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1The Age of Imperialism, 18501914
Analyze the rise of western dominance in patterns
of imperialism and colonialism in Asia, Latin
America, the Pacific, and Africa.
Explain the demographic changes resulting from
Identify how patterns of nationalism and
anti-colonial movements emerged from this era.
2What is imperialism?
The seizure of a country or territory by a
stronger country for economic, social or
political reasons.
3I. Imperialism
A. Beliefs Leading to Imperialism 1. Nationalism
- Race for colonies grows out of a sense of
national pride.
2. Social Darwinism - The idea of survival of
the fittest is applied to human society.
3. Racism - belief that one race is superior to
4. A desire for Raw Materials such as gold,
diamonds, ivory, rubber, and oil.
4(No Transcript)
5The African example of Imperialism 1. Tech.
innovations aid European conquest. 2. Quinine
protects Europeans from malaria. 3. Africans are
divided by language and culture into many ethnic
Berlin Conference Divides Africa 1. Berlin
Conference -14 European nations agree on rules
for division of Africa. (1884 - 85) a.
Countries claim land and prove ability to control
it b. By 1914, only Liberia and Ethiopia
remain independent.
9The Legacy of Colonial Rule
A. Negative Effects 1. Africans lose land
independence lives. 2. Traditional cultures
break down. 3. Division and occupation of Africa
creates problems that continue to this day.
B. Positive Effects 1. Colonialism reduces local
fighting between ethnic groups prior to
independence. 2. Hospitals, schools sanitation
systems are built. 3. Technology brings economic
growth to the region.