Sumer, Babylon And Assyria - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Sumer, Babylon And Assyria


Sumer, Babylon And Assyria – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Sumer, Babylon And Assyria

Sumer, Babylon And Assyria
First Ancient Sumer
  • Approximately 5500 years ago in what is today the
    southern part of Iraq a civilization was founded
  • These ancient people built cities and they farmed
    the land between the 2 rivers

  • Mesopotamia in Greek means the land between
    the 2 rivers
  • Each year snows melt high in the mountains of
    western Turkey and the melt water floods the land
  • Thus farming became possible down below in the
    desert of modern day Iraq

The Tigris And Euphrates
  • Together the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers are
    the twin rivers that made farming possible here
  • Each of these rivers flows hundreds of miles from
    the mountains to the Persian Gulf

Cities Of Ziggurats
  • Because of these 2 life giving rivers, the people
    living here in the desert were actually able to
    produce so much surplus food that they were able
    to build cities
  • Cities like Ur And Eridu
  • And in these cities were buildings of stone

  • Ziggurats were large buildings made of stone
  • And each was a temple dedicated to a god
  • Some could be as many as 7 stories high
  • And the Sumerians believed their gods descended
    to the Earth from these temples

  • In fact the Sumerians were polytheistic meaning
    that they believed in many gods
  • And they also believed their gods punished
    people who angered them
  • They made sure to take care of their gods by
    feeding them daily and cleaning them
  • One of their gods was Anu

A Social Pyramid
  • Today we also know that in ancient Sumerian
    society there were DIFFERENTsocial CLASSES or
    LAYERS similar to the stone pyramids they built

3 Social Classes
  • At the TOP of the SOCIAL PYRAMID were high
    priests, top government officials and military
  • In the MIDDLE were merchants, shopkeepers,
    teachers and farmers all FREE MEN
  • And at the BOTTOM were SLAVES captured in wars

Many Achievements
  • The Sumerians learned to control the flood waters
    of the Tigris-Euphrates and irrigate the land
  • They domesticated sheep, cattle and goats
  • They developed the wheel and made wagons, carts
    and war chariots

Other Achievements
  • They built stone cities which stand til this day
  • They had a highly organized army
  • They established long distance trade with their

And A System Of Writing
  • Plus the Sumerians invented a form of picture
    writing on clay tablets
  • Which today we call cuneiform
  • They recorded their history and their market

Ancient Babylon
  • Babylon was another ancient civilization that
    soon developed in the land between the 2 rivers
  • Around 2000 B.C.E. people called Amorites
    conquered Sumer and founded their capital city of

Its Location
  • Like Sumer Babylon was located between the
    Tigris and Euphrates rivers but it was much
    greater in size
  • Including the upper part of the desert in what is
    today Iraq

Babylon Accumulates Great Wealth
    CROSS ROADS of Asia made it a natural for trade
  • Its merchants bought and sold cotton cloth from
    India and spices from faraway Egypt

The Rewards Of War
  • Conquest also made ancient Babylon wealthy
  • When she conquered her neighbors she made off
    with great wealth - the bounty of war

  • Was a powerful king from 1792 to 1750 B.C.E. (42
  • By conquest his empire stretched from the Persian
    Gulf to the Taurus Mountains of Turkey (Asia
  • He collected taxes, build public buildings,
    helped farmers and established justice

Hammurabis Code
  • Perhaps his greatest achievement was he created a
    stable and dependable government
  • Governments were often arbitrary and unfair
  • They did not do much for the people
  • But Hammurabi established the rule of law
  • His rules were written down so everyone could
    know the law

Equality Before The Law
  • Under Hammurabi the law applied equally to
  • Rich and poor
  • Rulers and the ruled
  • And men, women and children had certain rights

Babylon Falls
  • After Hammurabi died, no strong leader emerged to
    take his place
  • First the Kassites invaded around 1530 B.C.E.
  • Then the Hittites came to conquer with their iron
  • And finally the Assyrians came around 1200 B.C.E.
  • Babylon has no natural barriers or defenses to
    keep out invaders

Ancient Assyria
  • With the Fall of Babylon, Assyria took its
    dominant place
  • Assyrias CORE was in the northern desert plains
    in what is today SYRIA
  • This was around the year 1350 B.C.E.

