Modeling and Analysis of High Volume Manufacturing Systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Modeling and Analysis of High Volume Manufacturing Systems


Title: Factory Physics Author: ISyE Last modified by: spyros Created Date: 9/30/2006 5:51:15 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Company – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Modeling and Analysis of High Volume Manufacturing Systems

Modeling and Analysis of High Volume
Manufacturing Systems
Discrete vs. Continuous Flow and Repetitive
Manufacturing Systems(Figures borrowed from
Heizer and Render)
Operation Process Chart Example for discrete
part manufacturing(borrowed from Francis et. al.)
A typical (logical) Organization of the
Production Activity in Repetitive Manufacturing
Assembly Line 1 Product Family 1
Raw Material Comp. Inventory
Finished Item Inventory
Fabrication (or Backend Operations)
Dept. 1
Dept. 2
Dept. k
Dept. j
Assembly Line 2 Product Family 2
Major Layout Types(borrowed from Francis et. al.)
Advantages and Limitations of the various layout
types (borrowed from Francis et. al.)
Advantages and Limitations of the various layout
types (cont. - borrowed from Francis et. al.)
The product-process matrix
Production volume mix
Low volume, low standardi- zation
Multiple products, low volume
High volume, high standardization, commodities
Few major products, high volume
Process type
Jumbled flow (job Shop)
Commercial printer
Disconnected line flow (batch)
Heavy Equipment
Connected line flow (assembly Line)
Auto assembly
Continuous flow (chemical plants)
Sugar refinery
A conceptual characterization of the considered
  • Flow line A sequence of workstations supporting
    the production of a single part type.
  • Each workstation consists of one or more
    identical servers executing one particular stage
    of the entire production process.
  • The part processing time at each workstation
    follows some general distribution which must be
    defined in such a way that accounts for the
    various detractors affecting the station
    operations these detractors will include machine
    downtime, lack of consumables, operator
    unavailability, experienced set-up times,
    preventive maintenance, etc.
  • Finished parts could constitute end items or raw
    material for some other downstream process.
  • The operation of the line workstations can be
  • synchronized through an interconnecting conveyor
    system, or
  • decoupled through the installation of some
    buffering capacity between them.

Line Performance Measures
  • Production rate or throughput, i.e., the number
    of parts produced per unit time
  • Line capacity, i.e., the maximum sustainable
    production rate
  • Line (expected) cycle time, i.e., the average
    time that is spend by any part into the line
    (this quantity includes both, processing and
    waiting time).
  • Average Work-In-Porcess (WIP) accumulated at
    different stations
  • Expected utilization of the station servers.
  • Remark The above performance measures
    essentially provide a link between the directly
    quantifiable and manageable aspects and
    attributes of the considered operational
    environments and the primary strategic concerns
    of the company, especially those of
    responsiveness and cost efficiency.

Production Authorization Mechanisms
  • The issue here is to what extent part production
    is triggered from actual orders or from
    forecasted demand.
  • In a produce-to-stock scheme, a certain amount
    of end-item inventory is maintained in an effort
    to serve the experienced demand with zero lead
  • Produce-to-stock operation is most appropriate
    for highly commoditized and standardized items.
  • A key performance measure for produce-to-stock
    production systems is the fill rate, i.e. the
    percentage of the experienced demand that is
    actually met from stock. A desired fill rate is
    attained by maintaining an appropriate safety
    stock level, that is computed from the statistics
    of the experienced demand and cycle times.
  • In a produce-to-order scheme, end items are
    produced in response to particular orders.
  • Produce-to-order operation is more appropriate
    for (highly) customized items.
  • A key performance measure for produce-to-order
    production is the attained service level, i.e.
    the percentage of orders that are served within
    the quoted lead time. A target service level is
    attained through informed lead time quotation and
    some appropriate capacity buffer.
  • Currently, many systems are a hybrid scheme
    consisting of produce-to-stock and
    produce-to-order components. In particular,
    mass customization is supported by an
    assemble-to-order scheme where end-items are
    assembled to order from a number of
    sub-assemblies that are produced to stock.

