Walking development in children - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Walking development in children


Walking development in children Most children walk independently between 11 and 15 months of age. Mature gait pattern appears by age three, through the interaction of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Walking development in children

Walking Development in Children
  • Walking development in children
  • Most children walk independently between 11 and
    15 months of age.
  • Mature gait pattern appears by age three, through
    the interaction of changes in several systems
  • Neurological (P.N.S C.N.S myelination(
  • Biomechanical (changes in skeletal structure,
    including size and mass of body parts(
  • Psychological (motor learning(
  • Environmental (amount of handling,opportunities
    to walk (

  • Children begin walking, between 10 and 18 months.
  • They stand and walk with a wide base of support.
  • There is usually some bowing of the legs, which
    are a
  • little externally rotated for stability .
  • The feet are flat in appearance, Lumbar lordosis
  • (arched back) is evident.
  • The same pattern of posture is seen in both boys
  • girls.

  • Baby walkers
  • Baby walkers are not recommended for infants
  • because of the danger of childhood injury,
    but some parents still believe that their use
    will encourage the child to walk sooner.
  • Walking is only achieved after the preliminary
    skills of
  • sitting, crawling andsideways walking have been
  • acquired.

  • By one-year old
  • Less than 50 of children demonstrate heel strike
  • of walking. Instead, the child lands with a
    flat foot.
  • Their cadence (steps per minute) is very high,
    with a slow walking speed and shortened step
    length, which is directly related to leg length
    and age.
  • 95 of children can squat to play on the floor
    without support. The ability to perform this task
    is present from the onset of walking.

  • By 18 months,
  • Heel strike is present in the majority of
    children. In this age group, the arms are
    outstretched for balance.
  • 80 of children can run . The difference between
    walking and running is the presence of a period
    of "non-support", when neither foot is in contact
    with the ground. However, at this age the running
    child has little control over walking speed or
    change in direction and falls are frequent.
  • By two years, 97 of children are able to run.
  • The reciprocal arm swing of mature gait is not
    present (indicated by the leg and opposite arm
    moving forward in symmetry).

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  • By 2 years
  • 90 of children can 'walk on their tip-toes' .
  • However, walking on heels' is a more difficult
    task. Only 60 are able to perform this activity
    by 2 years.
  • Only 50 of children aged 2 years can stand on
    one leg 'for longer than six seconds'. However,
    by three years, the success rate is 95 .
  • The ability to hop is slower to develop than
    single-leg standing, indicating this skill
    requires greater balance and co-ordination.

  • By 3 years
  • 50 of children can hop for a distance of three
  • This increases to 92 by five years.
  • By four years of age,
  • The majority of children are able to walk on
    their heels.
  • Most adult patterns of movement are present by
    the age of three to four years, with changes in
    velocity, step length and cadence, continuing to
    the age of seven.
  • By seven years
  • The child's gait and posture is nearly identical
    to that of an adult.
  • The majority of children can hop on one leg or

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Determinants of mature gait
  • 1.Duration of single limb stance
  • increases from 32 at one year to mature pattern
    of 38 by 4
  • years.
  • 2. Step length
  • increases not just with age but with increased
    leg length .
  • Young children gradually use more of the
    available hip flexion range and take longer
  • The increase in step length produces an increase
    in the
  • percentage of the gait cycle spent in single
    limb stance.

  • 3. Cadence
  • decreases with age.
  • 4. Velocity
  • increase rapidly up to age of 3.5 yrs, then more
  • slowly.
  • 5. Base of support
  • It is defined as distance between ankle joint
  • It becomes narrower until 4 years, but may be
  • confounded early by wearing of diapers.

  • By 4 years the inter-relationships betwee the
    time/distance parameters are fixed,though stride
    length and walking
  • velocity continue to increase with increasing
  • length

EMG patterns in immature walkers
  • One-year olds show generally prolonged muscle
    firing, so that an-atagonistic muscle groups
    often co-contract. This immature firing pattern
    may be the kinetic correlate of the lack of
    proximal stability that children demonstrate in
    their early years.
  • A more mature pattern is present by 4 years.

  • lack of myelination and slowness of both motor
    impulses and sensory feedback is responsible for
    prolongation of muscle activity in children.
  • CNS myelination occurs in the following sequence
  • roots before spinal cord tracts

  • cervical anterior roots (motor nerves).
  • cervical posterior roots (sensory nerves).
  • lumbar anterior roots (motor nerves).
  • lumbar posterior roots (sensory nerves).
  • This process is complete at about twelve months,
    the time when most children begin to walk
  • independently.


Development of Normal Posture
  • Baby walkers
  • Baby walkers are not recommended for infants
    because of the danger of childhood injury, but
    some parents still believe that their use will
    encourage the child to walk sooner.
  • Walking is only achieved after the preliminary
    skills of
  • sitting, crawling andsideways walking have been
  • acquired.

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