Title: Spreadsheets in Finance and Forecasting
1Spreadsheets in Finance and Forecasting
2Working with Formulae
- In previous weeks we have seen that we can work
with cell formulae to calculate totals, averages
and other summary values, and can keep running
totals of transactions. - This week we explore this further, and look in
depth at the processes behind formulae
3Objectives for Week 4
- After working through the materials for this week
you will be able to - Work confidently with spreadsheet formulae
- Understand and work with operator precedence
- Use absolute and relative addresses and range
4Following the Slides
Action Point!
- When you see this
- You will need to open the spreadsheets referred
to in the slides - Switch between the slides and the spreadsheet to
follow the examples
5Flower Shop Example
Action Point!
- The next few examples use Flower Sales.xls
- This is a simple spreadsheet which carries out a
number of calculations of sales and profits
6Floral Arrangements
- The Florist sells three different sizes of flower
arrangement - large, medium, small
- The first task is to calculate the total sales
income for each type.
7Large Florals Sales
How can we work out the total sales here?
8Large Florals Sales
Enter the cell formula B5C5
9Medium and Small Florals
Use Auto fill and check the cell entries
Cell entries are B6C6 B7C7
10Pot Plants Profits
- There are three types of pot plants
- Chrysanthemums, Violets, Cyclamen
- The task here is to calculate, for each of these
the total profit for each type of plant
11The Flower Shop Spreadsheet
How can we work out the Total Profit here?
12The Flower Shop Spreadsheet
Cell Contents (C10- B10)D10
Now use auto fill to complete these cells
13Special Events
- From their stock of flowers and shrubs, the
company hires out materials and celebration
banners for special events such as weddings,
birthdays and anniversaries. - The third task is to calculate the total hire
charges for the special event below
14The Flower Shop Spreadsheet
What is the formula for working out the Total
Hire Charges for the Special Event?
15The Flower Shop Spreadsheet
Formula B15B16 C15C16 D15D16 E15E16
- In the previous example we saw calculations being
carried out on cell addresses using a formula - Such formulae rely on mathematical conventions
17Arithmetic Operations
- Excel calculates the results by using the rules
of arithmetic - The table right shows the arithmetic operations
that can be used and the symbols that represent
them -
Operator Performs Example
Add A1 B1
- Subtract A1 - B1
Multiply A1 B1
/ Divide A1 / B1
Power A13
18Operator Precedence
B Calculate within the brackets
I Calculate Indices and powers
D Divide
M Multiply
A Add
S Subtract
- In the flower shop examples we used operations
and bracketing - To use this consistently, we need to clarify the
order in which calculations are to be done. - Operator precedence uses the BIDMAS rule
- The cell contents are
- A2 3.2
- A3 4.8
- A4 1.5
- A5 4.8
- Suppose that the formula in cell A6 is
- (A2A3)2 3A4 A5/2
- Calculate the value in cell A6.
20Calculation Example
- (A2A3)2 3A4 A5/2
- Brackets
- (A2 A3) is (3.24.8) 8.0
- Indices
- (A2A3)2 is 8.02 64
- Division
- A5/2 is 4.8/2 2.4
- Multiplication
- 3A4 is 3 x 1.5 4.5
- Addition
- (A2A3)2 3A4 is 64 4.5 68.5
- Subtraction
- (A2A3)2 3A4 A5/2 is 68.5 2.4 66.1
21Calculations Example
Action Point!
- The spreadsheet calculations.xls is a simple
spreadsheet which will give you practice at
constructing formulae
22Calculations Spreadsheet
This spreadsheet asks you to calculate a number
of different values by using the cell references
24What happens when you copy and paste formulae?
