Title: Selective Coordination
1Selective Coordination
Justin Schroeder, P.E.
- Definition
- NEC coordination requirements
- 2011 and 2014 editions
- NFPA 99-2012 requirements
- NFPA 110-2013 requirements
- Circuit breaker principles
- Resources and product solutions
- Challenges meeting the NEC requirements
- Design guidelines
- Summary
3Definition What is selective coordination?
- Article 100 defines selective coordination as
- Coordination (Selective). Localization of an
overcurrent condition to restrict outages to the
circuit or equipment affected, accomplished by
the selection and installation of overcurrent
protective devices and their ratings or settings
for the full range of available overcurrents,
from overload to the maximum available fault
current, and for the full range of overcurrent
protective device opening times associated with
those overcurrents. - In other words
- Only the overcurrent protective device (OCPD)
nearest to a fault should clear the fault
4Selective Coordination Definition
- The concept of protective zones is a useful tool
to visualize this.
5NEC Selective Coordination Requirements
- Article 517 Health Care Facilities
- 517.17(B) Feeders.
- Deleted the prohibition of a second step of GFPE
on the generator feeder - 2 levels of GFPE when main has GFPE per 230.95(C)
- No GFPE on load side of ATS
- 517.17(C) Selectivity.
- Deleted the requirement for 6 cycles of
separation - GFPE must be selectively coordinated.
- These changes should make coordination easier to
achieve -
6NEC Selective Coordination Requirements
- Article 517 Health Care Facilities
- 517.26 Application of Other Articles.
- The life safety branch of the essential
electrical system shall meet the requirements of
Article 700, except as amended by Article 517 and
NFPA 99 Chapter 6. - Informational Note No. 1 For additional
information see NFPA 110-2010, Standard for
Emergency and Standby Power Systems. - Informational Note No. 2 For additional
information see 517.30 and NFPA 99 Chapter 6.
7Typical Health-Care Facility Electrical System
(Informational Note Figure 517.30)
Must meet Article 700 per 2014 edition
Changed to branch in 2014 edition
Deleted in 2014 edition
Must meet Article 700 per 2005-2011 editions
- The equipment system (Equipment Branch) Meant
for essential equipment loads - Feeds pumps, control systems, vacuums, essential
heating, one elevator. - Can be fed by an alternate source at appropriate
time-lag intervals. - The emergency system
- Life safety loads (Life safety Branch) Meant
for egress - Exit signs
- Elevators
- Automatic doors
- Critical loads (Critical Branch) Meant for
patient care - Select receptacles, power circuits related to
patient care, task illumination
9NEC Selective Coordination Requirements
- Article 517 Health Care Facilities
- 517.30 Essential Electrical Systems for
Hospitals. - (G) Coordination. Overcurrent protective devices
serving the essential electrical system shall be
coordinated for the period of time that a faults
duration extends beyond 0.1 second. - Exception No. 1 Between transformer primary and
secondary overcurrent protective devices, where
only one overcurrent protective device or set of
overcurrent protective devices exists on the
transformer secondary. - Exception No. 2 Between overcurrent protective
devices of the same size (ampere rating) in
series. - Informational Note The terms coordination and
coordinated as used in this section do not cover
the full range of overcurrent conditions.
10Exception No 1
11Exception No. 2
12Cable Riser Example
13NEC Selective Coordination Requirements
- Article 620 Elevators, Dumbwaiters, Escalators,
Moving Sidewalks, Wheelchair Lifts, and Stairway
Lift Chairs - 620.62 Selective Coordination.
- Where more than one driving machine
disconnecting means is supplied by a single
feeder, the overcurrent protective devices in
each disconnecting means shall be selectively
coordinated with any other supply side
overcurrent protective devices. Selective
Coordination shall be selected by a licensed
professional engineer or other qualified persons
engaged primarily in the design, installation, or
maintenance of electrical systems. The selection
shall be documented and made available to those
authorized to design, install, inspect, maintain,
and operate the system.