A Warlike People
  • The Assyrians were an aggressive warlike people
  • They were feared by other peoples
  • One Assyrian king boasted that he had destroyed
    89 cities and 820 villages including the walled
    city of Babylon
  • Once inside a city they would slaughter ALL the

New Technologies Of War
  • The Assyrians had weapons many others had never
    seen before
  • They had iron tipped spears and swords
  • They used archers and horse drawn chariots
  • And they had armor of iron and shields

A New Kind Of Warfare
  • PLUS they used battering rams and catapults and
    ladders to climb and shatter the walls of enemy
  • They even dug tunnels underneath city walls

The Treatment Of Conquered Peoples
  • From what we can tell, the Assyrians treated
    their conquered enemies harshly
  • They demanded taxes or tribute from vanquished
  • And if they did not pay, the Assyrians would
    DESTROY and B URN whole cities

Vanquished People
  • If they took captives they made them their slaves
  • Others they put to death especially the leaders
  • The Assyrians were said to be so cruel that the
    vanquished often rebelled

Size Of Their Empire
  • The Assyrian Empire at its height in 650 B.C.E.
    stretched 1000s of miles forming a Fertile
  • From the Nile River to the Persian Gulf
  • It was one of the greatest empires for its time

The City Of Nineveh
  • The greatest Assyrian city was the city of
  • Built by King Ashurbanipal, it was their capital
  • And it also contained a great library of 20,000
    clay cuneiform tablets
  • Writings on subjects such as science, geography,
    medicine, myths and religion

Nineveh Assyria Destroyed
  • Assyria reached its height around 650 B.C.E.
  • but it too soon collapsed
  • In turn the Chaldeans of New Babylon BURNED the
    city of Nineveh Assyria
  • And then did the Medes people of modern Iran

The Kingdoms Of Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt Further West
  • Nearly 5000 years ago, the Egyptian people began
    to settle and farm along the Nile River
  • This was nearly the same time that cities
    appeared in Mesopotamia at the other end of the

The Nile River
  • The Nile River made farming and life itself
    possible in ancient Egypt
  • Otherwise Egypt is but a dry desert
  • The Nile River flows NORTHWARD from near the
    Equator in Africa and from Ethiopia, 4200 miles
    to the Mediterranean Sea

An Enduring Civilization
  • Along the life giving and fertile banks of the
    Nile, the Egyptian people were able to build an
    enduring civilization
  • Their civilization endured for nearly 3000 years
  • And they established some 30 dynasties

  • Dynasties were established in ancient Egypt
    whenever MEMBERS of ONE FAMILY and their
    descendents RULED for an extended period of time

The Egyptian Pharaohs
  • The ancient Egyptian people believed that their
    kings or pharaohs were IMMORTAL and DIVINE
  • They believed the pharaohs had descended from
  • And they believed their kings had the power to
    make life itself good or bad rich or
    poor easy or difficult

Absolute Power
  • Viewed as GODS, the Egyptian people gave their
    kings ABSOLUTE POWER over the people
  • Whatever the pharaoh decided became law
  • The people obeyed the king and his law without
  • The king decided whether to go to WAR, where NEW
    CITIES should be located, with whom to TRADE and
    when to PLANT and HARVEST the crops

Queen Hatshepsut
  • Several WOMEN ruled ancient Egypt during its 4000
    years of history
  • Queen Hatshepsut was the FIRST and she reigned
    during Egypts New Kingdom
  • Her kingdom was best known for its PEACE and
  • While her armies defended Egypt from invasion,
    she established NEW TRADE routes and partners in
  • Her navy returned to Egypt loaded with ivory,
    gold and spices

King Thutmose III
  • After Queen Hatshepsut died, her stepson King
    Thutmose III ascended the throne
  • Thutmose II was one of the most militaristic of
    Egyptian pharaohs
  • He led the Egyptian armies into war and they were
    able to EXPAND ancient Egypt IN SIZE by capturing
    Nubia to the SOUTH and Phoenicia and Syria to the
  • In fact his armies reached as far EAST as the
    Euphrates River in modern day Iraq

Ramses II
  • Perhaps the greatest of pharaohs was King Ramses
  • While Queen Hatsheput made Egypt powerful by
    trade, Ramses II made Egypt more powerful by war
  • His empire became the LARGEST of Egyptian empires
  • His army defeated the powerful Hittite Empire to
    the east
  • Under Ramses II, ancient Egypt stretched from
    Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea - from the
    upper reaches of the Nile to the Red Sea

