Shawn Turpen - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Shawn Turpen


Title: The Story of the Easter Bunny by Katherine Tegen, Sally Anne Lambert (Illustrator) Author: Brian L Schaefer Last modified by: Vanessa Created Date – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: basket | shawn | turpen | weaving


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Shawn Turpen

Shawn Turpen
  • Ring-O Assignment
  • Third Grade

The Story of the Easter Bunny
  • An elderly couple's petite white rabbit observes,
    assists, then eventually takes over the task of
    weaving baskets, coloring eggs, concocting candy,
    and delivering the gifts to village children.
    When the man and woman become too old to continue
    their labors, the bunny moves the operation to
    the woods, where he works inside a hollow tree,
    assisted by other rabbit friends. Tegen's text
    teems with sensory details the eggs were "...the
    color of daffodils and of soft new leaves and of
    robins' eggs and of violets." Lambert's
    watercolors make merry with spring's pastels,
    providing detailed images of the cozy cottage
    kitchen as well as the rabbit den. However, some
    children may be concerned when the rabbit
    preserves the tasks' secrecy by leaving the
    humans when they are too frail to carry on.
    Nevertheless, this visually splendid story with
    folktale rhythms makes a good choice for holiday

The Story of the Easter Bunny by Katherine
TegenActivity 1 Title- (Bunny, Rabbit,
  • What You Need
  • One guess record sheet for each player
  • Pencil for recording guesses
  • What to Do
  • 1. In this game, players will compete to try to
    guess a secret number which has been set by a
    leader. The leader should think up the number,
    being sure that there are no repeating digits
    (the numbers 232, 444, or 355, for example, would
    all be forbidden). The leader should jot down the
    number on a piece of paper for private reference
    during the game.
  • 2. Players must try to guess the number.  The
    leader will respond with clues
  • If NO digits are correct, the leader says,
  • If any one digit is correct, but its in the
    wrong place, the leader says Rabbit!
  • If one digit is correct AND in the right place,
    the leader says Jelly!
  • If two digits are correct AND in the right
    place, the leader says Jelly Jelly!
  • When players have guessed all three digits in
    the correct order the leader will say Jelly
    Jelly Jellybean!
  • 3. Each time they guess, the players should write
    down their proposed number, along with the
    leader's response and any special logical
    deductions, so they can keep track of their
    reasoning. Here's an example of the results of
    one game at our house

(No Transcript)
  • Activity 1.continued
  • What's going on? In order to find the answer,
    players must call upon a series of math reasoning
    skills that actually underlie success for years
    to come. They must know how to eliminate numbers,
    how to place numbers in their correct columns,
    and how to narrow their choices given new
    information. As you build math skills, this is a
    great game to play over and over it's also lots
    of plain, old-fashioned fun.

Math and Language Arts Indicator, Gardner
Multiple Intelligence
  • Math 3.1.4 Identify any number up to 1,000 in
    various combinations of hundreds, tens, and ones.
  • LA
  • 3.4.8 Revise writing for others to read,
    improving the focus and progression of ideas.
  • 3.7.1 Comprehension Retell, paraphrase, and
    explain what a speaker has said.
  • GMI Verbal Linguistic

Activity 2
  • Title - Easter Egg Hunt
  • (Review of basic math facts)Subject - MathGrade
    Level - 3/4This lesson is intended to be a fun
    review of basic math facts. In grades 3 and 4
    students are expected to retain basic math facts
    and sometimes do not have practice using them.
    With such an emphasis on testing students tend to
    sit at their desk and do pencil and paper
    computation. There is nothing wrong with that,
    but it can get boring! This is a way to make
    review a little more interesting.
  • Plastic eggs (the number depends on how much time
    you want to spend and how many groups you are
    going to have.)
  • Pencils, paper, and Easter baskets.
  • 1. To set up the activity put a math problem in
    each egg. It can be addition, subtraction,
    multiplication, division, etc..To make it easier
    on myself I have labeled all the eggs with a
    group number. Then I put the same problem in each
    group's egg. So I may have 10 problems but 30
    eggs.Hide the eggs outside, in the classroom, or
    put them into stations.
  • 2. Divide the students into groups of two or
  • 3. Give each group a number.

