Title: Easter%20Choral%20Reading%20%20from%20John%2021
1Easter choral reading Based on Matthew, Luke
and 1 Corinthians
2LEADER After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first
day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other
Mary went to look at the tomb.
3LEADER The angel said to the women ANGEL Do
not be afraid, for I know that you are looking
for Jesus, who was crucified.
4ANGEL He is not here he has risen, just as he
said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then
go quickly and tell his disciples.ALLHe has
risen from the dead!
5ANGEL Why do you look for the living among the
dead? He is not here ALLHe has risen!
6LEADER Christ has indeed been raised from the
dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen
asleep. ALL He is risen! Hallelujah!
7LEADER The body that is sown is perishable,
ALL It is raised imperishable
8 LEADER It is sown in dishonor, ALL It is
raised in glory
9 LEADER It is sown in weakness, ALL It is
raised in power
10 LEADER It is sown a natural body, ALL It is
raised a spiritual body.
11LEADER Thanks be to God! ALL He gives us
the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
12(No Transcript)