Title: L1 Tracking
1L1 Tracking Status CBMROOT And Realisation
- Christian Steinle, Andreas Kugel, Reinhard Männer
- Computer Engineering, University of Mannheim
- Contents
- Status CBMROOT
- Realisation in hardware
- Outlook
- The code is working in the actual CBMROOT
framework - cbmroot/parameters/htrack
- contains all table files
- table files transform hit signatures into
priority classes - cbmroot/macro
- contains two simulation and two reconstruction
macros - cbmroot/htrack
- contains all source code files
3Status CBMROOT cbmroot/macro
- Important macro entries
- Load library
- gSystem-gtLoad("libHTrack")
- Create objects
- CbmStsFindTracks findTracks new
CbmStsFindTracks(iVerbose, NULL, kFALSE, "STS
Track Finder") - CbmHoughStsTrackFinder trackFinder new
CbmHoughStsTrackFinder() - Set task
- fRun-gtAddTask(findTracks)
- Use for track finding
- findTracks-gtUseFinder(trackFinder)
4Status CBMROOT Documentation
- A doxygen documentation is ready in the source
code - A howTo documentation is in review. It contains
- Main class description with constructors
- Algorithm configuration via ASCII configuration
file - parameter name, meaning, standard value, value
range, value format, links to other related
parameters - Signature definition via
- ASCII table files
- Automated generation algorithms
- Major algorithm definitions in the source code
- Peak finding definitions like, for example, the
window type or size - Enabling/disabling of analysis
- Example scripts
5Realisation in hardware Environment
- Data
- 107 events/s with 20000 hits lead to 21011
hits/s - 1 hit is encoded with 32bit lead to 32 bit/hit
- Data rate 21011 hits/s 32 bit/hit 6,41012
bit/s 6,4Tbit/s - Network
- (10 Gbit/s)/link
- Number of links (6,4 Tbit/s) / (10 Gbit/s) /
link 640 links - FPGA
- Process 1 hit / clock cycle with (10 Gbit/s)/link
and 32 bit/hit - Clock (10 Gbit/s) / (32 bit/hit) / 1 hit
312,5106 1/s 312,5 MHz
6Realisation in hardware Up to now single-chip
FPGA implementation
Histogram Layer
7Realisation in hardware Planned multi-chip
FPGA implementation
Multi Chip
8Realisation in hardware Planned multi-chip
FPGA implementation
Just relocated HBuffer
9Realisation in hardware Planned multi-chip
FPGA implementation
No HBuffer needed, if enough processors for all
histogram layers exist
10Realisation in hardware Up to now single-chip
FPGA timing
11Realisation in hardware Planned multi-chip
FPGA timing
312 (Speedup 4)
245 (Speedup 4)
248 (Speedup19)
12Realisation in hardware Up to now single-chip
FPGA ressources
- input 20 bits (xy 17, z 3) output ?min and
?max (2 x 8 bit) - 1 x (1M x 16) bits external RAM
- input 20 bits (xy 17, z 3) output startPos
and houghCmd (7 29 bit) - 2 x (1M x 18) bits external RAM
- HBuffer
- entry ?max, inputLUT and previousListAddress (8
20 15 bit) - memory for 32k entries with 45 bits due to
Blockram scalability - 80 Blockram, 500 about 5000 logic cells
- Histogram 30.000 logic cells
- Peak finding estimated 5000 logic cells
- LUT access estimated 5000 logic cells
- Ressources 45500 logic cells, 80 dual-ported
Blockram and 7MB RAM - 1 x Xilinx Virtex 4 XC4VFX60
13Realisation in hardware Planned multi-chip
FPGA ressources
- Version1 (Histogram with registers)
- MasterIn PRELUT, LUT
- 7 MB RAM and 5.000 logic cells
- Processing Units Histogramming, Encoding,
Diagonalization, 2D Peak finding - 30.000 logic cells per histogram layer
- MasterOut 3D Peak finding
- 5.000 logic cells
- MasterIn 1 x Xilinx Virtex 4 XC4VFX12
- Processing Units 64 x Xilinx Virtex 4 XC4VFX100
- MasterOut 1 x Xilinx Virtex 4 XC4VFX12
14Realisation in hardware Planned multi-chip
FPGA ressources
- Version2 (Histogram with Blockrams)
- MasterIn PRELUT, LUT
- 7 MB RAM and 5.000 logic cells
- Processing Units Histogramming, Encoding,
Diagonalization, 2D Peak finding - 31 x 2kB Blockram per layer
- MasterOut 3D Peak finding
- 5.000 logic cells
- MasterIn 1 x Xilinx Virtex 4 XC4VFX12
- Processing Units 16 x Xilinx Virtex 4 XC4VFX100
- MasterOut 1 x Xilinx Virtex 4 XC4VFX12
15Realisation in hardware Planned multi-chip
FPGA ressources
- Version3 (Histogram with Blockrams and registers)
- MasterIn PRELUT, LUT
- 7 MB RAM and 5.000 logic cells
- Processing Units Histogramming, Encoding,
Diagonalization, 2D Peak finding - 31 x 2kB Blockram per layer or 30.000 logic cells
- MasterOut 3D Peak finding
- 5.000 logic cells
- MasterIn 1 x Xilinx Virtex 4 XC4VFX12
- Processing Units 14 x Xilinx Virtex 4 XC4VFX100
- MasterOut 1 x Xilinx Virtex 4 XC4VFX12
16Realisation in hardware Estimation
- Data rate 6,4Tbit/s with 20000 hits/event
- Network 640 (10 Gbit/s)/link
- FPGA 32 bit/hit with 312,5 MHz
- single chip
- Minimal pipeline stall 76400 clock cycles
- No streamlined processing is possible
- Five Hough transform units for one data link lead
to 3200 units - multi chip
- Minimal pipeline stall (histogram dim2) 31
clock cycles - Accept just 19969 hits and discard leading or
trailing 31 hits - Direct streamlined processing is possible
- One Hough transform unit for one data link lead
to 640 units - Processing time speed up 19
- Hardware at least 16 chips (14 x XC4VFX100 and 2
x XC4VFX12)
17Realisation in hardware Multi-chip FPGA vs.
Cell implementation
Multi-chip FPGA
A Cell processor can be used to develop
concepts for a multi-chip FPGA Implementation
Cheap and rapid prototyping with a Sony
Playstation 3
Cell Processor
18Realisation in hardware Cell Processor
- 1 PowerPC
- 64 bit architecture
- 32 kB L1 Cache
- 512 kB L2 Cache
- 8 Synergetic Processing Elements (SPE)
- 128 registers with 128 bit
- ALU with 128 bit SIMD
- 256 kB local memory
- Memory Flow Controller (MFC) with DMA transfer
possibility - 1 XDR-Ram with up to 4,5GB
Handles the LUT processing, the job distribution
and the 3D peak finding
Handles the Histogramming, Encoding,
Diagonalization and 2D peak finding
Memory for the LUTs, the HBuffer unit and the
LBuffer unit
- A manual documentation is in process
- A thesis documentation is in process
- Additional analysis in software are in process
- Development of PS3 (Cell) source code is in
process - single-chip FPGA concept Cell concepts
multi-chip FPGA