Activity 2.continued
  • 4. Each group should have paper and pencil and
    everyone has to work out the problems.
  • 5. Each group will hunt for the eggs with their
    numbers and solve the math problems. As they find
    the eggs they put them in their basket (which
    allows them to do the clean up). Each child
    solves the problem, by first writing the problem
    on his/her paper and then by writing the answer.
    This allows you to check the problems.
  • 6. When they are finished they go to a designated
    area for checking. If they have any wrong they
    must re-work their problem. If it is all correct
    then they can complete another activity. If you
    go outside then you could have them jump rope,
    play catch, etc. until the other are done. They
    could read, play math games, or help another
  • Work problems that seemed to be difficult for
    the class as a whole. Take this time to review

Math and Language Arts Indicator, Gardner
Multiple Intelligence
  • Math
  • 3.1.5 Compare whole numbers up to 1,000 and
    arrange them in numerical order.
  • 3.1.6 Round numbers less than 1,000 to the
    nearest ten and the nearest hundred.
  • LA
  • 3.4.6 Evaluation and Revision Review, evaluate,
    and revise writing for meaning and clarity.
  • 3.4.8 Revise writing for others to read,
    improving the focus and progression of ideas.
  • 3.7.2 Connect and relate experiences and ideas to
    those of a speaker.,
  • 3.7.3 Answer questions completely and
  • 3.7.15 Follow three- and four-step oral
    directions outside
  • 3.4.3 Create single paragraphs with topic
    sentences and simple supporting facts and
  • GMI Bodily Kinesthetic- Naturalistic when taken

One Cent, Two Cents, Old Cent, New Cent All
About Money (Cat in the Hat's Learning Library)
  • The Cat In the Hat puts to rest any notion that
    money grows on trees in this super simple look at
    numismatics, the study of money and its history.
    Beginning with the ancient practice of bartering,
    the Cat explains various forms of money used in
    different cultures, from shells, feathers,
    leather, and jade to metal ingots to coins
    (including the smallestthe BB-like Indian
    fanamand the largestthe 8-foot-wide,
    ship-sinking limestone ones from the Islands of
    Yap!), to the current king of currency, paper.
    Also included is a look at banking, from the use
    of temples as the first banks to the concept of
    gaining or paying interest, and a step-by-step
    guide to minting coins. A fascinating
    introduction is bound to change young readers
    appreciation for change!

One Cent, Two Cents, Old Cent, New Cent All
About Money (Cat in the Hat's Learning Library)
by Bonnie WorthActivity1 Title - It's On Sale!
  • Primary Subject - Math
  • Grade Level - 3-4-5 For 2/3 people in a
  • Materials piece of paper (for doing the math)
    a weekly advertisement from a grocery store or
    department store. (Have enough of these to use in
    your room with groups of 2/3 people)1. Students
    decide on roles (customer, clerk, store
    manager)2. Decide on one set amount- 50.00
    75.00 etc3. Students "shop" by selecting items
    that are in the advertisement. As the teacher you
    can decide on items that "need" to be purchased.
    For example if grocery shopping groups must "buy"
    one gallon of milk, at least 3 pounds of meat, at
    least four vegetables (canned or frozen), 1 snack
    item, etc. Or tell the students that they must
    spend within 5.00 of the set amount. If the set
    amount is 50.00, then they would have to spend
    at least 45.00.4. When customer is done
    shopping, the clerk must "check" the customer's
    math. For a group of 3 students the store manager
    settles any disputes by checking both the
    customer's and the clerk's math.5. Switch roles
    and start all over again.Extensions This
    activity is a good one around Thanksgiving and
    Christmas when the "big catalogs" come out. Or
    look for vacation guides and plan a trip using
    the same idea. Students would have to plan meals,
    gas mileage, hotels stays, etc.

  • What You Need 
  • Collection of several old greeting cards (or you
    can make your own)
  • Dollar bills and coins (5 one dollar bills and
    several of each coins (half-dollars, quarters,
    dimes, nickels and pennies)
  • Unlined paper to make your cards and markers to
    decorate you them (if you make them yourself)
  • Several shoppers and one cashier
  • What You Do
  • Begin this activity with a warm up. Show your
    child a greeting card, toy or book and state the
    price. Have him arrange his bills and show what
    he would use to buy the card. Provide him with
    assistance if needed. Challenge him to come up
    with different dollar and coin combinations to
    reach the same amount.
  • You will need to either collect (you can use
    cards that are already used) or make a collection
    of greeting cards and write prices ranging from
    one to five dollars on the backs of the items. 
    If you decide to make your own greeting cards,
    have your child make cards for various occasions
    using the unlined paper. Be sure he writes the
    prices on the backs. When the cards are
    completed, display them on a table for a
    "shopper" to browse the selection.
  • Choose one person to be the cashier for the card
    shop and at least one more person to be a
    shopper. Recruit Moms, Dads, siblings,
    grandparents, etc. to shop or take turns being
    the cashier in the card shop. Each person will
    select a greeting card and will give the cashier
    the appropriate number of bills and coins. The
    cashier should check that the amount is
    correct. You may want to have the shopper count
    the dollars and coins aloud for the cashier.
    (Everyone will most likely need to share the same
    money and use it more than once for multiple
  • Allow your third grader to take turns playing
    both the role of the cashier and the shopper.

