Title: Contemporary Politics
1Contemporary Politics
During the past 30 years, Presidents from both
parties have struggled to balance the ideals of
the Great Society with national security
concerns. Every American leader from Johnson to
G.W. Bush has found it difficult to provide both
guns and butter. During the 1970s high
federal spending on Vietnam and the Great Society
resulted in high inflation, precisely at the
moment when American industrial productivity was
declining. The resulting stagflation created a
complex economic problem that proved unresponsive
to most traditional methods of regulating the
2Richard Nixon Domestic Policy
- Affirmative Action
- Environmental Programs
- Worker/Consumer Protections
- Womens Rights (Supported ERA)
- Funding for Arts
3Nixons Economic Problems
Stagflation Recession High Inflation
- Causes
- Declining Productivity
- Increased Global Comp.
- Trade Deficits
- High Labor Costs
- High Gov Spending
- High Energy Costs
4Richard Nixon Foreign Policy
Détente Easing of Tensions SALT I Treaty Arms
Nixon Kissinger
5The Watergate Scandal
- Nixon made Enemies Lists
- Nixons Committee to Re-elect the President
(CREEP) broke into the Democratic National
Headquarters in the Watergate office building. - There were tape recordings of Nixon ordering
- Articles of Impeachment
- Abuse of Power
- Obstruction of Justice
- Contempt of Congress
Only President to Resign Office!
6Gerald Ford Domestic Policy
-Issued Nixon a full pardon -Popularity dropped
7Jimmy Carter Domestic Policy
- Domestic Policy
- Washington Outsider
- Unpopular due to economic problems
8Jimmy Carter Economic Policy
- Continued Stagflation
- Loosening credit caused inflation
- Tightening credit caused recession\
- High gas prices made him seek alternative fuel
9Jimmy Carter Foreign Policy
-Human Rights Emphasis -Iranian Hostage Crisis
-Camp David Accords Brokered a peace
between Egypt and Israel
10The Election of 1980
11Reagan Domestic Policy
- Washington Outsider
- Small Government attacked welfare, social
spending, business environmental regulations
12Reagan Economic Policy
- Supply-side Economics tax cuts for businesses
and wealthy who would put that money back into
their business and expand the economy - Increased Defense Spending
- Deregulation
-1980-1984 Recession -1984-1987 Expansion
13Ronald Reagan Foreign Policy
- Reagan Doctrine U.S. will aid freedom fighters
trying to overthrow communism - Evil Empire Bipolarism
- Iran-Contra Scandal
14The Election of 1984