14Inspection Form
Inspection form helps assure the AHJ that the
equipment supplied and installed meets code
- http//www.cooperindustries.com/content/dam/public
15NEC Selective Coordination Requirements
- Article 645 Information Technology Equipment
- 645.2 Definitions.
- Critical Operations Data System. An information
technology equipment system that requires
continuous operation for reasons of public
safety, emergency management, national security,
or business continuity. - 645.27 Selective Coordination. Critical
operations data system(s) overcurrent protective
devices shall be selectively coordinated with all
supply-side overcurrent protective devices.
16NEC Selective Coordination Requirements
- Article 695 Fire Pumps
- 695.3 Power Source(s) for Electric Motor-Driven
Fire Pumps. - (C) Multibuilding Campus-Style Complexes.
- (3) Selective Coordination.
- The overcurrent protective device(s) in each
disconnecting means shall be selectively
coordinated with any other supply-side
overcurrent protective device(s).
17NEC Selective Coordination Requirements
- Article 700 Emergency Systems
- 700.28 Selective Coordination. Emergency
system(s) overcurrent devices shall be
selectively coordinated with all supply-side
overcurrent protective devices. - Article 701 Legally Required Standby Systems
- 701.27 Selective Coordination. Legally required
standby - system(s) overcurrent devices shall be
selectively coordinated with all supply-side
overcurrent protective devices. - Exception to Both
- Exception Selective coordination shall not be
required between two overcurrent devices located
in series if no loads are connected in parallel
with the downstream device.
18NEC Selective Coordination Requirements
- Articles 700 Emergency Systems and 701 Legally
Required Standby Systems - Added to 700.28 and 701.27
- Selective coordination shall be selected by a
licensed professional engineer or other qualified
persons engaged primarily in the design,
installation, or maintenance of electrical
systems. The selection shall be documented and
made available to those authorized to design,
install, inspect, maintain, and operate the
19NEC Selective Coordination Requirements
- Article 708 Critical Operations Power Systems
- Added to 708.52(D) GFPE selectivity
- Separation of ground-fault protection
time-current characteristics shall conform to the
manufacturers recommendations and shall consider
all required tolerances and disconnect operating
time to achieve 100 percent selectivity. - Same text as 517.17(C) GFPE selectivity for
health care facilities
20NEC Selective Coordination Requirements
- Article 708 Critical Operations Power Systems
- 708.54 Selective Coordination. Critical
operations power - system(s) overcurrent devices shall be
selectively coordinated with all supply-side
overcurrent protective devices. - Selective coordination shall be selected by a
licensed professional engineer or other qualified
persons engaged primarily in the design,
installation, or maintenance of electrical
systems. The selection shall be documented and
made available to those authorized to design,
install, inspect, maintain, and operate the
system. - Exception Selective coordination shall not be
required between two overcurrent devices located
in series if no loads are connected in parallel
with the downstream device.
21Where is it required again?
- Article 620 Elevators, Dumbwaiters, Escalators,
Moving Sidewalks, Wheelchair Lifts, and Stairway
Lift Chairs - Article 645 Information Technology Equipment
(Critical Operation Data Systems) - Article 695 Fire Pumps campus style building
layouts - Article 700 Emergency Systems
- Article 701 Legally Required Standby Systems
- Article 708 Critical Operations Power Systems
222014 NEC Errata Deleted Figures
23State Adoptions of NFPA -70 (NEC)
- http//www.nema.org/Technical/Code-Alerts/pages/de
fault.aspx - GA adopted the 2014 edition at the beginning of
2015 - FL, SC, NC, AL are all still on 2011
- TN 2008 with 2009 amendments
- How does this affect you?
- Different states will have different requirements
and amendments to different code cycles so be
aware! Currently in GA, the 2014 code has been
adopted. - NEC-2014 went to great lengths to standardize
their terminology and definitions which may mean
slightly different things to older code cycles.
