Intentional Wetland Restoration in an Airfield - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Intentional Wetland Restoration in an Airfield


Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: blesinsk Last modified by: Wright, Michael F Created Date: 8/4/2006 6:03:11 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Intentional Wetland Restoration in an Airfield

Intentional Wetland Restoration in an Airfields
Clearzone at JB Andrews
Presented to
Presented by
Daniel M. Savercool, CSE
11 March 2015
Site Location
Jurisdictional Wetlands
Jurisdictional Wetlands (cont.)
Regulatory Drivers
  • Clean Water Act, 404
  • 2.82 acres direct and 1.56 acres buffer 804 l.f.
    stream impacts
  • CERCLA (42 U.S.C. 103)
  • CWA 404 is an applicable or relevant and
    appropriate requirement. Therefore, avoidance,
    minimization, and compensatory mitigation are
    required. But, a CWA 404 permit is not.
  • AFI 32-7020 The Environmental Restoration Program
  • Under 42 USC 9621(e)(1) and 40 CFR 300.400(e),
    the portion of any CERCLA response actions that
    are conducted entirely on-site is exempt from
    requirements to obtain Federal, state, and local

Mitigation Options
  • Mitigation Bank
  • In Lieu Fee Program
  • On-site (restoration, enhancement, creation, or

Mitigation Options
  • Mitigation Bank
  • None of the existing Mitigation Banks (MB) whose
    Service Areas included JB Andrews had sufficient
    available credits or the available credits were
    for the wrong type of wetland.
  • The AF was developing a MB nearby. But, the
    release of credits for that was at least two
    years away.

Mitigation Options
  • In Lieu Fee Program
  • There was only one In Lieu Fee Program, which was
    administered by Maryland Department of the
  • It was forced to expire by USACE on 19 June 2013
    as it did not comply with the 2008 Compensatory
    Mitigation Requirements.

Mitigation Options
  • On-site (but distant from the impact area)
  • Review of the JB Andrews INRMP (2012) identified
    several sites far away from the flightline,
    adjacent to an existing wetland and identified
    for habitat management or restoration.
  • But, the installation did not want to create
    additional wetlands.

Mitigation Options
  • On-site (in the area of the impact)
  • Intentionally placing wetlands in an active
    runway clearzone

Mitigation Options
  • On-site (in the area of the impact)
  • Intentionally placing wetlands in an active
    runway clearzone at the end of the main runway
    used by Air Force One.

Mitigation Requirements
  • Meets the spirit of the regulation
  • In-kind
  • Include scrub-shrub and emergent marsh habitats
  • Habitat value
  • Could not be attractive to BASH species (limited
    seed production and limited refugia)
  • Meets the regulatory definition of a wetland
  • Hydric vegetation (FAC, FACW, or OBL) and
    evidence of hydrology
  • Can withstand repeated mowing
  • Take advantage of robust plant species that reach
    maturity (seed production) at heights above the
    mowing height.
  • Native species that are commercially available

