Title: Guest speaker: Dr. Vinson
1Guest speaker Dr. Vinson
- Take an index card and write at least 1 question
you would like to ask of our guest speaker today.
Something interesting about her profession as a
school psychologist! What do you want to know?!
2Distinguishing Between TermsBeginning with the
- Psychology the scientific study of behavior and
mental processes. Scientific means... - beliefs are based on empirical
evidencecareful, systematic observations. - Psychiatry the branch of medicine concerned
with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of
mental disorders. Most similar to clinical
psychology. - Psychotherapy the treatment of psychological
disorders using psychological rather than
biological methods. - Psychoanalysis a field introduced by Sigmund
Freud consisting of a theory of personality and a
method of psychotherapy emphasizes the
unconscious mind.
3Some Specialty Areas Within Psychology
- Clinical Psychology concerned with the diagnosis
and treatment of relatively severe mental and
behavioral disorders. - Counseling Psychology deals with problems of
adjustment in everyday life (marital, social,
occupational). - Developmental Psychology focuses on how people
change and grow over the lifespaninfancy,
childhood (child psychology), adolescence,
adulthood, and old age. - Social Psychology studies how an individuals
thoughts, feelings, and behavior are affected by
other people.
4Scientific Versus NonscientificApproaches to
5Nonscientific Approachto Psychology
- Makes broad, sweeping statements about human
nature, like Nobody ever blames himself for
anything. or People are afraid of change. - Relies on historical events and personal
experiences to support our views.
6Nonscientific Approachto Psychology
- Problems with the nonscientific approachwhy we
need scientific research - Hindsight Bias I knew it all along
phenomenon. - Bias we see what we want to see
- Overconfidence its just common sense
- Example How long do you think it would take you
to figure out a simple anagram like this? - WREAT? WATER
7ScientificApproach to Psychology
- Scientific Method
- Theory
- Hypotheses
- Research and Observation
8Research and Observation Methods
- The Case Study
- Studying one to find what is true in all
- The Survey
- Looks at many cases and asks for reports on
behavior or opinions - Naturalistic Observation
- Recording things in their natural environment
9Some research terms
Its like a ruler...
Not this kind of ruler
This kind
A variable is anything in the experiment that can
change, or vary. Example Increasing the amount
of violence teens watch to see what will happen
to grades.
- A correlation is a relationship between two
variables where changes in one variable go along
with changes in the other variable.
Example As heights increases, weights also tend
to increase.
12Two Basic Kinds of Correlations
- Positive Correlation as one variable goes up, so
does the other. - Example as teens see more sexual images, there
is an increase in teen sex - Negative Correlation as one variable goes down,
so does the other. - Example as tooth brushing goes up, tooth decay
goes down
13- Correlation is not causation.
- Teens who report not feeling loved by their
parents often drink more, skip school more
frequently, and exhibit disruptive behaviors in