24NFPA 99-2012 Health Care Facilities Code
- Added three new sections to read
- Overcurrent protective devices serving the
essential electrical system shall be selectively
coordinated down to 0.1 seconds. - Added three new annex sections to read
- It is important that the various overcurrent
devices be coordinated, as far as practicable, to
isolate faulted circuits and to protect against
cascading operation on short circuit faults. In
many systems, however, full coordination could
compromise safety and system reliability -,,
A., A., A6.
25NFPA 110-2013 Standard for Emergency and Standby
Power Systems
- 6.5 Protection.6.5.1 General. The overcurrent
protective devices in the EPSS shall be
coordinated to optimize selective tripping of the
circuit overcurrent protective devices when a
short circuit occurs.6.5.2 Short Circuit
Current. The maximum available short circuit
current from both the utility source and the
emergency energy source shall be evaluated for
the ability to satisfy this coordination
capability. -
- A.6.5.1 It is important that the various
overcurrent devices be coordinated, as far as
practicable, to isolate faulted circuits and to
protect against cascading operation on short
circuit faults. In many systems, however, full
coordination is not practicable without using
equipment that could be prohibitively costly or
undesirable for other reasons
26Do NFPA 99-2012 and NFPA 110-2013 conflict with
the NEC? No!
- NFPA 70 (NEC)
- This Code covers the installation of electrical
conductors, equipment, - NFPA 99
- Chapter 6 covers the performance, maintenance
and testing of electrical systems - NFPA 110
- This standard covers performance requirements
for emergency and standby power systems - Standards Council
- NFPA 99 is considered the performance
requirement and the NEC is considered the
installation requirement. (Similar statement
made regarding NFPA 110)
27Circuit Breaker Principles
- Time-Current Curves (TCCs)
- Developed by testing a single circuit breaker by
itself - Two regions
- Overload region where the circuit breaker has an
inverse time characteristic - Instantaneous region where the circuit breaker
operates instantaneously - The instantaneous region is typically difficult
to coordinate for two OCPDs connected in series - Source IEC/TR 61912-2
28Circuit Breaker Principles
- Selective Coordination with 2 Circuit Breakers in
Series Time-Current Curves (TCCs) vs. Tested
Levels - TCCs
- Developed by testing a circuit breaker by itself
- In the instantaneous region may not be valid for
two circuit breakers connected in series - Tested Levels
- Take into account the current limiting properties
and dynamic impedance of circuit breakers - Developed by comparing the actual let-through
current of the downstream circuit breaker with
minimum instantaneous trip of the upstream
circuit breaker - Same principle as fuse ratio tables
- Manufacturer references?
- Comparable selective coordination tables and
tools are available from Schneider Electric,
Eaton, GE and Siemens. - 3rd Party System Analysis Software
- Selective coordination information available in
SKM, ETAP and Easypower products - NEMA ABP 1-2010 Selective Coordination White
Paper - Provides guidance on how to comply with selective
coordination requirements for design engineers
and AHJs.
30Challenges Meeting the NEC
- Is selective coordination required up to both the
normal and alternate sources, or only up to the
alternate source? - 700.1 Scope.
- The provisions of this article apply
toemergency systemsintended to supply,
distribute, and control electricitywhen the
normal electrical supply or system is
interrupted - These systems are intended to automatically
supply illumination, power, or bothin the event
of failure of the normal supply... - The scope seems to imply only up to the
alternate source
31Challenges Meeting the NEC
- Is selective coordination required up to both the
normal and alternate sources, or only up to the
alternate source? - Appendix B.1 of NFPA 110 seems to imply only up
to the alternate source -
32Challenges Meeting the NEC
- Is selective coordination required up to both the
normal and alternate sources, or only up to the
alternate source? - 700.28 Coordination.
