Industrial Applications of Experimental Design - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Industrial Applications of Experimental Design


Title: Slide 1 Author: John J Borkowski Last modified by: ADMIN Created Date: 4/15/2006 9:17:45 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Industrial Applications of Experimental Design

Industrial Applications of Experimental Design
  • John Borkowski
  • Montana State University
  • University of Economics and Finance
  • HCMC, Vietnam

Outline of the Presentation
  1. Motivation and the Experimentation Process
  2. Screening Experiments
  3. 2k Factorial Experiments
  4. Optimization Experiments
  5. Mixture Experiments
  6. Final Comments

  • In industry (such as manufacturing,
    pharmaceuticals, agricultural, ), a common goal
    is to optimize production while maintaining
    quality and cost of production.
  • To achieve these goals, successful companies
    routinely use designed experiments.
  • Properly designed experiments will provide
    information regarding the relationship between
    controllable process variables (e.g., oven
    temperature, process time, mixing speed) and a
    response of interest (e.g. strength of a fiber,
    thickness of a liquid, color, cost).
  • The information can then be used to improve the
    process making a better product more

  • The resulting economic benefits of using designed
    experiments include
  • Improving process yield
  • Reducing process variability so that products
    more closely conform to specifications
  • Reducing development time for new products
  • Reducing overall costs
  • Increasing product reliability
  • Improving product design

The Experimentation Process
Defining Experimental Objectives
  • The first and most important step in an
    experimental strategy is to clearly state the
    objectives of the experiment.
  • The objective is a precise answer to the question
    What do you want to know when the experiment is
  • When researchers do not ask this question they
    may discover after running an experiment that the
    data are insufficient to meet objectives.

2. Screening Experiments
  • The experimenter wants to determine which process
    variables are important from a list of
    potentially important variables.
  • Screening experiments are economical because a
    large number of factors can be studied in a small
    number of experimental runs.
  • The factors that are found to be important will
    be used in future experiments. That is, we have
    screened the important factors from the list.

2. Screening Experiments
  • Common screening experiments are
  • Plackett-Burman designs
  • Two-level full-factorial (2k) designs
  • Two-level fractional-factorial (2k-p) designs
  • Example Improve the hardness of a plastic by
    varying 6 important process variables. Goal
    Determine which of the six variables have the
    greatest influences on hardness.

Example 1 Screening 6 Factors
  • Response Plastic Hardness

  • Factor Levels
  • Factors -1
  • (X1) Tension control Manual
  • (X2) Machine 1
  • (X3) Throughput (liters/min) 10
  • (X4) Mixing method Single
  • (X5) Temperature 200o
  • (X6) Moisture level 20

(No Transcript)
Analysis of the Screening Design Data
Interpretation of Results
  • The most influential factor affecting plastic
    hardness is temperature, followed by throughput
    and machine type.
  • To increase the hardness of the plastic, a higher
    temperature, higher throughput, and use of
    Machine type 2 are recommended.
  • Tension control, mixing method, and moisture
    level appear to have little effect on hardness.
    Therefore, use the most economical levels of each
    factor in the process.
  • A new experiment to further study the effects of
    temperature, throughput and machine type on
    plastic hardness is recommended for further

2k Factorial Experiments
  • A 2k factorial design is a design such that
  • k factors each having two levels are studied.
  • Data is collected on all 2k combinations of
    factor levels (coded as and - ).
  • The 2k experimental combinations may also be
    replicated if enough resources exist.
  • You gain information about interactions that was
    not possible with the Plackett-Burman design.