A Social Pyramid
  • Like the peoples of Mesopotamia, the ancient
    Egyptians also believed in a SOCIAL HIERARCHY
  • Not ALL people were CREATED EQUAL
  • At the bottom of society were farmers and slaves
  • With the PROBLEM of FOOD SOLVED other groups were
    freed to do and produce other things

A Social Pyramid
  • Benefiting from the FOOD SURPLUSES were skilled
    artisans and craftmen whom made OTHER THINGS for
    the people to use
  • Then there were MERCHANTS and TRADERS in the
  • And above these were the EDUCATED CLASSES
    priests, scribes, engineers, architects and other
    government officials like judges and governors
  • And finally at the very top THE ROYAL FAMILY

Producers and Consumers
  • IN SUM the people near the bottom PRODUCED the
    MOST WEALTH and consumed the least
  • Whereas people near the TOP of the social pyramid
    CONSUMED the MOST WEALTH and produced the least
  • How different is that from our society today???

Religious Ideas
  • The ancient Egyptians were also POLYTHEISTIC
    they too believed in many gods
  • They also believed the gods were GOOD to them
    since life in Egypt was mostly good
  • And they believed IF one lived a GOOD LIFE their
    lives would continue on in THE AFTER LIFE
  • The Egyptians practiced MUMMIFICATION and they
    BURIED their dead with objects necessary for the
  • The Egyptians believed in preparing the DEAD for

Many Gods
  • Some of the PRINCIPLE Egyptian gods were
  • Amon Re the Sun god whom brought them life
  • Anubis whom was the god of the dead
  • Osiris whom judged the dead
  • Isis whom protected the children, was the
    fertility god and wife of Osiris
  • And Horus whom was the god of the sky

Building The Pyramids
  • The most powerful kings had pyramids built in
    their honor
  • These pyramids were in fact tombs for the dead
  • Built during their lifetime, they were to last
    for all eternity
  • Inside kings and queens might be buried with some
    of their servants and all those objects necessary
    for the afterlife

Building The Pyramids
  • Thousands of workers sometimes took DECADES to
    build a single pyramid or tomb
  • Khuru had the great pyramid of Giza built in his
  • For 4300 years it was the LARGEST building on
  • Today it stands over 45 stories high
  • It consists of over 2 MILLION building stones
    each over 2 tons in size
  • Some of the stones were quarried hundreds of
    miles away up the Nile
  • Thousands of workers LOST their LIVES building
    these tombs

  • Government and religion
  • Astronomy and mathematics
  • Engineering and hydro
  • Medicine
  • A system of writing hieroglyphs and papyrus

Defeat And Conquest
  • The Egyptian empire lasted for nearly 3000 years
  • Protected by desert sands, vast distances and a
    sandy coastline with few harbors no one could
    conquer them
  • Until the Greeks arrived under Alexander in
  • Later the Roman legions followed and conquered

The End Of Parts I and II
The Hebrew People
Abraham Father Of The Jewish People
  • According to the Jewish, Christian and Moslem
    faiths- nearly 4000 years ago Abraham and his
    wife Sarah left the city of Ur in ancient
    Mesopotamia and they traveled over desert to
    their new home in Canaan

Abrahams Covenant With God
  • Jews, Christians and Moslems alike all share the
    belief that Abraham left the city of Ur is
    because God commanded him to and God promised
    Abraham IF he and his people honored and obeyed
    God - the land of Canaan would belong to Abraham
    and to ALL his descendents.
  • For this reason, Jewish people believe they are
    Gods chosen people and Canaan is the promised

The Torah
  • We know this early history of the Hebrew or
    Jewish people because their early history was
    written down.
  • The Torah consists of 5 books Genesis, Exodus,
    Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.
  • Christians refer to these books as the Old
  • Jews believe that these books were given to them
    by God.
  • These books contain the laws, beliefs and history
    of the Jewish people.

Abrahams Sons
  • By most accounts, Abraham had at least 2 sons.
  • At first Abrahams wife Sarah could not bear him
    a son, and so Abraham conceived a son named
    Ishmael with Sarahs slave girl Hagar.
  • Later Sarah conceived and had a second son named
  • The Jewish people are said to be the descendents
    of Isaac whereas the Arab people are the
    descendents of Ishmael.

