Title: Game Content Development
1Game Content Development
- (Game Content Development)
2Game Elements
- A scenario, for sure!
- Some characters
- Something to interact with
- Something to see
- Something to ear
3Production Pipeline
43D Modeling for a game
- Each model can have different materials
- Each material can have different textures
- Textures can be integrate with FX code
6Just a note about FX
- FX are used to achieve realistic materials
- Water
- Reflection
- Glowing
7Texel, Pixel, Area, and Real world measure
- Placing a texture is similar to put a sticker on
a surface - The sticker should be as large as the surface to
cover - One common assumption is that a 64x64 texture is
1 m2
8Texture and distance
- We can use a mipmap to obtain lower resolution
image from a given texture - Using lower tex when an object is far from the
camera is to reduce memory allocation in favor of
near objects
9We need a skeleton
- The First step to get a acting character is to
give it a skeleton - This way defines matrix to be applied to each
vertex biased by some weight
10Rigging a character
- We need to define a tweak deformation
- Then we need to give a character some motion
curves - We would like to blend curves
- Typical approach for facial animation
- Number of polygons must match between blending
12Beware of interaction
13MotionBuilder snapshot
14Characterization Pipeline
15Scenario tweaking
- Scenario should be as detailed as a detail is
visible - The more you tune and tweak the more cpu you can
use to increase effects
16Texture and Text
16 x 64
32 x 128
17Prelightning with image based illumination
- Vertex contains information about illumination
- Illumination is achieved through global
illumination from an image
18Geometry details and illumination
- We can use vertex color illumination
- Vertex shaders can be used to pertubate the value
19Daylight changes
- Shadows should be smooth
- Static shadow can be faked
- Geometry must be corrected to support good shadows
22Almost done
23Level Completed
- Prelight shadows texturing
24Low poly does not mean low detail
25A beautiful ugly game(Matrix path of Neo by
- To low resolution models compensated by a rich
texturing - But an ugly character remains an ugly character
26A beautiful ugly game(Matrix path of Neo by
27Always Faking when possible
- We can use texture to simulate geometrical
details - This balcony is a background component
- With just a quad we achieve a great outcome
28A game goes to the market if . .
29. . It holds the 4 B of success
30Did anybody say camera?
- A game is a visual interactive story telling
technique - Director makes an actor a star
- Director tells audience what to see, think, and
feel - Director is the god of camera, he is the ruler of
your world
31Finding similarities . .
32Defining a standard palette
- Scenes must be homogeneous in colors
- Textures should use a common palette
- Textures should not mind about lightning
- Color definition is a key to emotion
33Motion blur, another lesson
- Games are moving towards cinema
- Rendering should be performed as photorealistic
as possible - Photorealistic is something realistic seen
through a realistic camera
34Dead or Alive 4 (Xbox)
35Cinematic . .
- Games move from one level to another through
short movies - Graphics definition should match as much as
36DevilMayCry3(PS2) 4(PS3)
Short Movie
37How To
- A good combination of
- Low Poly
- Textures
- Reflection
- Refraction
- HW Acceleration
- Normal Map
38Ninja Gaiden XBox
39Effects and sparkles(God of War)
- Games arise from imagination
- Putting supernatural in game enforce the
performance - Do it when it is necessary
40Masses and AI Colossal Games(Spartan total
- Noise is noise, not duplication!
41Just a shopping list for game makers
- 3D authoring tool (Maya)
- 3D Painting tool (3DPaint, 3DPaintUV)
- Character Animation tool (MotionBuilder)
- Image editing tool (Photoshop)
- Game Engine
- Exporters
- Discover the Game with AliasAliasLearning Tools
- Maya personal training Edition
- Motion Builder personal training Edition
- http//www.alias.com