Bioethanol%20from%20Lignocellulose - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Bioethanol from Lignocellulose Group 10: Alessandro Fazio Fen Yang Marcelo Bertalan Vijaya Krishna Woril Dudley International collobaration – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Bioethanol%20from%20Lignocellulose

Bioethanol from Lignocellulose
Group 10 Alessandro Fazio Fen Yang Marcelo
Bertalan Vijaya Krishna Woril Dudley
International collobaration for the production
of Bioethanol
Biomass Sources
Corn Starch
Corn Fiber
Sugar Cane
Switch Grass
Wood Chips
The Products
  • Ethanol
  • Fuel (crops and residues) 68
  • Anhydrous Ethanol, gasoline aditive
  • Hydroethanol destined for Biofuels
  • Beverages (crops) 11
  • Perfumes Pharmacology (crops) 21
  • Alternative Products
  • Sugar Powder (crops)
  • Biodegradable Plastic (crops)
  • Polyhydroxybutyrate-PHB

In Sugarcane the bagasse and stillage can be
used for the production of energy (ethanol and
biogas) as well as component sugars (glucose,
xylose, xylitol)
The World Ethanol Market
  • Total World Ethanol production in 2004 40.92
    billion Litres.
  • Global ethanol market will be worth over US16
    billion by 2005
  • The largest consuming regions are South America
    and Asia.
  • In Brazil the sugar-ethanol market trade reaches
    about 7.5 billion/yr.

The Brazilian Ethanol Experience
  • Oil price 1973 2.50/barrel. 1979 20.00.
    1981 34.40/barrel
  • In 1973 Brazil development of the first car
    fueled by hydrated ethanol in the world.
  • Today there are 9 million vehicles with hydrated
  • Anhydrous ethanol is utilized in 25 blend with
  • The production of ethanol reduces petroleum
    importation. In the last 22 yr, an economy of
    US1.8 billion/yr.

Ethanol in Gasoline (gasohol) 1977 4.5 1979
15 1981 20 1985 22 1998 24 1999 20
2002 22 2005 25

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Ethanol cost x Oil cost
  • The direct cost of 1 l of gasoline in the USA was
    US0.21 and the cost of 1 l of ethanol was
  • The average cost of sugarcane production in
    Brazil was US180/t of sugar or US0.20/L of
  • However, the energy originating from 1 L of
    ethanol corresponds to 20.5 MJ, and from 1 L of
    gasoline, 30.5 MJ.

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Criteria for microorganisms
  • Broad substrate utilization
  • Converting hexose and pentose to ethanol
  • High ethanol yield (gt90 of theoretical) and
  • High tolerance to acids, ethanol, inhibitors
    and process hardiness.
  • Can be robust to simple growth medium

  • However, no natural microorganism displays all of
    the features.
  • Metabolic engineering of microorganism is a very
    efficient tool for increasing bioethanol yield.

Bacteria Escherichia coli Klebsiella oxytoca Zymomonas mobilis Bacillus stearothermophilus
Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pachysolen tannophilus Candida shehatae Pichia stipitis

Escherichia coli
  • An important vehicle for the cloning and
    modification of genes
  • Ferment hexose and pentose as well with high
    ethanol yield by recombinant strains
  • High glycolytic fluxes
  • Reasonable ethanol tolerance

  • Wide sugar utilization
  • Form ethanol through the PFL pathway after
    being modified
  • High ethanol yield

Zymomonas mobilis
  • A gram-negative, natural fermentative bacteria
    in ethanol production
  • The only bacteria which can use
    Entner-Doudoroff pathway anaerobically
  • Unable to ferment pentose but hexose
  • Limitation of using lignocellulose
  • Relatively easier to receive and maintain
    foreign genes
  • High ethanol yield

Bacillus stearothermophilus
  • Thermophilic organisms fermenting hexose and
    pentose after being modified
  • Avoid the limitation of high concentration of
    ethanol harmful to fermentaion

Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  • The most common and natural fermentative yeast
    for ethanol
  • Only convert glucose to ethanol for wild-type
  • Limitation of using lignocellulose
  • Relative high ethanol yield
  • Can be easily modified by metabolic engineering
    to ferment pentose