Shop-Floor / Line Control Mechanisms
  • Mechanisms that control the part release and
    advancement through the line.
  • They are broadly distinguished into push and
    pull mechanisms.
  • A push mechanism releases material into the
    line according to a target production rate, and
    material is advanced to downstream stations as
    early as possible.
  • Typical instantiations of push systems are the
    asynchronous transfer line and the synchronous
    transfer line.
  • A pull system controls the part release and
    advancement in the line taking into consideration
    the status of the various workstations in the
  • Typical instantiations of pull systems are the
    KANBAN and the CONWIP (controlled) production
  • In general, pull systems reduce congestion,
    since they take into consideration the actual
    shop-floor status in their decision making, but
    the same mechanisms will also make them more
    inert in case of shifts in the production level.
  • Both mechanisms are effectively implementable in
    a produce-to-stock or produce-to-order

Asynchronous Transfer Lines
  • Some important issues
  • What is the maximum throughput that is
    sustainable through this line?
  • What is the expected cycle time through the
  • What is the expected WIP at the different
    stations of the line?
  • What is the expected utilization of the
    different machines?
  • How does the adopted batch size affect the
    performance of the line?
  • How do different detractors, like machine
    breakdowns, setups, and maintenance, affect the
    performance of the line?

Synchronous Transfer Lines
  • The key issue Assembly Line Balancing (ALB)
  • Given
  • a set of tasks to be supported by the line
  • each possessing a nominal processing time,
  • a number of precedence constraints among these
  • and a target throughput,
  • determine
  • a partitioning of these tasks to a number of
    stations that observes the aforementioned
    specifications, while it minimizes the resulting
    number of stations (and therefore, the resulting
    labor cost).

KANBAN-based production lines
  • Some important issues
  • What is the throughput attainable by a certain
    selection of KANBAN levels?
  • What is the resulting cycle time?
  • How do we select the KANBAN levels that will
    attain a desired production rate?
  • How do we introduce the various operational
    detractors into the model?

CONWIP-based production lines
  • Some important issues
  • Same as those for the KANBAN model, plus
  • How can we compare the performance of such a
    system to that of an asynchronous transfer line
    and/or a KANBAN-based system?

Module Objectives
  • Provide an analytical characterization of the
    operation of HVM systems and their performance,
    based on queueing-theoretic models
  • Derive qualitative insights and quantitative
    results on the attributes and factors that shape
    the behavior and performance of these systems.
  • Demonstrate the application of these results to
    the design and control of the considered class of
  • Focus primarily on flow lines, since they are the
    main layout used in the context of high-volume,
    repetitive manufacturing.
  • Also, flow line dynamics are easier to trace and
    analyze, and therefore, more enlightening in
    terms of qualitative and quantitative insights.
  • However, many of the derived insights and results
    are extensible to more complex environments
    either directly or through some appropriate

Plan for the remaining part of the module
  • Modeling and Performance Analysis of Asynchronous
    Transfer Lines through a Series of G/G/m queues
  • Modeling the impact of operational detractors
  • Employing the above results in line diagnostics
  • Design of Asynchronous Transfer Lines
  • Design of Synchronous Transfer Lines (cf. the ALB
    problem in the module on Sequencing, Dispatching
    and Scheduling of HVM systems)
  • Modeling and Performance Analysis of CONWIP-based
    production lines through Closed Queueing Networks
  • An integrating framework for bounding and shaping
    the performance of a production line
  • Analyzing the impact of batching on the system
    performance and designing optimized batching
  • Understanding the relative advantages and
    disadvantages of the various push and
    pull-based production systems

