Juicing and Blending - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Juicing and Blending


Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food Hippocrates Anything you take in your body will make you either Healthier or Sicker Dr. Bergman – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Juicing and Blending

Juicing and Blending
  • Let food be your medicine and medicine be your
    food Hippocrates
  • Anything you take in your body will make you
    either Healthier or Sicker
  • Dr. Bergman

Juicing vs eating
  • juicing removes the indigestible fiber,
  • when you eat a raw carrot, you are only able to
    assimilate about 1 of the available beta
  • carrot is juiced, removing the fiber, nearly 100
    of the beta carotene can be assimilated.

Essential for Health Juicing
  • Juicing helps you absorb all the nutrients from
    the vegetables.
  • most of us have impaired digestion
  • This limits your body's ability to absorb all the
  • Juicing "pre-digest"
  • Juicing allows you to consume an optimal amount
    of vegetables in an efficient manner.
  • one pound of raw vegetables per 50 pounds of body
    weight per day.
  • You can add a wider variety of vegetables in your
  • Many people eat the same vegetable salads every
  • juicing, you can get a wide variety of
    vegetables that you may not normally enjoy eating

Helps prevent Heart dis. / Cancer
  • Flavonoids are in fruits and vegetables, as well
    as in certain types of tea. These compounds are
    thought to be antioxidants -- compounds capable
    of 'mopping up' free radicals, the harmful
    byproducts of normal metabolism.
  • antioxidants help prevent cancer, heart disease,
    and other illnesses. The study focused on daily
    intake of three major sources of flavonoids --
    apples, broccoli, and tea.
  • Of the three sources, only high broccoli
    consumption was associated with significant
    reductions in heart attack
  • American Journal of Epidemiology
  • May 15, 1999149943-949

Just One Extra Serving of Vegetables Lowers Heart
Disease Risk
  • A study of more than 125,000 healthcare workers
    found that just one additional daily serving of
    fruit or vegetables lowered the risk of heart
    disease by 4. Vegetables such as spinach , kale
    , broccoli and fruits such as oranges ,
  • particular green leafy vegetables and vitamin
    C-rich fruits and vegetables, against risk for
    coronary heart disease.
  • Increased fruit and vegetable consumption was
    also found to protect people with type 2 diabetes
    against heart attack, a potential complication of
    the disease.
  • Fruits and vegetables contain myriad compounds
    that have been linked with improved health.
    Fiber , potassium , folate , antioxidants
  • Annals of Internal Medicine June 19,

  • These 2 classes of heart drugs handicap the heart
    by blocking nerves that control heart muscle.
  • the blood output of the heart is artificially
    reduced, causing less oxygen to reach the bodys
    cells and tissues. The result will be normal
    blood pressure cuff .
  • The body is now being forced to go through life
    with less oxygen than it needs, and organs slowly
    start wearing out. Premature aging.
  • Some standard beta blockers Atenolol
    ,Propranolol ,Practolol ,Carvedilol
  • Some ACE inhibitors Accupril ,Altace ,Captopril
  • In addition to the long term destructive side
    effects of early death from heart disease,
    cancer, and diabetes
  • 1. CDC website Tables 1 and 7 cdc.gov/nchs/fastats
  • 2. JAMA 2002287612-617.
  • 3. Rogers S MD The High Blood Pressure Hoax Sand
    Key 2006.
  • 4. Graveline, D MD Statin Drugs 2006
  • 5. International Medical World Report 1 Sep 2000
  • 6. New England Journal of Medicine 30 Mar 00 vol
    342 p 905

Advantages use the whole vegetable /
fruit Great for fast meals Keeps insoluble and
soluble fibers together Disadvantages High
speed can break down enzymes, doesnt separate
the soluble from insoluble fibers
Norwalk Juicer
The Ultimate Juicer Masticating Juicer with a
hydraulic press
Juicers masticating vs centrifuginal
Centrifuge Juicer Bigger so no cutting
vegetables / fruits, not as good on leafy
Masticating Juicer Have to cut the fruits /
Veggies, can generate high heat so be careful,
Great for leafy and root veggies
Twin Gear juicer
  • Advantages low speed, 20 more juice
  • Disadvantages Cleaning, have to cut the

