to ensure flexibility

  • A quick, adaptive, and self-organizing
    development methodology
  • Named after rugbys system for getting an
    out-of-play ball into play
  • Responds to a current situation as rapidly and
    positively as possible
  • A truly empirical process control approach to
    developing software

Scrum Philosophy
  • Responsive to a highly changing, dynamic
  • Focuses primarily on the team level
  • Team exerts total control over its own
    organization and work processes
  • Uses a product backlog as the basic control
  • Prioritized list of user requirements used to
    choose work to be done during a Scrum project

Components and the Development Life Cycle
  • Component purchase and reuse is a viable approach
    to speeding completion of a system
  • Purchased components can form all or part of a
    newly developed or re-implemented system
  • Components can be designed in-house and deployed
    in a newly developed or re-implemented system

  • Software modules that are fully assembled and
    ready to use
  • Reusable packages of executable code
  • Have well-defined interfaces to connect them to
    clients or other components
  • Public interfaces and encapsulated implementation
  • Standardized and interchangeable
  • Updating a single component does not require
    relinking, recompiling, and redistributing an
    entire application

Component Standards and Infrastructure
  • Interoperability of components requires standards
    to be developed and readily available
  • Components might also require standard support
  • Networking standards are required for components
    in different locations

  • New method of software reuse enabled by
    Internetexternal services identified and used
    for applications
  • Called Web services and service-oriented
    architecture (SOA)
  • Microsoft .NET is service standard based on SOAP
    (Simple Object Access Protocol)
  • Java 2 Web Services (J2WS) is service standard
    for services in Java

Component Communication Using SOAP
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