The G/G/1 model
  • Modeling Assumptions
  • Part release rate Target throughput rate TH
  • Infinite Buffering Capacity
  • m identical servers
  • Server mean processing time te
  • St. deviation of processing time ?e
  • Coefficient of variation (CV) of processing
    time ce ?e / te
  • Coefficient of variation of inter-arrival times

Performance measures for the G/G/1 station
  • Server utilization
  • Expected cycle time in the buffer
  • Expected cycle time in the station
  • Average WIP in the buffer
    (by Littles law)
  • Average WIP in the station
  • Squared CV of the inter-departure times

Some Important Remarks
  • The entire analysis of the previous slide is an
    approximation, since it derives from the provided
    approximation for CTq.
  • The provided formula for CTq is exact for the
    M/M/m and M/G/1 stations.
  • The station operation will be stable only if u
    TH te / m lt 1.0, i.e., only if the effective
    workload released into the station per unit of
    time is less than the available processing time
    of the station. Otherwise WIPq, CTq and CT will
    grow infinitely large.
  • Notice that the requirement u lt 1.0 is also
    suggested by the provided expression for CTq
    since only then CTq takes finite positive values.
  • The expression for CTq comprises three factors,
    each depending respectively upon (i) the
    variability of the processing and inter-arrival
    times, as expressed by the corresponding SCVs,
    (ii) the server utilization, and (iii) the mean
    processing time. An increase of any of these
    factors results in an increase of CTq, and also
    of CT, WIPq and WIP.
  • Assuming a non-zero mean processing time, CTq0.0
    only if ca2 ce20.0 these are essentially the
    conditions of a paced / synchronous production
  • The SCV of the inter-departure times can be
    approximated as a linear function of the SCVs of
    the inter-arrival and processing times.
    Furthermore, for u?1.0, cd2 depends primarily on
    ce2, while for u?0, cd2 depends primarily on

Analyzing an entire Production Line
  • Key observations
  • A target production rate TH is achievable only
    if each station satisfies the stability
    requirement u lt 1.0.
  • For a stable system, the average production rate
    of every station will be equal to TH.
  • For every pair of stations, the inter-departure
    times of the first constitute the inter-arrival
    times of the second.
  • Then, the entire line can be evaluated on a
    station by station basis, working from the first
    station to the last, and using the equations for
    the basic G/G/1 model.

Modeling the impact of operational detractors
  • Effective processing time time that the part
    occupies the server
  • Effective processing time Actual processing
  • any additional non-processing time
  • Actual or otherwise natural processing time
    typically presents fairly low variability ( SCV lt
  • Non-processing time is due to detractors like
    machine breakdowns, setups, operator
    unavailability, lack of consumables, etc.
  • Detractors are distinguished to preemptive and
    non-preemptive. Each of these categories requires
    a different analytical treatment.
  • Preemptive detractors are outages that take place
    during the actual processing of the part. Typical
    examples are machine breakdowns, lack of
    consumables, operator unavailability, etc.
  • Non-preemptive detractors are activities that may
    take place between the processing of two
    consecutive parts. Typical examples are setups,
    preventive maintenance, operator breaks, etc.
  • We want to determine the mean, variance and SCV
    of the effective processing time from the
    corresponding attributes of the natural
    processing time and some additional attributes
    characterizing the behavior of the various

Modeling the impact of preemptive detractors
  • X random variable modeling the natural
    processing time, following a general
  • to EX ?o2VarX co?o / to .
  • T random variable modeling the effective
    processing time where
  • Ui random variable modeling the duration of the
    i-th outage, following a general distribution,
  • N random variable modeling the number of
    outages during a the processing of a single
  • mrEUi ?r2VarUi cr ?r / mr
  • Time between outages is exponentially distributed
    with mean mf.
  • Availability A mf / (mfmr) percentage of
    time the system is up.
  • Then,
  • te ET to / A or equivalently re 1/te
    A (1/to) A? ro