Production Line Kitchen
  • phytochemical protect cells from damage.
  • fruit and vegetable juices are good sources of
    the traditional nutrients. Citrus fruits
    (grapefruit, oranges, etc.) provide healthy
    portions of vitamin C
  • Carrot juice contains large quantities of
    vitamin A, in the form of beta carotene.
  • green juices are a good source of vitamin E.
  • Fruit juices are a good source of essential
    minerals like iron, copper, potassium, sodium,
    iodine, and magnesium,

Cool Facts for creative juicing
  • Coconut Coconut has medium chain triglycerides,
  • Lauric acid -- antiviral, antibacterial, and
    antiprotozoal functions.
  • Capric acid - antimicrobial components.
  • Natural coconut fat in your diet helps normalize
    your body lipids, protects against alcohol damage
    to your liver
  • improves your immune system's anti-inflammatory
  • Cranberries five times the antioxidant content
    of broccoli, which means they may protect against
    cancer, stroke and heart disease.
  • phytonutrients, and can help women avoid urinary
    tract infections.
  • Fresh ginger It gives your juice a little
  • ginger can have dramatic effects on
    cardiovascular health,
  • preventing atherosclerosis, lowering cholesterol
    levels, and preventing the oxidation of low
    density lipoprotein (LDL).

15 million cases of Alzheimer's United States by
the year 2050
  • MCT every day !!!!!
  • Up The Coconut oil Decrease Grains
  • coconut oil is a brain fuel.
  • The damage done to your brain from the wrong
    foods and from unbalanced insulin and leptin
  • begins decades before you show any of the
    telltale signs of Alzheimer's.
  • The coconut oil or MCTs should also be taken in
    the morning,
  • takes a minimum of three hours for the oil to
    convert to ketones and reach your brain.
  • Repeating the dose of four tablespoons of coconut
    oil twice a day
  • Gradually add more coconut oil every few days
    until you are able to tolerate four tablespoons.

Chief Cells pesin Parietal Cells HCL and
intrinsic factor Goblet cells mucus
(No Transcript)
90 of Money Americans spend on food is on
processed foods
Cholesterol Lowering Drugs Suppress Immune System
  • Lipitor, Mevacor and Pravachol have been
    found to suppress certain immune system cells
    known as helper T-cells, according to new
    research from Switzerland.
  • Helper T cells
  • Killer T cells
  • Suppressor T cells
  • T4 cells
  • Helper T cells, the type suppressed by the statin
    drugs, act by recognizing foreign pathogens and
    then activating the production of the proper T
    cells and B cells in response.
  • Nature Medicine, December, 2000 6 1311-1312,

(No Transcript)
Garlic Stops MRSA Deaths

The Sun June 13, 2008
Researchers have found a new use for garlic --
killing the antibiotic-resistance disease known
as MRSA. More than 250 people have been
successfully treated. Garlics healing
properties come from a quickly-degrading compound
called allicin, which is created only when the
clove is damaged and two compounds within the
plant come together. New research has focused on
a form of stabilized allicin. Sources The Sun
June 2008
90 days After
Julie asthma cured, drug free, vaccinations
stopped Grandma Reflux Cured Grandpa High BP
Cured Brother Vaccinations Stopped Dad Health
Restored Mom Health restored Uncle Headaches
Keys to Health
Proper nerve supply FREE of subluxation Regular
Exercise Movement/detox Proper Nutrition
Rebuild/detox Sufficient Rest - Rebuild Prayer
and Meditation Rebuild Sunlight vit D-3
Procrastination is the Thief of Health!!
Take Action Today A complete Health Check-up is
  • March Madness. 20
  • You Receive
  • Posture analysis
  • Consultation
  • Drug Search
  • Exam
  • X-rays (digital)
  • Report
  • Adjustment

Be part of the Health Renaissance
www.youtube.com johnbchiro____________ Reverse
Arthritis Eliminate High Blood Pressure Diabetes R
everse Cancer Correct Fibromyalgia Headaches
solution Sciatica Low back pain Irritable Bowel
Syndrome Infertility and dysfunction RLS Restless
leg Syndrome Neuropathy

The Chiropractic Adjustment
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