Example 2 23 Design with 3 Replicates
(Montgomery 2005)
  • An engineer is interested in the effects of
  • cutting speed (A) (Low, High rpm)
  • tool geometry (B) (Layout 1 , 2 )
  • cutting angle (C) (Low, High degrees)
  • on the life (in hours) of a machine tool
  • Two levels of each factor were chosen
  • Three replicates of a 23 design were run

Experimental Design with Data
  • Factors
  • A cutting speed
  • B tool geometry
  • C cutting angle

ANOVA Results from SASA cutting speed B
tool geometry C cutting angle
Maximize Hours at B1 C1 A -1B tool
geometry C cutting angle A
cutting speed Layout 2 High
3. Optimization Experiments
  • The experimenter wants to model (fit a response
    surface) involving a response y which depends on
    process input variables V1, V2, Vk.
  • Because the exact functional relationship between
    y and V1, V2, Vk is unknown, a low order
    polynomial is used as an approximating function
  • Before fitting a model, V1, V2, Vk are coded as
    x1, x2, , xk. For example
  • Vi 100
    150 200
  • xi -1
    0 1

4. Optimization Experiments

  • The experimenter is interested in
  • Determining values of the input variables V1, V2,
    Vk. that optimize the response y (known as the
    optimum operating conditions). OR
  • Finding an operating region that satisfies
    product specifications for response y.
  • A common approximating function is the quadratic
    or second-order model

Example 3 Approximating Functions
  • The experimental goal is to maximize process
    yield (y).
  • By maximizing yield, the company can save a lot
    of money by reducing the amount of waste.
  • A two-factor 32 experiment with 2 replicates was
    run with
  • Temperature V1 Uncoded Levels 100o 150o
  • x1 Coded
    Levels -1 0 1
  • Process time V2 Uncoded Levels 6 8
    10 minutes
  • x2 Coded
    Levels -1 0 1

True Function y 5 e(.5x1 1.5x2)Fitted
function (from SAS)
Predicted Maximum Yield (y) at x1 1 , x2
-1(or, Temperature 200o , Process Time 6
Central Composite Design Box-Behnken
Design (CCD)
(BBD)Factorial, axial, and
Centers of edges andcenter points
center points
Example 4 Central Composite Design (Myers 1976)
  • The experimenter wants to study the effects of
  • sealing temperature (x1)
  • cooling bar temperature (x2)
  • polethylene additive (x3)
  • on the seal strength in grams per inch of
    breadwrapper stock (y).
  • The uncoded and coded variable levels are
  • -? -1 0
    1 ?
  • x1 204.5o 225o 255o
    285o 305.5o
  • x2 39.9o 46o 55o
    64o 70.1o
  • x3 .09 .5 1.1
    1.7 2.11

Example 4 Central Composite Design
Ridge Analysis of Quadratic Model (using
SAS)Predicted Maximum at x1-1.01 x20.26
Further interpretation
  • The predicted maximum occurs at coded levels of
    x1-1.01 x20.26 x30.68. These
    correspond to
  • sealing temperature of 225o,
  • cool bar temperature of 57.3o, and
  • polyethelene additive of 1.51.
  • Note how flat the maximum ridge is around this
    maximum. That implies there are other choices of
    sealing temperature, cool bar temperature, and
    additive that will also give excellent seal
    strength for the breadwrapper.
  • Pick that combination that minimizes cost.

5. Mixture Experiments
  • Goal Find the proportions of ingredients
    (components) of a mixture that optimize a
    response of interest.
  • 3-in-1 coffee mix has 3 components
  • sugar, creamer. What are the proportions
  • the components that optimize the taste?
  • Major applications formulation of food and drink
    products, agricultural products (such as
    fertilizers), pharmaceuticals.

Mixture Experiments
  • A mixture contains q components where xi is the
    proportion of the ith component (i1,2,, q)
  • Two constraints exist 0 xi 1 and S
    xi 1

Mixture Experiment Models
  • Because the level of the final component can
    written as
  • xq 1 (x1 x2
  • any response surface model used for
    independent factors can be reduced to a Scheffé
    model. Examples include

Example of a 3-Component Mixture Design
Analysis of a 3-component Mixture Experiment
4-Component Mixture Experiment with Component
Level Constraints (McLean Anderson 1966)Goal
Find the mixture of Mg, NaNO3, SrNO3, and Binder
that maximize brightness of the flare.
6. Final Comments
  • Screening experiments
  • 2k and 2k-p experiments
  • Optimization experiments
  • Mixture experiments
  • Other applications
  • Path of steepest ascent (descent) to locate a
    process maximum (minimum).
  • Experiments with mixture and process variables.
  • Repeatability and reproducability designs for
    statistical quality and process control studies.
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