Math and Language Arts Indicator, Gardner
Multiple Intelligence
  • Math 3.1.5 Compare whole numbers up to 1,000 and
    arrange them in numerical order.
  • LA 3.7.15 Follow three- and four-step oral
  • GMI Interpersonal

  • Activity 2
  • Title - Food Inventory Math with Grocery Sales
    AdsPrimary Subject - Math Secondary Subject -
    Other (Life Skills)Grade Level - 2-4
  • Materials Needed
  • (1) clipboard for each student
  • (2) 2 pencils
  • (1-2) sheets of white paper
  • (1 set) grocery store sales ads per student (Ex
    Bi-Rite, Giant Food, Safeway, Kroger or any food
    store sales ads in your area.)
  • Directions
  • Instruct the students to plan a simple meal or
  • The student will focus on making up the menu on
    the first sheet of paper, including a list of
    ingredients that they will need to purchase to
    prepare the meal.
  • When the students have completed their list, pass
    out the grocery sales ads to each student.
  • Now the student will search through the sales ads
    and write down the prices of the ingredients that
    are on sale and how much each ingredient costs,
    using the dollar sign () or the cents sign ()
    in preparing the list.
  • If there is an ingredient on their list that is
    not on sale, they will record the amount of the
    item when they go to the grocery store and print
    it next to the ingredient on their list when they

  • Now plan a trip to the grocery store with your
    class. If you can not take a field trip with the
    class, then assign the trip as homework. Again,
    the purpose of the trip is to locate the price of
    the items on the ingredients list that were not
    in the sale ads.
  • When all of this is completed, then the student
    must add up their own list of what it will cost
    them to prepare each of their meals. Sometimes
    the ads will give a 25 cent, 50 cent or 1.00 off
    coupon or even "buy one get one free." The
    student will add up the total and then place the
    coupon amount under the total and subtract the
    amount of each coupon. Ex If they have a "buy
    one get one free" offer and a loaf of bread costs
    1.39, then the student would write on the paper
    coupon buy-one-get-one-free and then subtract the
    amount of the free item which would be 1.39.
  • When each student has completed what it would
    cost to prepare each of their meals, sit in a
    circle in the classroom and let each of the
    students name ingredients and tell what they
    saved and what coupons were involved.
  • The next time you have a math lesson, sit in a
    circle with the class and decide which one meal
    to prepare.Either go on another field trip to
    the grocery store or assign each student an item
    to bring in to contribute to the meal plan.
  • Prepare the meal as a class and discuss if they
    think that the meal was economical or a good
    value for the money. Was it worth it?
  • Have the students place their grocery sale ads
    and the two papers showing their work into an
    envelope or a file folder and save it in case you
    do this again. Then they can do a comparison and
    see which meal was more cost effective.

Activity 2 continued.
  • Suggestions
  • This is good lesson for teaching the value of
    coupons, as well as the sale values of each item
    that is on sale.
  • The clipboard is good to have, so that the
    student has something to lean against when they
    are writing down prices.
  • For a variation, you could also have the students
    collect coupons and use small white envelopes to
    organize them in. Print on the front of the
    envelopes Household Cleaners, Shampoo,
    Vegetables, Breads, Meat, Frozen Foods, etc. They
    could use the coupons to make math problems up or
    even math word problems.
  • A student could also use the coupons to make up a
    "Eating Healthy" poster for health class or a
    "How to Use Coupons" poster for math class.

Math and Language Arts Indicator, Gardner
Multiple Intelligence
  • Math 3.1.5 Compare whole numbers up to 1,000 and
    arrange them in numerical order.
  • LA 3.7.15 Follow three- and four-step oral
  • GMI Interpersonal

Activity 3
  • Title - Time is Money
  • Primary Subject - Math Grade Level - Third
  • OVERVIEW Students will learn what total cost
    means in this lesson. The students will help set
    up the classroom like a store. Students will buy
    items in the store, which will help them with
    addition and counting money.
  • TIME REQUIRED 45 minutes
  • OBJECTIVES Students will1. Add items
    together to find total cost.2. Line numbers up
    according to the decimal points.