Jacob Flees Canaan
  • The Torah tells us that Abraham and his son Isaac
    settled in Canaan.
  • But Abrahams grandson, Jacob led his people into
    Egypt when Canaan was hit by a famine.
  • The Hebrew people lived in Egypt for several
    hundred years in peace before the decided to
  • In Egypt, they were viewed as valuable subjects
    of the pharaoh.

Enslaved In Egypt
  • Several hundred years later, the Hebrew people
    were enslaved by a new pharaoh and conditions
    grew intolerable.
  • Moses half brother to the pharaoh but aJew was
    commanded by God to leave Egypt and return his
    people to Canaan.
  • The pharaoh refused to allow them to leave and so
    God brought 10 plagues down on the Egyptian
  • Finally Moses with his people escaped Egypt and
    fled into the wilderness.

Moses And The Exodus
  • Moses escaped Egypt by parting the Red Sea and
    with his people fled into the wilderness of the
    Sinai for some 40 years.
  • There God commanded Moses to return with his
    people to Canaan and God renewed the covenant
    of Abraham with Moses.
  • IF Moses and his people would honor God and obey
    his commandments, they would be his chosen

The 10 Commandments
  • Jews, Christians and Moslems alike share a belief
    in the 10 Commandments.
  • They believe these Commandments are the word of
    God as handed from God to his prophet Moses.

The Hebrews Capture Canaan
  • During the several 100 years the Hebrews were in
    Egypt, Canaan was occupied by several other
  • So the Hebrews made war on the people of Canaan
    and led byJoshua (Moses son) and later by Saul
    and David the Jews managed to defeat the
    Canaanites with their great giant Goliath.
  • The promised land had returned to the Jews.

Kings David and Solomon
  • King David brought peace and security to Israel.
  • David expanded Israels borders and established
  • He strengthened Israels government and rebuilt
    the city of Jerusalem.
  • His son, Solomon continued on the work of his
    father in diplomacy and trade, and Solomon built
    the great Temple in the walled city of Jerusalem.

The Division Of Israel
  • When King Solomon died, there was no other strong
    leader to take his place, and the Kingdom of
    Israel broke into 2.
  • One part was called the Kingdom of Israel. The
    other the Kingdom of Judea.

Prey To Their Neighbors
  • Weakened and divided, the Kingdoms of Israel and
    Judea fell prey to their neighbors.
  • In 738 B.C.E. first Assyria conquered the 2
    kingdoms and forced them to pay tribute.
  • Then in 586 B.C.E. King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon
    modern day Iraq - conquered the Jews.
  • Nebuchadnezzar then destroyed the city of
    Jerusalem and the Temple.

The Babylonian Captivity
  • King Nebuchadnezzar brought the Jews to Babylon
    where they were held captive for some 60 years.
  • In Babylon, they were not allowed to practice
    their culture and religion as they chose.
  • They were anxious for the day they could return
    home and they hoped for a messiah or savior.

Set Free By Persia
  • Ironically the Persians conquered Babylon in 538
  • Their King Cyrus apparently believed in religious
    and cultural toleration.
  • So the Persians set the Hebrews free and they
    immediately returned to their homeland and
    rebuilt the sacred city of Jerusalem and the
  • Persia today would be the modern nation of Iran.
    And Babylon modern day Iraq.

Many Other Conquers
  • In the several hundred years that followed, the
    Jewish people struggled to maintain their kingdom
    and their independence.
  • They were conquered in turn by several
  • First came the Greeks led by Alexander. Alexander
    was more accepting of other cultures.
  • Then came the Syrians and the Jews were not
    allowed to follow their religion, customs or
  • Finally came the Romans in 63 B.C.E.

Jewish Resistance
  • The Romans always tried to maintain strict
    control over conquered areas.
  • The Jews were divided on how to cope with the
  • Some favored cooperation. Others fierce
  • The Zealots were a group whom favored armed
    revolt and resistance. At the mountain fortress
    of Masada, the Romans crushed the Zealots

The Diaspora
  • Jewish resistance was now over and the Romans
    destroyed Jerusalem.
  • Plus in retribution, ALL the Jews were forced to
    leave their homeland.
  • They were dispersed by the Romans across the
    entire length of the Mediterranean world.
  • And they would NO return to their homeland in any
    numbers for another 1800 years.

End Of Parts I, II and III
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