- In the next few slides we look at how the cell
addresses change when they are copied into
different locations
25Cell Referencing
- A cell may be referenced in one of four ways
- An Absolute Address
- A Relative Address
- A Mixed Address
- Range Name
26Absolute Addressing
- Absolute addressing means that we always want
that part of the formula to use that particular
cell. - For example
- Multiply A5 by 3
- A5 3
- Sum all the values in a block
- Sum(A1C2)
When copied, this formula will always refer to
cell A5
When copied, this formula will always refer to
the block of cells A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2
27Relative Addressing
- Copying Cell
- Address K9
- K9 Q9
- R13
- K14
When copied a relative address will change,
depending upon where it is put
Copy it along, and the column will change
Copy it diagonally and both row and column will
Copy it down and the row will change
28Mixed Addressing
- We can relax part of the absolute address
- We can use this to
- Fix a Column
- B3 10
- Fix a Row
- A5 20
When copied this formula will always refer to a
cell in column B
When copied this formula will always refer to
cell in row 5
29Using Range Names
- It is possible to label a particular cell with a
name, which can then be used in functions and
This cell D1 can be labelled as depreciation
Click in this box here to change the D1 to
depreciation, then press the return key
30Using Range Names
- Using the label we have created, we can use this
as an absolute cell reference it will not change
if we copy or paste using it in a formula
This cell can now be referred to as
In this cell, we type in depreciation, and
press the return key
31Exploring Copy and Paste
- In the next few examples we will carry out some
simple financial calculations - Each time we will enter some formulae, then copy
and paste these formulae to carry out the
calculations in later cells
32Depreciation Example
Action Point!
- The spreadsheet depreciation.xls looks at the
following problem - Suppose you paid 5000 for a car at the end of
1999 what would the car be worth in 2010?
33The Depreciation Spreadsheet
In our example, the car will lose 10 of its
current value year on year
What we need to do is to put formulae in the
cells, so that we end up with our answer here!
34The Depreciation Spreadsheet
The first thing to do is to re-label cell D1 as
Cells have been labelled with post-its Read
these to find out what to put in the cells
35Depreciation Solution
The first line of the solution is
D4 B5
36Depreciation Full Solution
When all the cell calculations are pasted down,
the answer appears here
37Auditing Formulae
- Sometimes a formula does not quite give you the
answer that you wanted. - In this case you can use the auditing tools to
check where the answer has originated
38The Auditing Tools
Action Point!
Click on Tools then Auditing and Auditing Toolbar
39Auditing a Spreadsheet
The first and third icons on the toolbar are
Trace precedents and Trace Dependents
40Tracing Precedents
Click on cell B5 . Now click Trace Precedents
on the toolbar
The blue arrow shows that cell B5 is taking
information from cell D1
41Tracing Dependents
When you click on Trace Dependents, the arrow
leads to cell C5 This is because C5 uses
information from B5
42More Relationships
By clicking on the Trace Dependents button
repeatedly, you can track how the information
passes from cell to cell
43Further Challenge
- To extend your understanding of formulae, the
next part of this presentation looks at copying
and pasting across rows and down columns - It uses both relative and absolute addressing
44Throwing Dice
Action Point!
- The Dice.xls Spreadsheet sets you this challenge
- Two fair dice are thrown. Create a table to show
all possible sums of the two values
45Throwing Dice
- In order to get you to think about relative and
absolute cell addressing, - You are only allowed to write one formula, and
that must be in the top left cell - All the others must be copied and pasted from
this initial cell.
46Throwing Dice- Solution
- We needed to add cells B4 and C5
- However, we want to add C4 to all the cells in
the C column, so we fix the 4, and use C4 - Also we want to add B5 to all the cells in row
5, so we fix the B and use B5
C4 B5
47Examining the Solution
- Copying and pasting that initial cell gives the
following - If you examine the final cell you will see how
the formula has been modified
H4 B10
48Savings and Loans
Action Point!
- As a final example, look at savings and loans.xls
- This spreadsheet calculates interest on savings,
loan repayments and mortgages. - You will need to work out the formulae
49Follow-Up work
- Portfolio Task 2 now takes you through a scenario
in which you create portfolios of shares to
maximise your return on investment.