- Beginner Level Basics
- Introduction
- Generating reports
- Interpreting reports
- Beginner to Intermediate Level Details
- Other report options
- General tips
- Resources
REMINDER the information generated by this
report is only as accurate as the data entered
into the NCIR!
- A benchmark is a standard of excellence or
achievement that similar things are compared to
or measured against (in order to evaluate
performance or level of quality).
5NCIR Benchmark Report
- The NCIR benchmark report assesses the
immunization records of a particular group of
your clients and tells you HOW MANY, WHAT
PERCENT, and WHICH of these clients have met and
not met a particular benchmark for
6Key concept
7Key concept
select clients
select benchmark criteria
8Why generate a report?
number and percent
- To learn the number and ercent of clients
up-to-date (UTD) with a particular vaccine or
group of vaccines - by a specific age (for childhood immunizations)
- by the date the report was run
- For a list of clients that indicates (for each
selected vaccine) whether the client was/had - UTD by benchmark age late UTD due (and if so,
number of doses received) refused
list of clients
9Why generate a report?
10Generating Reports
11To open
- Click benchmark report (on the left side of the
NCIR screen, under the reports section) - Note Benchmark reports must be generated from an
Administrator account.
12Beginner Reports
select clients
- These are the main sections of concern for
beginner level reports.
Select Evaluation Date
select benchmark criteria
13Select group of clients to assess (use only one
of the three options)
- The 1st/default option generates results that can
be confusing. Until comfortable with report, use
another option. - Birth date range If you have a specific birth
date range, enter dates or select using calendar
icon. - Age range If you dont need a specific birth
date range, the age range option is simpler. Be
sure to specify days, weeks, or years in
the dropdown menus.
For more info on this option, see the benchmark
report manual.
14Select evaluation date
- Type/select the current date (the date that you
are running the report). You must enter an
evaluation date or the report will not run. - A date that is different from the report
generated date can impact the results (designed
for advanced level use).
For more information on evaluation dates, see
the benchmark report manual.
15Select benchmark criteria
- The report will review the immunization status of
each client to see if it meets this BM criteria
that you selected.
Column Vaccine Rows Age/Age Group In cell
Number of doses required to meet BM
16Select benchmark criteria
- Childhood benchmarks (BM) when you want to know
if a group of clients are UTD with vaccines
routinely given in childhood. - As childhood vaccine recommendations are based on
age, the BM report includes age and immunization
criteria. (Aka to meet a childhood benchmark,
clients must be UTD by a particular age)
Childhood benchmarks
17Select benchmark criteria
- Adolescent/Adult Benchmark when you want to know
if a group of clients (within any age or birth
date range, but usually clients over age 6) are
UTD with vaccines routinely given in adolescence
or adulthood. - There is no age criteria for these vaccines.
Clients meet the benchmark if they were UTD when
the report was generated.
- Note Both males and females will be assessed for
18Select benchmark criteria
- You can select a full row Click on the first
cell of the row that you want to select. The row
will become highlighted.
In this example all assessed clients who are UTD
with 4DTaP, 3HepB, 3Hib, 1MMR, 3Polio, 4Pnuemo,
1Var by 24 months of age will meet this benchmark.
19Select benchmark criteria
- You can select a single cell Just click on it.
- You can select multiple cells within the same
row, but you cannot select cells in more than one
In this example clients UTD with 1Mening and 3
doses of HPV will meet BM
20Select benchmark criteria
- To deselect Just click on the cell and it will
no longer be highlighted.
In this example clients must have completed the
433131 series by 24 months of age in order
to meet the benchmark
21To process
- Click generate (only one time, please) and then
22To view report
- Report will take a few minutes to complete. Click
refresh occasionally to determine report status.
- When status is DONE, click on blue benchmark
link to view report.
23Interpreting Report Results
- For beginner level reports
24Beginner Reports
Clients age 24-36 months
- So, this is the example criteria that was
selected, and now we will look at the report that
would be generated from this criteria.
Report run date 1/9/13
Benchmark UTD with 4331341 series by 24
25Key sections of report
- List of selected criteria for report (filter
conditions) - Number percent Information
- List of clients
report criteria
26Selected criteria for report
- Each selection you made for the report is listed
here - Tells you exactly what the report means
Selected Clients 24-36 months of age
Selected benchmark immunizations 433131 by
24 months
27Understanding Report Criteria
28Number percent info
- The primary outcome of the report.
- Found on the last two lines of the filter
conditions section. - The first number is the number of total clients
that were assessed.