- Emergency system(s) overcurrent devices shall be
selectively coordinated with all supply side
overcurrent protective devices. - Some interpret all to mean up to both sources
33Challenges Meeting the NEC
- Is selective coordination required up to both the
normal and alternate sources, or only up to the
alternate source? - 2011 NEC proposal 13-197 panel statement
- devices in the normal sourceare outside the
scope of Article 700. - Use NEC Selective CoordinationUp to Which
Source? (0600DB0902) to convince the AHJ that
total coordination is required only up to the
alternate source - Level of coordination up to the normal source is
a matter of engineering judgment - In the 2014 NEC revision cycle CMP13 reversed
itself, stating that selective coordination is
required up to both sources (ROP 13-124 ROC
13-83) March 8, 2012
34Selective Coordination Update
- Common misunderstandings and pitfalls
- Terminology review 0.1s versus total
- We dont say 0.01s, 0.05s, 0.001s, etc.
- 0.1s selectivity determined by TCCs accounts
for all initial arcing and ground faults - Total selectivity determined by tables
comparing tested load-side let-throughs and
line-side instantaneous trips (AND TCCs)
selective for the entire operating ranges of the
protective devices and for all levels of
available fault current - 0.01s terminology used, we believe mistakenly,
intended for total coordination - - SC selectivity based on test information
35Selective Coordination Update
- Common misunderstandings and pitfalls
- Why we dont say 0.01s, 0.05s, 0.001s, etc.
- If the fault current exceeds their current
limiting point, current limiting fuses operate in
less than 0.01s - Current limiting fuses that coordinate down to
0.01s may not be coordinated at higher fault
currents - Current limiting fuse TCCs cut off at 0.01s
because only the ratio tables can be used to
evaluate total coordination below that point
36Challenges Meeting the NEC
- Cautions
- Make sure automatic transfer switches have an
adequate withstand rating (30 cycle ratings vs. 3
cycle ratings) - May need to move the switch away from the source,
or - May need to increase the frame size of the
switch, or - May need to specify a switch with a higher
withstand rating (more than 3 cycles) - Make sure busway has adequate withstand ratings
37Challenges Meeting the NEC
- Cautions
- Make sure the generator protection devices
coordinate with the downstream circuit breakers - Some manufacturers provide a time delay
- Generator fault current
- SCAgen Gen FLC / xd
- xd gt generator subtransient reactance
- Gen FLC kVA / (kVL-L v3)
38Challenges Meeting the NEC
- Cautions
- Mixing Overcurrent Protective Devices
- TCCs may be used so long as the fault current
does not exceed the instantaneous trip point of
the upstream circuit breaker or current limiting
point of the upstream fuse - OCPDs from different manufacturers or of
different types usually cannot be mixed if the
fault current is outside the parameters described
39Challenges Meeting the NEC
- Cautions
- Arc Flash
- Selective coordination may impact arc flash
incident energy levels - May be possible to reduce with
- Zone Selective Interlocking
- Use of breakers LSI rather than the traditional
thermal magnetic breaker. - Other means
40Design Guidelines
- Conduct Preliminary Short-Circuit Selective
Coordination Studies First - Reduce the number of levels (buses) that need to
be coordinated to 3 or 4 if possible - Before letting a job out for bid, conduct
preliminary short circuit and selective
coordination studies first as they may affect the
system design - Consider 3-phase and ground fault currents
- If a lack of coordination seems to exist using
the TCCs, use the Short Circuit Selective
Coordination Tables - Work from the Bottom Up
- Starting from the bottom of the system,
coordinate the branch lighting panels first, then
the power distribution panels, then the
switchboard or switchgear
41Design Guidelines
- Overlapping Curves
- If there is no overlap of the curves at any point
below the available short circuit current at the
downstream panel, the circuit breakers are