Activity 3 continued.
  • MATERIALS AND RESOURCES 1. graph paper2.
    pencils3. notebook4. markers5. pencil
    sharpener6. erasers7. folders8. calculator9.
    chalk10. chalkboard11. handout12. worksheet
  • PROCEDUREIntroductionTell the students that
    we are going shopping today. Each student will
    buy two items, and take them to the cash
    register at the front of the room. This project
    will teach them to add and count money. Since we
    are going to be working with money, it is
    important to rememberto use a dollar sign. It is
    also important touse a decimal point to separate
    dollars andcents to get the right total.

Activity 3 continued.
  • Main Activity Give each student a handout
    with the prices foreach item. Give them
    differentitems to buy. We bought a calculator
    (20.00)and folders (.99). When we add these
    two numbers together, it is like adding two
    wholenumbers without the decimal point, 2000
    99 2099 or 20.00 .99 20.99. Ask the
    students if they have any questions.
    Workanother problem together as a class,
    notebook(2.00) pencil sharpener
    (4.95)6.95. Write some problems on the
    chalkboard for thestudents to answer on notebook
    paper.Problem 1. graph paper pencils .75
    .50 ?Problem 2. markers erasers 1.00
    .25 ?Problem 3. pencils pencil sharpener
    .50 4.95 ?Problem 4. calculator notebook
    20.00 2.00 ?Problem 5. folders markers
    .99 1.00 ?Have a student come up to the
    board and write the answer to one of the
    problems, replacing thequestion mark with the
    right answer. Make surethe student uses a dollar
    sign and a decimalpoint in their answer. Repeat
    the process untilall the problems are answered.

Activity 3 continued..
  • Closure/ConclusionPass out worksheets with
    problems for thestudents to complete as
    homework. Allow them towork in teams on the
    worksheet during theremaining class period.
    Answer any questions.Remind them that this
    activity was about addingand counting money to
    find total cost.
  • EVALUATION These students were given worksheets
    to complete for homework. After the worksheets
    were completed, the students brought them back to
    be checked for a grade. After checking the
    worksheets, I administered a quiz to see what the
    students had learned.Follow up
    Lessons/Activities Go over the problems that
    were assigned on the worksheet as homework. Grade
    the quiz, and go over those problems also. Answer
    any questions. Work problems on the board the
    student's have questions about. Make sure they
    know what they missed and why.

Math and Language Arts Indicator, Gardner
Multiple Intelligence
  • Math
  • 3.1.4 Identify any number up to 1,000 in various
    combinations of hundreds, tens, and ones.
  • 3.1.5 Compare whole numbers up to 1,000 and
    arrange them in numerical order.
  • LA 3.7.15 Follow three- and four-step oral
  • GMI Logical Mathematical

The Drop in My Drink Story of Water on Our
  • The story of a drop of water. The reader is taken
    back thousands of years to see where the Earth's
    water came from, and how life began in the oceans
    and later moved onto land. The author describes
    the water cycle, discusses environmental issues,
    and provides a collection of facts on water.

The Drop in My Drink Story of Water on Our
Planet by Meredith Hooper
  • Activity 1 TITLE  The Water Cycle
  • GRADE LEVEL   Appropriate for grades 2-4
  • OVERVIEW  The water cycle explains the sun
    heating the
  • earth's surface water so that it evaporates. 
    This vapor
  • gathers in  clouds which rise to the cold air. 
    When those
  • clouds become too heavy to float, they release
  • moisture as precipitation.  The precipitation
    collects in
  • lakes or oceans after siphoning through soil or
    running down
  • rivers.  It then evaporates and repeats the cycle
  • again.
  • OBJECTIVE(s)  Students will be able to
  • 1.  Explain how the water cycle recycles the
  • water supply.
  • 2.  Make use of the knowledge of landforms
    learned in
  • social studies.
  • 3.  Form a hypothesis on how/why the water cycle
  • 4.  Use language arts skills of writing and
    drawing to
  • explain how the cycle works.

  • Assemble these materials
  •   soil
  •   water
  •   small margarine bowl
  •   large, clear plastic container. or an old
  •   plastic wrap
  •   plastic trees, animals, boat, etc. are optional
  •   tape or large elastic band
  •   bag of ice (optional)
  •   heat lamp (optional)