Mitigation Design
Preferred Mitigation Vegetation
Currently in Wetland orProposed for Planting Habit Common Name Scientific Name Native Status (N/I) Wetland Indicator Status Wildlife Value (include discussion)
Existing tree red maple Acer rubrum N FAC cover, roosting, browse, and limited seed production (geese)
Existing tree river birch Betula nigra N FACW cover, roosting, browse, and profuse seed production (geese and turkey)
Existing tree American holly Ilex opaca N FACU low
Existing tree sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua N FAC cover, roosting, browse, and limited seed production (songbirds)
Existing shrub dwarf St. Johns wort Hypericum mutilum N FACW low
Existing shrub winterberry Ilex verticillata N FACW- cover and roosting (songbirds)
Existing shrub Japanese honeysuckle Lonicera japonica I FAC low
Existing shrub seedbox Ludwigia alternifolia N FACW low
Existing shrub highbush blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum N FACW- cover, roosting, browse, and profuse fruit production (songbirds)
Existing herb creeping bentgrass Agrostis stolonifera I FACW profuse seed production (songbirds)
Existing herb strawcolored flatsedge Cyperus strigosus N FACW profuse seed production (songbirds)
Existing herb deertongue Dichantelium clandestinum N FAC profuse seed production (songbirds) and forage (deer)
Existing herb barnyardgrass Echinochloa crus-galli I FACU high, profuse seed production (songbirds) and forage (geese)
Existing herb blunt spikerush Eleocharis obtusa N OBL low
Existing herb Canadian rush Juncus canadensis N OBL low, limited seed production (songbirds)
Existing herb common rush Juncus effusus N FACW low, limited seed production (songbirds), reach 36" before seeds are produced
Existing herb common cattail Typha latifolia N OBL cover, roosting, forage (geese), and profuse seed production (songbirds)
Proposed herb fringed sedge Carex crinita N OBL low, limited seed production, reach 5' at maturity, moderate palatability
Proposed herb bladder sedge Carex intumescens N FACW low, limited seed production, reach 3' at maturity, low palatability
Proposed herb shallow sedge Carex lurida N OBL low, limited seed production, reach 3' at maturity, moderate palatability
Proposed herb upright sedge Carex stricta N OBL low, limited seed production, reach 4' at maturity, moderate palatability
Proposed herb fox sedge Carex vulpinoidea N OBL low, limited seed production, reach 3' at maturity, moderate palatability
Proposed herb chufa Cyperus esculentus N FACW low, limited seed production, reach 0.7' at maturity, low palatability
Proposed herb three-way sedge Dulichium aruninaceum N OBL low, limited seed production, reach 2.6' at maturity, low palatability
Proposed herb hard fescue Festuca brevipila I NO low, high endophyte
Proposed herb sheep fescue Festuca ovina I NO low, high endophyte
Proposed herb Chewing's fescue Festuca rubra ssp. fallax I FACU low, high endophyte
Proposed herb creeping red fescue Festuca rubra ssp. rubra N FACU low, high endophyte
Proposed herb Canada manna grass Glyceria canadensis N OBL medium, limited seed production, reach 3' at maturity, high palatability
Proposed herb fowl manna grass Glyceria striata N OBL medium, limited seed production, reach 5' at maturity, high palatability
Proposed shrub giant St. Johns wort Hypericum ascyron N FAC low
Proposed herb blueflag iris Iris versicolor N OBL low, stone not profuse, forage (geese)
Proposed herb rice cutgrass Leersia oryzoides N OBL medium, limited seed production, reach 4' before seeds produced, high palatability
Proposed herb cardinal flower Lobelia cardinalis N FACW low
Proposed herb perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne I FACU- low, high endophyte
Proposed herb Italian ryegrass Lolium perenne ssp. multiflorum I FACU- low, high endophyte
Proposed herb reed canary grass Phalaris arundinacea N FACW low, limited seed production, reach 5' before seeds produced, low palatability
Proposed herb tall fescue Schedonorus arundinaceus I FACU low, high endophyte
Proposed herb river bulrush Schoenoplectus fluviatilis N OBL forage (geese), reach 28"-79" before seeds are produced
Proposed herb soft-stem bulrush Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani N OBL low, limited seed production, reach 9' at maturity, low palatability
Proposed herb common threesquare Schoenoplectus pungens N FACW forage (geese), reach 60" before seeds are produced
Proposed herb green bulrush Scirpus atrovirens N OBL low, cover, reach 60" before seeds are produced
Proposed herb wool grass Scirpus cyperinus N FACW medium, limited seed production, reach 4' at maturity, moderate palatability
Proposed herb prairie cordgrass Spartina pectinata N FACW low, limited seed production, reach 8' at maturity, moderate palatability
USDA-WS Preferred Vegetation