Breakdown Example
  • Data Injection molding machine has
  • 15 second stroke (to 15 sec)
  • 1 second standard deviation (?o 1 sec)
  • 8 hour mean time to failure (mf 28800 sec)
  • 1 hour repair time (mr 3600 sec)
  • Natural variabilityco 1/15 0.067 (which is
    very low)

Example Continued
  • Effective variability

Which is very high!
Example Continued
  • Suppose through a preventive maintenance program,
    we can reduce mf to 8 min and mr to 1 min

(the same as before)
Which is low!
Modeling the impact of non-preemptive detractors
  • X random variable modeling the natural
    processing time, following a general
  • to EX ?o2VarX co?o / to .
  • NS average number of parts processed between
    two consecutive setups
  • It is also assumed that the number of parts
    between two consecutive setups follows a
    geometric distribution, which when combined with
    the previous bullet, it implies that probability
    for a setup after any given job 1/ NS.
  • Z random variable modeling the duration of a
  • tS EZ ?S2 VarZ
  • S random variable modeling the setup time
    experienced by any given job
  • T random variable modeling the effective
    processing time XS
  • Then,
  • ES tS / NS VarS (?S2 / NS)
    tS2((NS-1) / NS2)
  • te ET totS / NS

Setup Example
  • Data
  • Fast, inflexible machine 2 hr setup every 10
  • to 1 hr
  • Ns 10 jobs/setup
  • ts 2 hrs
  • re 1/te 1/(12/10) 0.8333 jobs/hr
  • Slower, flexible machine (with no setups!)
  • to 1.2 hr
  • re 1/to 1/(1.2) 0.8333 jobs/hr

So with traditional analysis, there is no
Example Continued
  • Slower, flexible machine no setups
  • to 1.2 hr
  • co20.25
  • re 1/to 1/(1.2) 0.8333 jobs/hr
  • ce2 co2 0.25
  • Conclusion
  • Flexibility reduces variability

Example Continued
  • Considering mean and variability
  • Fast, inflexible machine 2 hr setup every 10
  • to 1 hr and ts 2 hr
  • co20.0625
  • Ns 10 jobs/setup
  • te 12/10 1.2 hrs
  • re 1/te 1/(12/10) 0.8333 jobs/hr
  • re 1/to 1/(1.2) 0.8333 jobs/hr
  • ?e2 0.4475
  • ce2 0.31

Example Continued
Consider a third machine that is the same as the
previous machine with setups, but with shorter,
more frequent setups Ns 5 jobs/setup ts
1 hr
  • Conclusion
  • Shorter, more frequent setups induce less

Example Employing the presented results for line
Desired throughput is TH 2.4 jobs / hr but
practical experience has shown that it is not
attainable by this line. We need to understand
why this is not possible.
Diagnostics example continuedCapacity analysis
based on mean values
Diagnostics example continuedAn analysis based
on the G/G/1 model
i.e., the long outages of M1, combined with the
inadequate capacity of the interconnecting
buffer, starve the bottleneck!
Example Designing an asynchronous prod. line
  • Design of a new 4-station assembly line for
    circuit board assembly.
  • The four consecutive stations and the currently
    considered technology options for them (each
    option defines the processing rate in pieces per
    hour, the CV of the processing time, and the cost
    per unit in thousands of dollars).
  • The above data correspond to the effective
    processing times.
  • Each station can employ only one technology
  • The maximum production rate to be supported by
    the line is 1000 panels / day.
  • The desired average cycle time through the line
    is one day.
  • One day is equivalent to one 8-hour shift.
  • Workpieces will go through the line in totes of
    50 panels each, which will be released
  • into the line at a constant rate determined by
    the target production rate.
  • Design task Identify a line configuration that
    meets the above requirements while
  • minimizing the equipment cost.
  • Also, estimate the expected WIP at every
    station, when the line is operated at
  • maximum production rate.