Activity 1.continued
  • 1.   Arrange the soil in the container to make
  • plateaus, hills, etc., and a lake basin. Place
  • margarine bowl in the lake basin.  Fill the bowl
  • water.  The plastic toys may be added to appeal
    to the
  • children's imaginations.  Cover the container
  • with plastic wrap and secure it by means of tape
    or the band.
  • 2.   Discuss what is expected to happen in the
  • 3.   Depending on the amount of sun, the project
    may take 1-
  • 3 days.  In order to speed the process, a bag of
  • may be placed on one end of the covered
  • while a heat lamp is focused on the other.
  • 4.   Watch for condensation  on the plastic "sky"
    of the
  • container.  When enough moisture collects, it
    will fall
  • onto the landforms as precipitation.
  • 5.   Compare the hypothesis to actual results by
  • 6.   Encourage the students to draw the water
    cycle using
  • arrows to show the flow.
  • 7.  Ask the students to write a paragraph
    explaining their

Science and Language Arts Indicator, Gardner
Multiple Intelligence
  • Science
  • 3.1.2 Participate in different types of guided
    scientific investigations, such as observing
    objects and events and collecting specimens for
  • 3.1.3 Keep and report records of investigations
    and observations using tools, such as journals,
    charts, graphs, and computers.
  • 3.1.4 Discuss the results of investigations and
    consider the explanations of others.
  • 3.3.5 Give examples of how change, such as
    weather patterns, is a continual process
    occurring on Earth.
  • LA 3.5.5 Write for different purposes and to a
    specific audience or person.
  • GMI Naturalistic

Gentle Giant Octopus
  • The Giant octopus's tentacles can grow to 150
    feet, but in this graceful work the deep-sea
    creature seems tender and vulnerable. Wallace
    (previously paired with Bostock for Think of an
    Eel) uses two types of narrative. Facts are set
    in wavy lines of text, running concurrently with
    a story about a mother octopus's gestation,
    parturition and death. The story brims with
    poetic turns of phrase a Wolf eel "darts from
    the shadows. His teeth strike like daggers. He
    rips off a tentacle. Then sinks like a nightmare
    deep into his den." The mother octopus defends
    herself through escape (shooting backward "by
    sucking in seawater and pumping it out"),
    camouflage (turning "very pale or very dark
    within seconds") and hiding ("Octopuses don't
    have any bones, and they can squeeze through the
    tiniest of holes"). Safe in her den, she lays
    eggs that "hang from the roof like grapes on a
    string." Bostock's thoughtfully composed
    watercolors are tactile, accurate and extremely
    attractive rubbery tentacles undulate or creep
    on powerful suction cups bubble-like babies swim
    up from their rock-bound nursery, out of which
    the mother's listless eye peers? Their nursery
    will become her crypt. This seamless weave of
    text and illustration offers a welcome
    counterpoint to popular depictions (e.g., Verne's
    and others) of the octopus as deep-sea villain.

Gentle Giant Octopus by Karen WallaceActivity 1
  • Title - Watching My Mealworm Grow Primary
    Subject - Science Grade Level - 1-3
    Topic/Unit Life Cycles
  • Content
  • Students will learn about the life cycle of
    mealworms while taking care of their needs and
    observing their metamorphosis.
  • Students will learn
  • The different life cycles of a mealworm egg,
    larva, pupa, adult
  • The different parts of an insect head, abdomen,
    thorax, 6 legs, antennae
  • Essentials for living food, shelter and water
  • How to care for a living organism
  • Scientific theory making observations,
    hypothesis, results and conclusions.

Activity 1..continued
  • Learning Resources and Materials
  • Small clean baby food jar for each student's
    mealworm environment
  • Carrots
  • Mealworms
  • Paper towel
  • Oatmeal
  • Mealworm Journal
  • Development of Lesson
  • Introduction
  • First prepare the students by teaching the basics
    needed for this project, explain the different
    stages in the life cycle of insects, the body
    parts of an insect and relate it to a human's
    body, the essentials needed to live, and how to
    care for a living organism (could relate to a
    house pet dog, cat, hamster, etc.).
  • To focus the students interest, let them know
    they will become parents during this project and
    take care of their very own baby mealworm. They
    will watch them grow up and care for them by
    observing their environment.
  • This lesson can easily be connected to their past
    experiences for those that have had a family pet,
    or younger sibling, etc.

Activity 1..continued
  • Methods/Procedures
  • The best strategy for the project would be to let
    each individual care and observe their own
    mealworm. However if funds are minimal, this
    could be done as an entire class together
    watching a single mealworm's life.
  • Every week the student will watch and observe
    their mealworm and keep a journal of their
    findings. Once a week the student will record the
    following observations of their mealworm color,
    length, texture, noise, movement, number of body
    segments, number of legs, and presence of
    antennae. They will also draw a picture of what
    they see.
  • The students will learn through this project from
    linking prior knowledge of insects (introduced to
    the students before the project began), and also
    they will be able to talk amongst themselves and
    compare notes with each other. The required list
    of observations the students are to record will
    guide them to specific learning.
  • After a month of observations, the mealworm
    should be an adult. At this time a discussion
    will take place to determine all of the student's
    findings. As the teacher, ask questions to dig
    out knowledge from your students. Link questions
    to see that your students have learned the
    different life stages of their mealworms.