Currently in Wetland orProposed for Planting Habit Common Name Scientific Name Native Status (N/I) Wetland Indicator Status Wildlife Value (include discussion)
Existing tree red maple Acer rubrum N FAC cover, roosting, browse, and limited seed production (geese)
Existing tree river birch Betula nigra N FACW cover, roosting, browse, and profuse seed production (geese and turkey)
Existing tree American holly Ilex opaca N FACU low
Existing tree sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua N FAC cover, roosting, browse, and limited seed production (songbirds)
Existing shrub dwarf St. Johns wort Hypericum mutilum N FACW low
Existing shrub winterberry Ilex verticillata N FACW- cover and roosting (songbirds)
Existing shrub Japanese honeysuckle Lonicera japonica I FAC low
Existing shrub seedbox Ludwigia alternifolia N FACW low
Existing shrub highbush blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum N FACW- cover, roosting, browse, and profuse fruit production (songbirds)
Existing herb creeping bentgrass Agrostis stolonifera I FACW profuse seed production (songbirds)
Existing herb strawcolored flatsedge Cyperus strigosus N FACW profuse seed production (songbirds)
Existing herb deertongue Dichantelium clandestinum N FAC profuse seed production (songbirds) and forage (deer)
Existing herb barnyardgrass Echinochloa crus-galli I FACU high, profuse seed production (songbirds) and forage (geese)
Existing herb blunt spikerush Eleocharis obtusa N OBL low
Existing herb Canadian rush Juncus canadensis N OBL low, limited seed production (songbirds)
Existing herb common rush Juncus effusus N FACW low, limited seed production (songbirds), reach 36" before seeds are produced
Existing herb common cattail Typha latifolia N OBL cover, roosting, forage (geese), and profuse seed production (songbirds)
Proposed herb fringed sedge Carex crinita N OBL low, limited seed production, reach 5' at maturity, moderate palatability
Proposed herb bladder sedge Carex intumescens N FACW low, limited seed production, reach 3' at maturity, low palatability
Proposed herb shallow sedge Carex lurida N OBL low, limited seed production, reach 3' at maturity, moderate palatability
Proposed herb upright sedge Carex stricta N OBL low, limited seed production, reach 4' at maturity, moderate palatability
Proposed herb fox sedge Carex vulpinoidea N OBL low, limited seed production, reach 3' at maturity, moderate palatability
Proposed herb chufa Cyperus esculentus N FACW low, limited seed production, reach 0.7' at maturity, low palatability
Proposed herb three-way sedge Dulichium aruninaceum N OBL low, limited seed production, reach 2.6' at maturity, low palatability
Proposed herb hard fescue Festuca brevipila I NO low, high endophyte
Proposed herb sheep fescue Festuca ovina I NO low, high endophyte
Proposed herb Chewing's fescue Festuca rubra ssp. fallax I FACU low, high endophyte
Proposed herb creeping red fescue Festuca rubra ssp. rubra N FACU low, high endophyte
Proposed herb Canada manna grass Glyceria canadensis N OBL medium, limited seed production, reach 3' at maturity, high palatability
Proposed herb fowl manna grass Glyceria striata N OBL medium, limited seed production, reach 5' at maturity, high palatability
Proposed shrub giant St. Johns wort Hypericum ascyron N FAC low
Proposed herb blueflag iris Iris versicolor N OBL low, stone not profuse, forage (geese)
Proposed herb rice cutgrass Leersia oryzoides N OBL medium, limited seed production, reach 4' before seeds produced, high palatability
Proposed herb cardinal flower Lobelia cardinalis N FACW low
Proposed herb perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne I FACU- low, high endophyte
Proposed herb Italian ryegrass Lolium perenne ssp. multiflorum I FACU- low, high endophyte
Proposed herb reed canary grass Phalaris arundinacea N FACW low, limited seed production, reach 5' before seeds produced, low palatability
Proposed herb tall fescue Schedonorus arundinaceus I FACU low, high endophyte
Proposed herb river bulrush Schoenoplectus fluviatilis N OBL forage (geese), reach 28"-79" before seeds are produced
Proposed herb soft-stem bulrush Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani N OBL low, limited seed production, reach 9' at maturity, low palatability
Proposed herb common threesquare Schoenoplectus pungens N FACW forage (geese), reach 60" before seeds are produced
Proposed herb green bulrush Scirpus atrovirens N OBL low, cover, reach 60" before seeds are produced
Proposed herb wool grass Scirpus cyperinus N FACW medium, limited seed production, reach 4' at maturity, moderate palatability
Proposed herb prairie cordgrass Spartina pectinata N FACW low, limited seed production, reach 8' at maturity, moderate palatability
Final Mitigation Vegetation
