Title: History 633: Public History Seminar, Monday 5:30-8:30
1For more information contact Dr. David Benac at
549-5723 or dbenac_at_selu.edu
History 633 Public History Seminar, Monday
This seminar is devoted to giving promising
students an opportunity to review and create
significant research projects in the broad field
of public history. Students will learn to
discover data, interpret their
findings, and effectively communicate their
results to a public audience. Some students or
groups of students may work on projects in
historic preservation, oral history, archives,
museums, curriculum development, or public
policy. You can even present your findings as an
article. This class will serve as a valuable and
challenging experience for all graduate students
looking to make important progress on theses or
significant research projects. The course is
open to all graduate
students in good standing and can serve as an
introduction to the public history program or as
an elective in the traditional degree program.