Activity 1.continued
  • Assessment/Evaluation
  • To evaluate the students, collect their journals
    at the end of the week. Determine according to
    your rubric whether they are on the right track
    and grasping the correct ideas.
  • Interpret their drawings and read into their
  • Provide feedback to the students to ensure they
    continue on the right track. It is important to
    give your students feedback to ensure they are
  • Closure
  • To help the students reflect on what they have
    learned, ask a series of questions based on their
    recorded observations. Go over the project as a
    class as to what was expected and then go over
    the information taught before the project began.
    Review the key concepts, such as the different
    stages of the life cycle, the different body
    parts of an insect and the essentials needed to
    live. With this knowledge, now go back and
    determine which parts of the body were developed
    in the different stages of the mealworm. What
    were the mealworms' essentials? What did they
    need to live (carrot, oatmeal, etc)?
  • For future curriculums, depending on how the
    students grasp this project, you could include
    more key terms and concepts, or fewer.

Science and Language Arts Indicator, Gardner
Multiple Intelligence
  • Science
  • 3.2.3 Keep a notebook that describes
    observations and is understandable weeks or
    months later.
  • LA
  • 3.4.6 Evaluation and RevisionReview, evaluate,
    and revise writing for meaning and clarity.
  • 3.4.3 Create single paragraphs with topic
    sentences and simple supporting facts and
  • GMI Verbal-Linguistic

Why Do Leaves Change Color?
  • In the Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science Stage 2
    series, this is an informative concept book that
    explains what happens to leaves in autumn as they
    change colors and then separate from the tree.
    Krupinski's bright gouache-and-colored pencil
    illustrations show a boy and a girl playing in a
    country landscape that changes with weather and
    light. There are also detailed pictures of leaves
    in different sizes, shapes, and colors. Maestro
    includes simple instructions for making a leaf
    rubbing and for pressing leaves, as well as
    suggestions for places to visit where the fall
    foliage is special.

Why Do Leaves Change Color? By Betsy Maestro
  • ACTIVITY 1 Title Sculpt the Seasons!
  • Topics Fall, Third Grade, Arts and Crafts
  • Celebrate the changing seasons with your child as
    he creates a seasonal sculpture that explores the
    possibilities of three dimensional artwork.
    Combine nature, the environment, and artistic
    process into one fantastic lesson.  Encourage
    your child to make observations, and then
    translate them into his own unique masterpiece.
  • This activity will aid in the development of
    aesthetic awareness, help to build an art
    vocabulary, and foster nature based scientific
  • What You Need
  • Thin gauge bendable wire (available at most arts
    and craft stores as well as some hardware stores)
  • Modeling clay in browns or tan colors
  • Tissue paper in fall colors such as red, brown,
    orange, and yellow
  • Glue
  • Optional Wooden block base
  • Paper
  • Pencil (and/or colored pencils)

Activity 1continued
  • What to Do
  • 1.      Accompany your child outdoors (bring
    paper and pencils along). Ask your child to
    observe the fall trees. Have him draw what he
    sees. Try using colored pencils for a more
    realistic effect.
  • 2.      Bring the sketch inside as a point of
    reference for your child's tree sculpture! Give
    your child a small length of wire (the actual
    size will depend upon how large your child wants
    his tree to be). For a smaller tree, start with a
    seven-inch piece for the trunk and several
    smaller pieces for the branches. Make sure to
    instruct your child on wire handling safety, as
    the wire edges are sharp.
  • 3.      Ask your child to bend the smaller pieces
    of wire (branches) around the larger wire
    (trunk). This will create an armature for the
    sculpture. For reference, compare this to a
    bodys skeleton - this will be the structure that
    supports the clay that your child will mold
    around the outside.
  • 4.      Add clay to the trunk and branches. Have
    your child tear of small pieces of modeling clay
    and mold them carefully around the wire to create
    a tree sculpture. Try using several different
    shades of brown and tan combined together for a
    unique appearance.
  • 5.      Optional Use a small wooden block as a
    base for the sculpture. Have your child mold an
    extra base of clay down onto the block, forming
    tree roots. A good amount of clay will be needed
    to hold the structure. Encourage your child to
    experiment with the amount needed to make the
    sculpture structurally sound.
  • 6.      Add fall leaves by having your child tear
    pieces of tissue paper to make leaves. Glue the
    leaves onto the branches. For an extra special
    touch, If you are using a base, have your child
    glue excess tissue paper leaves onto the block
    surrounding the tree to create piles of fallen
  • When he/she is done, they will have an festive
    sculptural work of art that celebrates the fall
    season and can be displayed in your home with
    pride! Extend this art activity into all four
    seasons. Make a tree for the winter, spring, and
    summer to compare with his colorful fall

