Title: Instructions
- Anything written in yellow (slow down and pay
attention) is useful information. You should
write it in your notes IN YOUR OWN WORDS. - Anything in red (STOP and pay close attention) is
critical information and should be copied
exactly. - Anything in green (go on to the next point) you
do not have to write.
2- Why is history important to studyorwhy should
it matter?
33 reasons to study historydid you think of
- If you dont know history, you dont know your
world or your culture. - 2. History is story time all the time!
- 3. History is who we were, who we are and who we
will be.
4You see, Rafiki knows
- Ah yes, the past CAN hurt, but as I see it, you
can either run from it, or learn from it. - Rafiki is a cartoon monkey and he knows this and
youre smarter than a cartoon monkey right?!
5Ah, cmon, history doesnt matter to me you say
6The smallest decision can change the world.
- That is what history is all about.
7Fine, but Im only in 10th grade, I cant change
the world.
- Sure you can. But even if you dont, how do you
know if you dont even try?
8Luckily, history can be fun.
- Thats because history is all about the story.
9Hollywood loves history!
10(No Transcript)
11Well, what if I dont like movies, I only like
video games.
- Video games love history too!
12(No Transcript)
13Everyone loves a good story!
14Ok, what about TV?
15- Come on this is easy
- We even get our own channel!
- Is there a math channel? Nope!
- ELA Channel? No way.
- Science? Ok, yes, but
16Shared understandingsSkillsHow Shall Man live
- Let me share with you what I believe to be the
three most important reasons to study history
17Shared UnderstandingsExpectations of our culture
- Holds our nations social fabric together
- Helps us communicate, which requires us to have
shared, often taken for granted, information
18Can you think of any examples of things that
might be shared understandings?
19Shared understandings
20Shared understandings
21Shared understandings
22Shared understandings
23Shared understandings
24Shared understandings
25Shared understandings
26Shared understandings
- Using primary documents and data
- Analyzing point of view, frame of reference, and
context in order to understand differences - Comprehend and create timelines
- Understand and evaluate significance and
relevance of history to today - Strengthen reading comprehension and writing
skills - Develop presentation skills
- Identify and analyze changes and continuities
between different time periods and places
28Skills(did you know video)
29How shall man live.how do we live a good life?
- What are our goals, ambitions, values?
- What matters? Money, relationships, religion,
knowledge, power? - Do we want to live our lives like Hitler or
Gandhi, like Washington or Saddam Hussein?
30The Simpsons
- When I was a pup, we got spanked by
presidents till the cows
came home. Grover Cleveland spanked
me on two nonconsecutive occasions.
31Do you get it?
- Theres 2 jokes here.
- 1st, Grover Cleveland was president in
1885, theres no way Grandpa was alive then. - 2nd, Cleveland is the only president ever to be
elected twice but not in a row. He is our 22nd
(1885-1889) and 24th (1893-1897) president.
32There is no other subject that you can change so