A baseline designMeeting the desired prod. rate
with a low cost
Reducing the line cycle time by adding capacity
to Station 2
Adding capacity at Station 1, the new bottleneck
An alternative optionEmploy less variable
machines at Station 1
This option is dominated by the previous one
since it presents a higher CT and also a higher
deployment cost. However, final selection(s) must
be assessed and validated through simulation.
Analyzing CONWIP-based flowlines with
single-machine stations as Closed Queueing
Networks (CQNs)
  • Mean Value Analysis - the key underlying ideas
  • A CONWIP-based flow line with single-machine
    stations and its WIP level set to W, can be
    modeled by a closed queueing network (CQN) with
    general processing distributions, W jobs in it,
    and the following structure
  • II. In a CQN with W jobs and exponential
    processing times, the expected number of jobs
    observed at the various stations by a job
    arriving at some station Sj, is equal to the
    expected number of jobs observed at any random
    time at the same stations when the system is
    operated with W-1 jobs in it.
  • III. Assuming that this effect applies in an
    approximate sense for more general distributions
    of the processing times, we proceed to develop an
    algorithm that will compute the performance
    measures of interest iteratively, for various W
    levels, starting with W0.

n number of stations te(j) mean effective
processing time at station j ce2(j) SCV for
effective processing time at station j TH(W)
the line throughput when operated with WIP level
W CT(W) expected job cycle time through the
line CTj(W) expected job cycle time at station
j when the WIP level is W WIPj(W) expected WIP
level at station j when the WIP level is W uj(W)
utilization of the server at station j when the
WIP level is W
Deriving the algorithm iteration
  • CTj(W) Eremaining processing time for the job
    at the server of Sj
  • (Enumber of jobs at station Sj-Enumber of
    jobs in service)te(j)
  • te(j)
  • But
  • Eremaining processing time for the job at the
    server of Sj
  • Prob(Server of Sj busy)?Eremaining process time
  • uj(W-1)?Eremaining process time busy ?
  • (b) Enumber of jobs at station Sj ? WIPj(W-1)
  • Enumber of jobs in service ? uj(W-1)
  • (d) uj(W-1) TH(W-1)? te(j)

Deriving the algorithm iteration (cont.)
Combining the results of the previous
slide But then, Obviously, for W0, CT(0)
TH(0) WIPj(0) 0 Furthermore, application of
the above formulae for W1 gives
(from Littles law)
Bounding the line throughputUpper bounds
  • For W??, TH(W)?rb?minj1/te(j), the bottleneck
    rate of the line.
  • rb can also be achieved with finite WIP in a
    deterministic setting, i.e., in a line with
    ce(j) 0, ?j, and synchronized with pace
  • However, by Littles law, a line with raw
    process time To, in order to produce at rate rb,
    will need a WIP level of WorbTo this WIP level
    is known as critical WIP.
  • An interpretation of Wo is given by the
    following formula
  • i.e., Wo is the level of WIP that we must
    maintain in the system in order to maintain the
    bottleneck utilization at 100. Otherwise, the
    bottleneck will starve.
  • If WltWo, then in a deterministic setting we can
    pace the jobs through the system in such a way
    that CTTo. Hence, the maximal line throughput
    will be

Example Attaining the throughput upper bound
with balanced, deterministically paced line
Bounding the line throughputLower bounds (under
global non-idleness)
  • Clearly, 1/To is a lower bound to TH(W) under
    global non-idleness, since this is the rate of a
    line with only one job in it, and therefore, no
  • This bound is also achievable under any other
    finite WIP level W, by a non-idling policy that
    moves all W jobs as a single batch from station
    to station. Indeed, for that policy