Currently in Wetland orProposed for Planting Habit Common Name Scientific Name Native Status (N/I) Wetland Indicator Status Wildlife Value (include discussion)
Existing tree red maple Acer rubrum N FAC cover, roosting, browse, and limited seed production (geese)
Existing tree river birch Betula nigra N FACW cover, roosting, browse, and profuse seed production (geese and turkey)
Existing tree American holly Ilex opaca N FACU low
Existing tree sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua N FAC cover, roosting, browse, and limited seed production (songbirds)
Existing shrub dwarf St. Johns wort Hypericum mutilum N FACW low
Existing shrub winterberry Ilex verticillata N FACW- cover and roosting (songbirds)
Existing shrub Japanese honeysuckle Lonicera japonica I FAC low
Existing shrub seedbox Ludwigia alternifolia N FACW low
Existing shrub highbush blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum N FACW- cover, roosting, browse, and profuse fruit production (songbirds)
Existing herb creeping bentgrass Agrostis stolonifera I FACW profuse seed production (songbirds)
Existing herb strawcolored flatsedge Cyperus strigosus N FACW profuse seed production (songbirds)
Existing herb deertongue Dichantelium clandestinum N FAC profuse seed production (songbirds) and forage (deer)
Existing herb barnyardgrass Echinochloa crus-galli I FACU high, profuse seed production (songbirds) and forage (geese)
Existing herb blunt spikerush Eleocharis obtusa N OBL low
Existing herb Canadian rush Juncus canadensis N OBL low, limited seed production (songbirds)
Existing herb common rush Juncus effusus N FACW low, limited seed production (songbirds), reach 36" before seeds are produced
Existing herb common cattail Typha latifolia N OBL cover, roosting, forage (geese), and profuse seed production (songbirds)
Proposed herb fringed sedge Carex crinita N OBL low, limited seed production, reach 5' at maturity, moderate palatability
Proposed herb bladder sedge Carex intumescens N FACW low, limited seed production, reach 3' at maturity, low palatability
Proposed herb shallow sedge Carex lurida N OBL low, limited seed production, reach 3' at maturity, moderate palatability
Proposed herb upright sedge Carex stricta N OBL low, limited seed production, reach 4' at maturity, moderate palatability
Proposed herb fox sedge Carex vulpinoidea N OBL low, limited seed production, reach 3' at maturity, moderate palatability
Proposed herb chufa Cyperus esculentus N FACW low, limited seed production, reach 0.7' at maturity, low palatability
Proposed herb three-way sedge Dulichium aruninaceum N OBL low, limited seed production, reach 2.6' at maturity, low palatability
Proposed herb hard fescue Festuca brevipila I NO low, high endophyte
Proposed herb sheep fescue Festuca ovina I NO low, high endophyte
Proposed herb Chewing's fescue Festuca rubra ssp. fallax I FACU low, high endophyte
Proposed herb creeping red fescue Festuca rubra ssp. rubra N FACU low, high endophyte
Proposed herb Canada manna grass Glyceria canadensis N OBL medium, limited seed production, reach 3' at maturity, high palatability
Proposed herb fowl manna grass Glyceria striata N OBL medium, limited seed production, reach 5' at maturity, high palatability
Proposed shrub giant St. Johns wort Hypericum ascyron N FAC low
Proposed herb blueflag iris Iris versicolor N OBL low, stone not profuse, forage (geese)
Proposed herb rice cutgrass Leersia oryzoides N OBL medium, limited seed production, reach 4' before seeds produced, high palatability
Proposed herb cardinal flower Lobelia cardinalis N FACW low
Proposed herb perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne I FACU- low, high endophyte
Proposed herb Italian ryegrass Lolium perenne ssp. multiflorum I FACU- low, high endophyte
Proposed herb reed canary grass Phalaris arundinacea N FACW low, limited seed production, reach 5' before seeds produced, low palatability
Proposed herb tall fescue Schedonorus arundinaceus I FACU low, high endophyte
Proposed herb river bulrush Schoenoplectus fluviatilis N OBL forage (geese), reach 28"-79" before seeds are produced
Proposed herb soft-stem bulrush Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani N OBL low, limited seed production, reach 9' at maturity, low palatability
Proposed herb common threesquare Schoenoplectus pungens N FACW forage (geese), reach 60" before seeds are produced
Proposed herb green bulrush Scirpus atrovirens N OBL low, cover, reach 60" before seeds are produced
Proposed herb wool grass Scirpus cyperinus N FACW medium, limited seed production, reach 4' at maturity, moderate palatability
Proposed herb prairie cordgrass Spartina pectinata N FACW low, limited seed production, reach 8' at maturity, moderate palatability
Pre-impact Wetland
Wetland Mitigation Construction
Wetland Mitigation Post-planting
Mitigation Monitoring Time Zero
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