Other yeasts
  • Pachysolen tannophilus, Candida shehatae, and
    Pichia stipitis
  • Ferment xylose
  • Low ethanol yields
  • High sensitivity to inhibitors, low PH and high
    concentration of ethanol

BioEthanol from Bacteria Klebsiella oxytoca
  • The most promising ethanologenic bacteria are
  • Escherichia coli
  • Zymomonas mobilis
  • Klebsiella oxytoca

BioEthanol from Bacteria Klebsiella oxytoca
  • Main features
  • Enteric Bacterium (Gram negative)
  • EtOH is formed through the PFL (Pyruvate Formate
    Lyase) pathway, like in E. coli
  • It produces its own ß-GLUCOSIDASE and therefore
    it is able to metabolize dimeric (cellobiose) and
    trimeric (cellotriose) sugars, besides monomeric
    (hexoses and pentoses) sugars
  • Less enzymes are required for the pre-treatment
    of cellulose economic advantage for the
    solubilization of cellulose

SSF conditions 35-37 C pH 5.0-5.4
Dien et al. (2003)
Klebsiella oxytoca casAB operon
Ingram et al. (1999)
casA and casB genes allow K. oxytoca to transport
and metabolize cellobiose
Klebsiella oxytoca EtOH production
EtOH is naturally produced through the Pyruvate
Formate Lyase (PFL) pathway (similarly to E. coli)
Dien et al. (2003)
Klebsiella oxytoca metabolic engineering for
EtOH production
Strategy redirection of metabolism towards EtOH
production through the insertion of pet operon
Pet operon Pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC) and
Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH)
Two main strains were produced K. Oxytoca M5A1
plasmids with pet operon K. Oxytoca M5A1
(pLOI555) K. Oxytoca M5A1 chromosomal
integration of pdc and adhB from Z. mobilis K.
Oxytoca P2
Klebsiella oxytoca metabolic engineering for
cellulose hydrolysis
K. Oxytoca P2 two extracellular endoglucanase
genes (CelZ and CelY) from Erwinia
chrysanthemi. out gene for secretion from
Erwinia chrysanthemi K. oxytoca SZ21 (pCPP2006)
However, the strain fermented poorly cellulose
without addition of commercial cellulose
Zhou and Ingram (2000)
K. oxytoca, E. coli, Z. mobilis
Dien et al. (2003)
Possible strategy for the future
  • Since casAB operon insertion has been attempted
    in E.coliKO11, a possible strategy could be the
    integration of casAB operon and endoglucanase
    genes in S.cerevisiae genome in order to allow
    this yeast to solubilize cellulose and,
    therefore, to reduce the cost of the process

Bottlenecks in using bacteria for industrial
production of EtOH
  • Production of EtOH in large reactors
  • Contamination
  • GRAS status
  • Relevant economic advantages respect to yeasts
    (e.g. reduced need for enzymes)

Moreover, industrial acceptance of recombinant
bacteria will depend upon the relative success of
yeast microbiologists in developing industrially
relevant pentose-fermenting Saccharomyces strains.
Metabolic Engineering of Saccharomyces
  • Saccharomyces cerevesiae is unable to ferment
    pentoses. Metabolic engineering can be used to
    make S.cerevesiae able to ferment xylose, the
    main component of pentoses.
  • The efficiency of the constructed strain depends
    on its substrate utilization range, to use all
    the sugars of lignocellulose substrate
  • Xylose metabolism involves conversion of xylose
    to xylulose, whcih after phosphorylation, is
    metabolized through pentose phosphate pathway