29Understanding number and percent info
- Line 1 UTD with BM vaccines by BM age
- Line 2 UTD with BM vaccines as of date report
generated (includes clients on the first line
plus those who were late UTD)
4 of 10 clients (40) UTD by 24 months
5 of 10 clients (50) UTD by the report generated
date (the 4 who met the benchmark and 1 late)
30For Adolescent/Adult BM
- Adolescent/Adult benchmarks have no age criteria
- Clients cannot be late UTD
- The two number and percent lines are identical
5 of 12 clients UTD/ met all BM criteria
Clients cannot be late UTD. So, including late
UTD clients, the same 5 of 12 (42) met all BM
31Client list
- Lists clients who did not meet all benchmark
criteria (Note you can choose which clients are
listed- discussed on following slides).
report criteria
32Understanding the client list
- Met benchmark
- Y met all benchmark criteria for that vaccine
Column Selected BM Vaccine Parenthesis number
of doses required to be UTD)
- Did not meet benchmark
- N C UTD (completed) vaccines, but late UTD
- N Not UTD (and the of doses received)
- N Not UTD (did not receive any doses of
33To view a specific record
- This list is an easy way to quickly review client
names, addresses, and phone numbers and see if
any are obviously missing or wrong (e.g. out of
state). - You can view a specific client record by clicking
on the link on the clients last name.
34Reviewing client information
- You can view client info but you cannot make
changes. -
- When you close out of the screen youre still
able to view report.
Gender is coded as U (unknown).
Missing address
Client comments
35Updating client information
- Please correct or update any info that is
incorrect or missing (Note Changes will not show
up on a report until the next day). - Steps copy the Client ID and use it to search
for the client through manage clients. Make
36Saving/exporting report
- Be sure to save the report! Once you run the next
report, any previously run report will disappear! - In order to save the report you must first export
it as text or a spreadsheet or display it as a
PDF - Filter conditions can only be saved and viewed in
PDF format. - You can use a spreadsheet if you want to sort or
further filter the client information.
See user manual for details on why you want to
export information and what you can do with it.
37To re-open a report
- Once you leave the BM screen you can still return
to the last report that was generated. - Click on check benchmark.
38Other options when generating the benchmark
- Beginner to Intermediate Level
39Screen used to build report
- Again, here is the screen where you can build the
40Screen used to build report
- Sections that can be skipped but may at times be
41Select client population
Dropdown Menu
- Only relevant if your practice is associated in
the NCIR with multiple sites/clinics and you want
to assess clients from only one of those sites. - If the above applies, select the 1st option and
specify a site using the dropdown menu. - Otherwise, leave the 2nd/default option selected.
42Select client population (LHDs only)
- Local Health Dept. accounts display two extra
client population options - 3rd option Assesses only people who are listed
in the NCIR as residents of your county (whether
or not they are active clients). - 4th option Assesses your active clients
(regardless of their county of residence) AND
people who are listed in the NCIR as residents of
your county,
43Select clients displayed on the client list
- This section determines which clients are
displayed in the client list. It has no other
impact. - 1st/default option Generates a list of clients
who did NOT meet the benchmark. - 2nd option Generates a list of clients who DID
meet the benchmark. - 3rd option Generates a list of all assessed
clients (those who met benchmark and those who
did not).
44Select how to assess refusals
- You can run the report so that clients who
refused a vaccine are assessed as UTD with that
vaccine. - 1st/default option only considers vaccinated
clients as UTD. - 2nd option considers both vaccinated clients and
those who refused the vaccine as UTD.
Based on client comments recorded in the
NCIR. For more info, see user manual.
45General Report Tips
- One refusal of a vaccine is counted on the
benchmark report as one dose of that vaccine. - Example If a client has 2 refusals for HepB,
then the client would meet the benchmark for 1Hep
but would not meet a benchmark that was run for
3Hep. - You can now record multiple client refusals for
the same vaccine in client comments, as long as
each entry has a different applies-to date. - You may want to review previous refusals and add
as-of date.
47Refusal example
- You want to know
- Clients age 13-19
- Benchmark UTD with 3HPV
48If refusals do not meet benchmark
49If refusals meet benchmark
50Refusals on client list
- An R in the client list indicates that the
client is considered UTD for all doses of the
vaccine as a result of refusals. - Note Rs only display on reports run for
childhood BMs. For adolescent/adult BMs, UTD as a
result of refusals is indicated the same as in
UTD as a result of vaccination (Y).
51Client age and BM age
- Childhood BMs You can assess clients within any
age or birth date range. - Adolescent/Adult BMs Report will not run if all
selected clients are age 6 and under. You can
assess clients within any age or birth date range
as long as part of the range includes clients who
are over age 6 years.
52Flu shots for clients age 6 and under
- You want to know
- Clients ages 24-36 months
- Benchmark UTD with flu vaccine
- Steps
- Select clients using an age or birth date range
that includes people older than 6. For example
age 2 to 7 years. - You could export to Excel, arrange columns in
order of date of birth, and quickly narrow the
list down to only clients in your desired birth
date range.
53Flu shots for clients age six and under
54Report size
- It can be more manageable and useful to run
reports for a narrow birth date or age range (to
reduce the number of clients included). - Similarly it can be more manageable and useful to
run reports on a regular, frequent basis in order
to follow-up with clients throughout the year.