Title: Year 5
1Year 5
- Subjects
- - Greetings
- - Feelings
- - Body parts
- - Brothers and sisters
- - Colours and animals
Example What does bonjour mean in French ?
A Hi
B - Hello
C How are you ?
D- Bye
3Qui veux gagner des millions?
4Feeling confident?
5les sommes
8 - 16,000 9 - 32,000 10 - 64,000 11 -
125,000 12 - 250,000 13 - 500,000 14 -
- 1 - 100
- 2 - 200
- 3 - 500
- 4 - 1,000
- 5 - 2,000
- 6 - 4,000
- 7 - 8,000
- Téléphone à un ami
- ?Consulte laudience
- 50/50
Question 1 How do you introduce yourself ?
A Je suis
B Jai
C Je mappelle
C Je mappelle
D Il sappelle
Question 2 What number is douze ?
A - 12
A - 12
B - 2
C - 10
D - 22
Question 3 How do you say I am angry ?
A Je suis triste
B Je suis content/contente
C Je suis faché/fâchée
c Je suis fâché/fâchée
D Je suis heureux/heureuse
Question 4 Does jai deux frères et une soeur
mean, I have
A 1 sister and 2 brothers
B 2 brothers and 1 sister
B 2 brothers and 1 sister
C brothers but no sisters
D sisters but no brother
Question 5 How do you say I am the only
child if you are a boy ?
A je suis fille unique
B je suis fils unique
B je suis fils unique
C je suis enfant unique
D jai un frère jumeau
Question 6 What is les yeux ?
A a fruit
B an animal
C a colour
D a body part
D a body part
Question 7 How do you spell the eyes ?
A le yeux
B les yeux
B les yeux
C les zyuh
D les oreilles
Question 8 Does un petit oiseau jaune mean
A un big green hamster
B a big yellow bird
C a small yellow bird
C a small yellow bird
D a small green hamster
Question 9 How do you say a big grey and white
cat ?
A un petit chat gris et blanc
B un petit chat blanc et gris
C un grand gris et blanc chat
D un grand chat gris et blanc
D un grand chat gris et blanc
Question 10 How do you say because in French?
A parce que
A parce que
B par ce que
C pourquoi
D pour quoi
Question 11 How do you say they are called ?
A Il tappelle
B Il sappelle
B Il sappelle
C Elle sappelle
D Ils sappellent
D Ils sappellent
Question 12 What does jai un frère jumeau mean?
A He as a twin brother
B I have a twin brother
B I have a twin brother
C I have a twin sister
D He as a twin sister
Question 13 Does Ils ont dix ans mean
A she is 6 years old
B They are 10 years old
B They are 10 years old
C I am 10 years old
C I am 10 years old
D he is 10 years old
Question 14 What kind of word is appelle in
je mappelle?
A a noun
B an adjective
C a verb
C a verb
D a adverb