Light and Atoms - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Light and Atoms


Light and Atoms Chapter 3 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: DavidG353
Tags: atoms | light


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Light and Atoms

Light and Atoms
  • Chapter 3

Properties of Light
  • It does not need a medium (substance to travel
  • need air or water to
    travel through.
  • There is no sound in space

Manifestations of Light
  • Light can be explained by models
  • 1. Light as a _______
  • wave A wave consisting
    of alternating electric and magnetic energy.
  • Ex. Visible light, color depends on wavelength.
  • 2. Light as a ____________.
  • Light is also considered a subatomic particle
    that in empty space travels in a straight line at
    the speed of light.
  • A particle of visible light or
    other electromagnetic radiation.

When to use a specific model?
  • Scientist use whichever model best explains the
    properties of light at any given time.
  • When they explain how a lens focuses light they
    use the wave model.
  • When they want to explain how light bounces off
    of a mirror they use the particle model.
  • Light is described as having ____________


Light and color
  • _______________ The portion of electromagnetic
    radiation that the human eye is sensitive to.
  • Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and
  • The difference in color is due to the difference
    in wavelength.
  • Wavelength -
  • Wavelengths of light are measured in nanometers.

Various Laws related to light
  • Wiens law
  • Remember higher energy light has higher frequency
    and shorter wavelengths.

Various laws related to light
  • Stefans law
  • When Stefans law and Weins law are both applied
    we are able to determine that as temperature
    increases so does the intensity of light

Various laws related to light
  • Kirchhoff determined that there are 3 different
    kinds of spectra.
  • light we see via a
  • light we see emitted from a
    source. Shows lines from the wavelengths emitted
    by a heated element.
  • spectra of light with
    black lines (light that was absorbed by a
    material or gas)
  • Kirchhoffs law

The Doppler Shift
  • If a source of light is in motion, its spectral
    lines shift to new wavelengths.
  • The Doppler shift results in the

Directions of the Doppler Shift
  • The shift is an increase in the wavelength if the
    source and observer move apart.
  • The shift is a decrease in wavelength if the
    source and observer approach each other.
  • The Doppler shift results in a redshift or

  • A shift in the wavelength of electromagnetic
    radiation to a longer wavelength. For visible
    light this implies a shift toward the red end of
    the spectrum.
  • Redshifts occur when the source moves ________
    from the observer or when the observer moves away
    from the source.
  • If a star moves away from the Earth then its
    light will appear more red.

  • A shift in the wavelength of electromagnetic
    radiation to a shorter wavelength. For the
    visible light, this implies a shift toward the
    blue end of the spectrum.
  • The shift can be caused by the motion of the
    source of radiation ____________ the observer or
    by the motion of the observer toward the source.
  • A star moving ________ the Earth will exhibit a

  • Our atmosphere also bends light waves so that
    most stars have a similar appearance regardless
    of what spectra of light they may be emitting.

  • A blackbody is an object that absorbs all light
    that falls on it.
  • No electromagnetic radiation passes through it
    and none is reflected.
  • Because no light is reflected or transmitted, the
    object appears black when it is cold.

Blackbodies (Continued)
  • When a blackbody is hot, it is a source of
    thermal radiation.
  • Incandescent light bulbs are an example of black
  • The Sun is also an example of a Blackbody
  • When a Blackbody is hot enough to emit radiation,
    it is termed blackbody radiation
  • When hot gases emit radiation it is termed
    emission-line radiation

Blackbody Radiation
  • At room temperature, black bodies emit infrared
  • As temperature increases past a few hundred
    degrees Celsius, black bodies start to emit at
    visible wavelengths of light
  • Blackbody radiation in the visible spectra ranges
    from red, through orange, yellow, and white
    before ending up at blue,
  • Beyond blue light, the emission includes
    increasing amounts of ultraviolet light.

Parts of the Atom
  • Positively charged particles
    found in the nucleus of an atom.
  • The identity of an atom is determined by the
    number of protons found in the nucleus.
  • Neutrally charged particles
    found in the nucleus of an atom.
  • Negatively charged particles
    spinning around the nucleus of the atom.
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