Title: Mobility Goal--Continually improve the public
1- Mobility Goal--Continually improve the publics
access to activities, goods, and services through
preservation, improvement, and expansion of the
highway transportation system and enhancement of
its operations, efficiency, and intermodal
connections. - Strategic Objective --Improve operation of the
highway system ..to increase transportation
access for all people and commodities - Indicated by reduction in hours of delay
- Performance Target -- Reduce hours of delay per
1000VMT by 20
2Delay (hours/ 1000 vehicle miles
1993 8.3
1994 8.5
1995 9.3
1996 9.2
1997 9.0
1998 N/A
1999 N/A
Performance Target 2000 9.0
3Is Hours of Delay the best measure?
- Probably not the only one
- Others
- Congestion Index
- Predictability or Reliability
- Throughput
- Travel Time
- Accessibility
- Consumer Satisfaction
- Topic for Field Operations Council
4Will Improving Operations Make a Difference?
65 reduced clearance time 35 fewer
crashes Reduction in travel time
Incident Management Signal Timing/Control Ramp
8 - 25
8 - 60 increase in speed
Traveler Information 50 of Travelers change
route 45 of Travelers change departure
time Seattle MMDI Web use doubled in 8 months,
tripled in severe weather
5What Stands in the Way?
1. Fragmented Institutions 2. Culture and
Underlying Policy defined by
- Problem Solving
- Completing a Project
1. Top Down ITS Infrastructure Deployment 2.
Bottom Up Expand on what we do well (Low
Hanging Fruit) 3. Amplify the Customer 4. Lay a
Foundation for Art and Science of Operations
Top Down Deployment
Bottom up
7Top Down Deploying ITS Infrastructure
- Architecture - Convenes Operations Stakeholders
- Concept of Operations - Regional Operations Plan
- Infrastructure itself enables Operations
- Focus
- Transfer leadership to field
- Standards Testing and Guidance
- Tool Development
8Interim Goal
INTEGRATED ITS Infrastructure in 75 Metro
Areas 25 States
By the end of TEA-21
9How are we Doing? Infrastructure
11 Expand What We Do Well (Low Hanging Fruit)
- Reducing Work Zone Delay
- -Bringing Operations in at Planning Stage
- -Valuing Delay
- -Legacy Traffic Management - Building Smart Roads
- Weather Response
- Incident Management
- Emergency Management/Response
- Special Event Planning
- Arterial Signal Control
12Amplify the Customer
- National measures of how well the system operates
- Monitored and reported nationally and locally
- Consumer appetite for Traffic information growing
- -N11 will drive more surveillance
13Lay a Foundation for Art and Science of
- Benchmarking
- -State of art
- -State of Practice
- -Norm
- -Gaps
- Constituency Building
14Freight Mobility and Productivity Goals
Mobility Continuously improve the publics
access to activities, goods and services through
preservation, improvement and expansion of the
highway transportation system and enhancement of
its operation, efficiency, and intermodal
connections. Productivity Continuously improve
the economic efficiency of the Nations
transportation system to enhance Americas
position in the global economy.
15Performance Goals
- Under Mobility
- We have set the additional performance goal of
improving the efficiency and capacity of existing
intermodal connections on the NHS and serving new
intermodal facilities - Under Productivity
- We have set the additional performance goal of
reducing the cost of highway freight per ton mile - We have set a correlated performance goal of
reducing the hours of delay per 1000 vehicle
processed at NHS border crossings
- Hours of Delay
- Cost Per ton Mile
- -Target?
- Reduce Hours of Delay at Border Crossings
- -Data?
- -Target?
- Intermodal Connector Efficiency??
17ISTEA Studies Diagnosed Issues and Problems
- Institutional Issues
- Leveling planning process to better reflect
freight geography - Conflicting standards
- Lack of institutions for multi-state trade
18ISTEA Studies Diagnosed Issues and Problems ..
- Infrastructure Issues
- Adequacy of the physical condition of the system
- for freight and defense
- Impact of future demand and shifting load centers
- What are the economic benefits of freight
investments? - Effectiveness of funding mechanisms
19ISTEA Studies Diagnosed Issues and Problems ..
- Operations Issues
- Information and communications standards
- Technology applications to multi state corridors
- Compatible business practices
- Hazardous goods movement
20ISTEA Studies Diagnosed Issues and Problems ..
- Regulatory Issues
- Standardization of freight vehicle and equipment
- Balance of productivity and environmental goals
- Conflicting city and state regulations
1. Develop Freight Investment decision-making
framework 2. Nurture multi-state freight/trade
institutional partnerships 3. Directly invest
in corridor border improvements 4. Test ITS
22FHWA Freight Productivity Program
Freight Financing
FHWA Freight Review
FHWA North American Strategy
Freight Planning
Freight Improvement Strategies Institutional,
Funding Strategies, Planning Options,
Institutions, etc.
Freight Partnerships
Freight Performance Measures
International Initiatives
NHS Connector Follow On
Intermodal Freight Analysis/Decision Framework
Marine Transport System
Intermodal Freight Capacity Analysis
Chicago Area Study
Revised FHWA investment models
Operations Safety
International Border Clearance Program
Intermodal Freight Technology Group
ITS Intermodal Op Tests
Economic Benefits of Freight
Corridor/Border (1118/1119)
Size Weight
Environmental Review
Intermodal Equipment
Other Freight Regulations
232. Nurture Multi State Partnerships
Coordinate transportation planning, project
development, system operations, and/or
investment Link state transportation agencies
with Federal Inspection Services (Ag, Customs,
INS, State) and international bridge
owners/operators, usually binational Promote
economic development by consensus building,
consciousness raising, creating linkages between
economic development and transportation, etc.
- Eastern Border Coalitions
- Canadian Border Trade Alliance
- Pacific Northwest Economic Region
- Western Trade Network
- SASHTO Latin American Trade Study
- I-95 Coalition
- I-10 Corridor
- Ontario Michigan Gateway (others)
253. Direct Investment in Border Corridor
Multi-State Projects -11 Border
Projects -24 57.2 million ITS
Projects -10 12.2. million
264. Develop Test ITS Applications
- International Border Clearance Program
- End to End Process Analysis for Container
Movement - Architecture Development
- Standards
27Coordination Across the Agency
- Field Operations Council
- -Jeff Lindley, Council
- -Virtual Group
- -Steering Committee Meets 3 times a week
- Headquarters Operations Council
- NAFTA Council
Goals Mission Vision
Performance Measures Adequate
Performance Measures Non-Existent
Customer Survey
Literature Survey Bench Marks
Internal Sources
Other States
Candidate List of Measures of Effectiveness (MOE)
MOE Validation
Operational Test
Final MOE Selection
29(No Transcript)