Title: ChemE 260 Transient Mass and Energy Balances
1ChemE 260 Transient Mass and Energy Balances
- Dr. William Baratuci
- Senior Lecturer
- Chemical Engineering Department
- University of Washington
- TCD 5 D ECB 4 5
April 20, 2005
2Transient Processes
- If ANY variable associated with the process
changes over time, then it is a transient
process. - Transient processes are very complex and a
computer is often required to solve the equations
that describe these processes. - We will only consider special transient processes
in which the following assumptions are true. - Uniform Flow
- The properties and flow rates of all inlet and
outlet streams are constant or uniform over the
cross-sectional area for flow and are also
constant with respect to time. - Uniform State
- The state of the mass within the system is
uniform. - At all times, the properties of the outlet stream
are exactly the same as the properties of the
system at that time. - The properties of the system can change with
time, but they are always the same as the
properties of the outlet stream
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3Transient Mass Balances
- DifferentialMass Balance
- Integrate
- Uniform Flow
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4Integrating the 1st Law
- The 1st Law for Open Systems
- Ws is work other than flow work, usually shaft
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5Uniform Flow and the 1st Law
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6Uniform State and the 1st Law
- If changes in kinetic and potential energies are
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7Transient 1st Law for MIMO Processes
- If changes in kinetic and potential energies are
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8Next Class
- Problem Session
- After that
- TCD 6 A B and CB 5 1 - 3
- Introduction to the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
- Heat Engines Thermal Reservoirs
Baratuci ChemE 260 April 20, 2005
9Example Problem
- Steam at a pressure of 1.4 Mpa and 300oC is
flowing through a pipe. Connected to this pipe
through a valve is an evacuated tank. The valve
is opened and the tank fills with steam until the
pressure in the tank is also 1.4 Mpa. Then, the
valve is closed. The process is adiabatic and
changes in kinetic and potential energies are
negligible. Determin the final temperature of
the steam in the tank.
Baratuci ChemE 260 April 20, 2005