Science and Language Arts Indicator, Gardner
Multiple Intelligence
  • Science
  • 3.6.5 Observe that and describe how some changes
    are very slow and some are very fast and that
    some of these changes may be hard to see and/or
  • LA 3.7.15 Follow three- and four-step oral
  • GMI Naturalistic

The Magic School Bus Plants Seeds A Book About
How Living Things Grow
  • Ms. Frizzle's class is growing a beautiful
    garden. But, Phoebe's plot is empty. Her flowers
    are back at her old school! So, the class climbs
    aboard the Magic School Bus. And, of course, the
    kids don't only go back to Phoebe's school, but
    they go inside one of Phoebe's flowers! Follow
    the kids' adventure and learn how living things

The Magic School Bus Plants Seeds A Book About
How Living Things Growby Joanna ColeActivity 1
  • TitleBag the Beans
  • PurposeTo develop thinking skills. To learn to
    see numerical relationships and how to solve
    complex problems by manipulating objects and
    solving equations.
  • ContextStudents' beliefs and understanding of
    mathematical inquiry remain relatively unclear
    throughout their academic lives. Some of the
    misconceptions that students carry are there is
    only one correct way to solve any math problem
    mathematics problems have only one correct
    answer mathematics is done by individuals in
    isolation mathematical problems can be solved
    quickly or not at all and mathematical problems
    and their solutions do not have to make sense.
    (Benchmarks for Science Literacy, p. 334.)
    Because of this, students limit their
    mathematical behavior. It is important,
    therefore, that students be exposed to a wide
    array of concrete representations to help develop
    a foundation for the higher abstract ideas
    associated with mathematical inquiry. In this
    lesson, students will work with manipulatives
    (beans) to create and solve problems, some of
    which have more than one correct answer.
  • Planning AheadMaterials
  • Black, lima, and red beans
  • Sandwich bags
  • Bag the Beans student sheet
  • Bag the Beans teacher sheet

Activity 1.continued
  • MotivationTo begin the bean exploration, have
    students work in pairs to sort several beans into
    different piles according to a rule they make up.
    Ask each group the following questions
  • How many piles of beans did you make?
  • How would you describe each of the piles you have
  • What was your rule?
  • Have students group the beans according to a
    different rule and ask the same questions. They
    can repeat this several times, creating as many
    different rules as possible to sort the beans.
    There are many different ways to sort beans and
    other items. By challenging students to sort the
    same items using different categories, the
    students develop thinking skills by looking at
    the same problem in different ways. Such thinking
    skills are necessary for students to understand
    and analyze mathematical situations using
    algebraic symbols and solving equations, as
    theyre required to do in the following activity.
    If your students need more practice with
    sorting before continuing with this lesson, they
    could do the Flood! game on the Between the Lions
    (PBS Kids) website. In this activity, books float
    by in groups of five, but each shelf only holds
    three books. To fill the shelves, students need
    to choose three books whose titles share a common

Activity 1.continued
  • DevelopmentDistribute the Bag the Beans
    student sheet and have students work in pairs to
    pack eight bean bags following the rules outlined
    on the student sheet. Have them record the number
    of beans for each bag on the student sheet.
    While students are working on this activity,
    ask questions such as the following
  • Can you set up a ratio or an equation to help you
    determine the answer?
  • Why do some problems have one correct answer
    while other problems may have more than one
    correct answer?
  • This activity demonstrates that when students
    solve problems using manipulatives, the solution
    almost reveals itself. In addition, students
    develop confidence in their answers even when
    they differ from those of their neighbors.
    AssessmentAssess student understanding by
    checking their answers on the Bag the Beans
    student sheet. (See the Bag the Beans teacher
    sheet for answers.) In addition, have each
    student make up at least one new rule for filling
    the bags, and have them give their rules to
    others to solve. In order to address the
    benchmark idea, Results should always be judged
    by whether they make sense and are useful, it
    will be important for students to reflect on and
    evaluate their rules. Extensions You could
    use beans as counters in the classroom. For
    example, you could plan your next class party by
    solving problems with beans, such as how many
    bottles of juice will be needed if you use one
    bottle for every four people.