totally coordinated - If there is overlap in the short circuit region,
use the short circuit selective coordination
Downstream Available Short Circuit Current
42Design Guidelines
- Nest Curves
- The time-current curve of a thermal-magnetic
circuit breaker can sometimes be nested
underneath the time-current curve of an upstream
electronic trip circuit breaker
Downstream Available Short Circuit Current
43Design Guidelines
- Lighting Panelboard Recommendations
- Dont feed lighting panelboards from
lighting panelboards unless there is a
transformer in between - Better levels of selective coordination are
available with 225 A and larger panelboards,
(larger selection of breakers) - Consider using main lugs panels, particularly at
277 V - Dont daisy chain panel risers
44Design Guidelines
- Ground Fault
- Make sure system is selectively coordinated for
ground faults - Make sure the GFPE also coordinates with the
downstream phase overcurrent devices, not just
the downstream GFPE
45Design Guidelines
- Transformers
- Use the higher protection limits in Article 450
(e.g. 250 instead of 125 FLA on the primary) - Consider 30 to 75 KVA transformers100 to 225 amp
panelboards with Mission Critical Mains - Increase the Frame Size of the Upstream Circuit
Breaker - The upstream circuit breaker should be at least
one frame size larger than the downstream circuit
breaker. This may necessitate increasing the
size of panelboards and feeder conductors. - Very high levels of short circuit selective
coordination may be achieved by using high amp
frame electronic trip circuit breakers with low
amp sensors and/or lower ampere rating
46Design Guidelines
- Rarely needed, but as a last resort...
- Change the Upstream Circuit Breaker Type
- Insulated case circuit breakers or low voltage
power circuit breakers - Reduce the Voltage
- If the desired level of selective coordination
cannot be achieved using a 480Y/277 Vac
panelboard, consider feeding a 208Y/120 Vac
panelboard through a transformer - Split Up Some of the Loads
- Multiple smaller transformers
- Insert Impedance
- Longer run of wire, 11 or higher impedance
transformer or reactors
47Design Guidelines
- What if the AHJ requires selective coordination
up to both the alternate and normal sources? - Conduct a preliminary short circuit study from
the source that can potentially produce the
highest SCA to the bottom of the system - Conduct a preliminary selective coordination
study on that part of the system - Conduct a preliminary short circuit study from
the other source to the first bus on the load
side of the transfer switch(es) - Conduct a preliminary selective coordination
study from the other source to the transfer
switch feeder(s) -
48Design Guidelines
- Field Adjustment
- Dont neglect to properly adjust circuit
breakers in the field as they are often shipped
from the factory with all but the ampere-rating
switch in the lowest position
- Use the correct terminology!
- Terms to use
- Coordination
- System to be coordinated to 0.1 s
- Selective coordination
- System to be selectively coordinated
- DO NOT use coordination to 0.01s when selective
coordination is desired
System Coordination to Coordination to Reference(s)
System Which Source What Level Reference(s)
Healthcare essential electrical Alternate Optimize as far as practicable 0.1s NEC-2011 700.1, 700.27 NFPA 110 6.5.1 NEC-2014 517.30(G), NFPA 99-2012
Healthcare GFPE Normal alternate Total NEC 517.17(C)
Elevator Normal Unspecified Total 1. NEC-2011 620.62 2. NEC-2014 620.62
Fire pump feeders in multi-building campus Normal Unspecified Total 1. NEC-2011 695.3(C)(3) 2. NEC-2014 695.3(C)(3)
Emergency Alternate Optimize as far as practicable Total NEC-2011 700.1, 700.27 NFPA 110 6.5.1 NEC-2014 700.28
Legally required Alternate Optimize as far as practicable Total NEC-2011 701.1, 701.27 NFPA 110 6.5.1 NEC-2014 701.1, 701.27
COPS Alternate Optimize as far as practicable Total NEC-2011 708.1, 708.54 NFPA 110 6.5.1 2. NEC-2011 708.1, 708.54
51Questions??? Thank you!!!Justin Schroeder,
P.E.Schneider Electric USA2979 Pacific Drive,
Suite E Norcross, GA 30071Justin.Schroeder_at_schnei
der-electric.comPhone 770-734-1367