Example Attaining the throughput lower bound
through batching

T 0
T 6
T 12
T 18
T 24
TH W / (W? To) 3 / 24 1 / 8
The W-TH(W) space
Ideal Operational Point
The W-CT(W) Space
The depicted curves are induced from those
depicted in the W-TH(W) space, through Littles
law. In particular, upper bounds in the W-TH(W)
space provide lower bounds in the W-CT(W) space,
and vice versa, as follows
Practical System Performance
  • The ideal performance is attained in an
    optimized, deterministic setting. this
    performance is typically compromised by
  • the variability that is inherent in the system
  • the impact of the applied control policies
    (e.g., the batching policy that defines the lower
    bounds for the system throughput - Notice,
    however, that these policies might be justified
    from some broader considerations).
  • A benchmark case Maximizing the variability
    inherent in the system operation
  • Single-machine stations
  • Exponential processing times
  • Balanced line, i.e., te(j) t, ?j
  • Key feature All feasible states for this line
    are equiprobable.
  • Mean Value Analysis (exact, since processing
    times are exponential)

Remarks As expected, TH(1) rb/Wo 1/To and
TH(?) rb. A performance that is worse than that
of the benchmark case is a strong indication of
mismanagement / bad practice.
Effective Mechanisms for Improving the System
The problem Given a line operating at a desired
throughput rate, TH, what are some possible
mechanisms to reduce the expected cycle time
through the line, CT (and through Littles law,
the line WIP, W) ? The key idea We need to
pull the curve describing the line performance
in the W-TH(W) space to the left. (i) Increase
rb (by adding capacity or making more effective
use of the existing capacity at the line
Effective Mechanisms for Improving the System
Performance (cont.)
(ii) Add capacity to some non-bottleneck
station(s) (this addition essentially enables the
better catering to the bottleneck needs, but it
can help only to a limited extent)
(iii) Reduce the inherent variability at the
different stations the corresponding reduction
of the station CVs will pull the performance
curve in the W-TH(W) space closer to the curve
characterizing the upper bound. (iv) Increase
the line flexibility, which essentially enables
the better utilization of the bottleneck capacity
(and takes us back to item (i) above).
Demonstrating the inertia of CONWIP lines
Problem Consider a CONWIP line operated at 80
of its bottleneck rate. Furthermore, the
performance of the line compares favorably to
that of the benchmark case, and WgtgtWo so that
?CT??W/rb. Compute the relative increase ?W/W
that will increase the line throughput to 85 of
its bottleneck rate. Solution Let ?WW-WxW.
i.e., the necessary increase is almost 42 of the
original WIP!
  • Batching implies the physical or logical grouping
    of a number of parts processed through (different
    segments of) the system.
  • Possible reasons for batching
  • High set up times and costs gt need for serial
    process batching to control the capacity losses
  • Processes that require a large production volume
    in order to maintain a high utilization (e.g.,
    fermentors, furnaces, etc.) gt need for parallel
    process batching
  • An excessive and/or costly material handling
    activity gt need for move or transfer batching
  • From the vantage of the processing taking place
    at the different stations, batching is an
    additional source of variability in the
    inter-arrival and/or processing times, and
    therefore, a source of delays.
  • Hence, a pertinent batch size
  • must be large enough to
  • maintain feasibility of the production
    requirements and/or
  • help control the target operational costs
  • but not too large so that it incurs unnecessary
  • part delays and/or
  • inventory holding costs

Example Optimizing Parallel Batches through a
queueing-theoretic approach
Model Parameters k (parallel) batch size B
maximum batch size ra arrival rate
(parts/hr) ca CV of inter-arrival times t
batch processing time (hrs) ce CV for effective
batch processing time
From the above,
Remark Notice that CT? as u?1 but also as u?0 !
Determining an optimal batch size
Let um ? rat . Then u um / k ? k um / u .
Substituting this expression for k in the
expression for CT, we get
and we get
Recognizing that
, we set
To minimize CT, it suffices to minimize y(u).
This can be achieved as follows
which further implies that
Remark If ce2 ? 0, the term ? in the original
expression for u will significant. In that case,
we can set
and obtain u and k as before.
Some implications of the derived results
  • Minimum feasible batch size may be greater than
  • If process times are long enough and batch
    capacity large enough, cycle time will be
    minimized with a batch size greater than one
  • Eventually cycle time grows proportionally with
    batch size
  • Without wait-for-batch time, cycle time decreases
    in batch size