Math and Language Arts Indicator, Gardner
Multiple Intelligence
  • Math
  • 3.6.1 Analyze problems by identifying
    relationships, telling relevant from irrelevant
    information, sequencing and prioritizing
    information, and observing patterns.
  • LA
  • 3.7.15 Follow three- and four-step oral
  • 3.7.8 Clarify and enhance oral presentations
    through the use of appropriate props, including
    objects, pictures, and charts.
  • GMI Visual-Spatial

Bones Our Skeletal System
  • In his instantly recognizable style, Simon
    addresses the anatomy and function of bones and
    muscles. Describing bones as being like "the
    framework of a building," he emphasizes that they
    are living parts of the body, protecting organs
    and manufacturing blood cells and platelets.
    Explanations of joints, fractures, and arthritis
    are also included. In Muscles, the three kinds of
    muscle and their functions are discussed. In
    addition, the effect of exercise and diagnosing
    injuries are covered. In both books, the
    full-paged illustrations are great and include
    full-color photographs, MRI scans, X rays, and
    excellent drawings.

Bones Our Skeletal Systemby Seymour Simon
Activity 1 Title-Lung Power
  • Students will explain how a model is different
    from the real thing
  • but can be used to learn something about the real
  • For the teacher transparency of Black Line
    Master (BLM) Lung Power
  • For each group of students 2-liter soda bottle,
    large balloon, latex glove,
  • masking tape, 2 rubber bands
  • A. Pre-Activity Preparation
  • 1. Cut the bottoms off all of the 2-liter
  • 2. Check for any students who are allergic to
  • B. Pre-Activity Discussion
  • 1. Ask students What is a model? Have
    students brainstorm
  • examples of models, such as toy trains or play
  • 2. Have students compare models to the real
    things they represent.
  • 3. Explain that although they are not identical,
    models can help us
  • learn about real things.

Activity 1.continued
  • C. Student Activity
  • 1. Explain that a model of the respiratory system
    can be used
  • to understand how we breathe.
  • 2. Divide the class into small groups and give
    each group
  • the materials needed to build the models.
  • 3. Demonstrate as you instruct students to put
    the fingers of the
  • latex glove through the mouth of the bottle and
    put the mouth
  • of the glove over the mouth of the bottle. Use a
    rubber band to
  • secure the mouth of the glove over the mouth of
    the bottle,
  • and put tape over the rubber band to make an
    air-tight seal.
  • 4. Explain that the glove represents the mouth,
    nose, trachea, and
  • lungs. Tell students that the oxygen they breathe
    in goes from the
  • mouth and nose down through the trachea and into
    the lungs. The
  • trachea, or windpipe, is the tube that connects
    the mouth and

Activity 1.continued
  • 6. Instruct students to secure the piece of
    balloon by taping it to the
  • bottle along its edges (an airtight
    connection is necessary for the
  • model to work).
  • 7. Explain to students that the balloon
    represents the diaphragm,
  • which is a big, sheet-like muscle at the
    bottom of the chest cavity
  • and just above the stomach.
  • 8. Explain to students that the diaphragm helps
    people get air in
  • and out of their lungs by moving up and down.
    Ask students to
  • place their hands just above their stomachs.
    Ask Can you feel
  • your diaphragm at work?
  • 9. Have students gently apply pressure to the
    balloon diaphragm on
  • their model lung. Ask students How does the
    glove react when
  • the diaphragm moves up and down? The glove
    expands and
  • contracts, taking in air and releasing it
    just as the lungs do.

Activity 1.continued
  • D. Lets Have a Look
  • 1. Show students the transparency of the BLM Lung
    Power. Point
  • out the mouth, nose, trachea, and lungs and
    compare them to
  • the model.
  • 2. Explain that two other very important parts of
    the respiratory
  • system are not seen in the model. They are the
    bronchial tubes
  • and the alveoli. Ask students Is your model
    just like the
  • respiratory system? How are they different? Did
    the similarities
  • help you learn about the respiratory system?
  • 3. Ask student volunteers to use their models to
    explain how
  • the respiratory system works.

Science and Language Arts Indicator, Gardner
Multiple Intelligence
  • Science
  • 3.6.3 Explain how a model of something is
    different from the real thing but can be used to
    learn something about the real thing.
  • LA 3.7.15 Follow three- and four-step oral
  • 3.7.8 Clarify and enhance oral presentations
    through the use of appropriate props,
    including objects, pictures, and charts
  • GMI Visual-Spatial, Interpersonal and
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