Parallel Batching Example
  • Parameters
  • k batch size (10)
  • te time to process a batch (90)
  • ce2 SCV for batch (1)
  • ra arrival rate for parts (0.05)
  • ca2 SCV of batch arrivals (1.0)

Determining the minimum batch size
  • Time to process batch te 90
  • Arrival of batches ra/k 0.005
  • Utilization u (ra/k)(te) 0.45
  • For stability u lt 1 implies

Estimating the delays experienced at the batch
  • Average wait-for-batch time
  • Average queue time at station
  • Total cycle time
  • WTBTCTqte 220.5

Serial Batching ExampleSingle processing station
  • Parameters
  • k batch size (10)
  • to time to process a singe part (1)
  • ts time to perform a setup (5)
  • ce2 SCV for batch (parts setup) (0.5)
  • ra arrival rate for parts (0.4)
  • ca2 SCV of batch arrivals (1.0)

Determining a minimum batch size
  • Time for batch te ts kto 15
  • Arrival of batches ra/k 0.04
  • Utilization u (ra/k)(tskto) 0.6
  • For stability u lt 1 implies

Estimating the experienced delays
  • Average queue time at station
  • Average cycle time depends on move batch size
  • Move batch process batch (non-split)
  • Move batch 1 (split)

Serial Batching Effect
  • Minimum feasible batch size may be greater than
  • If setup times are long enough, cycle time will
    be minimized with a batch size greater than one
  • Eventually cycle time grows proportionally with
    batch size

Move Batches
  • Cycle times over a segment of a routing are
    roughly proportional to the move batch sizes used
    over that segment.

For 2 machines in series
Move Batching Effect
  • Cycle time increases proportionally with the
    move batch size
  • Low arrival rates cause long wait for batch
  • Inflation term does not depend on CV
  • Batching delay is essentially separate from
    variability delay
  • Congestion from batching is more bad control
    than variation

On the relative advantages of push and
pull-based production systems
  • The WIP cap employed by pull systems provides a
    feedback mechanism for reacting to operational
    disruptions and prevents congestion.
  • The avoidance of congestion further facilitates
    more flexible and responsive decision making in
    reaction to arising contingencies.
  • Another benefit from avoiding congestion is that
    the WIP necessary to elicit a certain throughput,
    TH, from a pull system is typically lower than
    the WIP accumulated in this system when it is
    operated in a push mode and with the feeding
    rate equal to TH.
  • WIP as a control variable is more easily
    measurable than throughput.
  • The performance attained by a pull system is
    robust to the selection of the WIP level.
  • However, this robustness also implies that the
    production rate of a pull system cannot be
    easily controlled through WIP cap adjustments,
    which further implies that effective deployment
    of pull systems necessitates non-volatile
    demand profiles (and raises the issue of active
    demand management).
  • CONWIP systems can achieve higher throughput than
    their KANBAN-based counterparts because they
    provide the aforementioned advantages of
    pull-based operation while eliminating the
    negative impact of (internal) blocking that is
    inherent in the KANBAN mechanism.

Suggested Readings
  • Hopp Spearman, Factory Physics, 2nd ed.,
    Irwin-McGraw Hill, 2001
  • Cachon and Terwiesch, Matching Supply with
    Demand An Introduction to Operations Management,
    Irwin-McGraw Hill, 2006
  • Buzacott and Shanthikumar, Stochastic Models of
    Manufacturing Systems, Prentice Hall, 1993
  • Viswanadham and Narahari, Performance Modeling of
    Automated Manufacturing Systems, Prentice Hall,
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