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Strategies Employed
Strategy Result
Insertion of pentose utilization genes XYL1(xylose reductase) and XYL2 (xylitol dehydrogenase) from P.Stipitis a) Over expression of XYL1XYL2 b) Chromosomal integration of XYL1 and XYL2 c) Expressing different ratios of XR and XDH and over expression of TKL1 and TAL1 a b) Could grow on xylose but the ethanol yield was less c) Could produce more ethanol but still was not economically viable. A ratio of 0.06 had higher xylose consumption and lower xylitol formation.
Improvement of xylulose consumption a) Expressing the gene XKS1 (xylulo kianase) XYL1 and XYL2 b) Expressing the genes XKS1, XYL1 and XYL2 in a multi-copy vector. c) Chromosomal integration of the above strain. d) Expressing the genes XKS1, XYL1 and XYL2 in a single-copy vector. a) Capable of growing on xylose alone. xylitol yield was still high. xylose was fermented with 66 of the theoretical yield. In a mixture of sugars, 90 of the yield was achieved but arabinose was not metabolised. b) Unstable in non-selective media. c) Chromosomal integration solved the problem resulting in a stable strain. 70 of the theoretical yield attained in a glucose-xylose mixture. d) 25 of the theoretical yield was attained in a minimal medium containing glucose and xylose.
  • Now S.cerevesiae can ferment xylose efficiently
    through genetic modifications
  • But the expected ethanol cannot be obtained in
    any case and resulted in a low rate of xylose
    consumption and substantial xylitol secretion.
  • The problem of xylitol excretion is attributed to
    the cofactor imbalance (NAD and NADPH)

First Strategy
  • The metabolic strategy applied was to delete the
    zwf1 gene encoding the glucose-6-phosphate
    dehydrogenase in the strain with the genes XKS1,
    XYL1 and XYL2 expressed in a multi-copy vector.
  • As it can be seen the main source of NADPH
    originating form the oxidative part of the
    pentose phosphate pathway has there by been

The strategy of redox metabolism to improve the
strain for the conversion of xylose to ethanol
  • Xylitol NADP ltXRgt D-xylose NADPH H
  • Xylitol NAD ltXDHgt D-xylulose NADH
    H.... (2)
  • As it can be seen from the reaction (1) that
    xylose reductase is NADPH dependent and reaction
    (2) that xylitol dehydrogenase is NAD dependent.
  • The imbalance leads to more of the first reaction
    and less second reaction, thus forming a lot of
    xylitol and less converted to xylulose.

  • Results of first strategy
  • Significant improvement of ethanol yield.
  • Reduction of xylitol yield.
  • Explanation
  • The possible explanation for this is that with
    the less availability of NADPH, it is using NADH
    to convert xylose to xylitol releasing NAD.
    Inorder to reconvert the NAD it is utilising it
    to form xylulose from xylitol.

Second Strategy
The strategy applied was to modulating the redox
metabolism to favour xylose metabolism through
metabolic engineering of ammonium assimilation in
the strain with the genes XKS1, XYL1 and XYL2
expressed in a multi-copy vector.
a) Deletion of GDH1 Reaction 1 is encoded by
GDH1 and reaction 2 is encoded by GDH2
L-Glutamate NAD H2O ltgt 2-Oxoglutarate
NH3 NADH H . (1) L-Glutamate NADP
H2O ltgt 2-Oxoglutarate NH3 NADPH H..(2)
b) Over expression of GDH2 or GS-GOGAT system
(GLT1GLN1) Reaction 1 is encoded by GLT1 and
reaction 2 is encoded by GLN1 (Alternate
pathway) 2 L-Glutamate NAD ltgt L-Glutamine
2-Oxoglutarate NADH (1) ATP L-Glutamate
NH3 ltgt ADP Orthophosphate L-Glutamine
... (2)
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  • a) Results
  • Increased Ethanol yield.
  • Decreased Glycerol yield.
  • The specific growth rate reduced dramatically.
  • b) Results
  • Specific growth rate could now be recovered.
  • Experimental results
  • Glycerol decreased in both the cases
  • The specific growth rate could be recovered in
    the second case
  • But deletion of gdh1 alone reduced the ethanol
    yield substantially.

Possible strategies for the future
  • A future possibility is to find a mutant
    strain that can ferment both xylose and
    arabinose, thus utilizing all the pentoses of
  • Insertion of genes for arabinose metabolism and
    xylose transport will increase the pentose
    utilization. Genes for arabinose metabolism can
    be obtained form yeasts such as Candida
    aurigiensis and for xylose transport from
  • Expression of the genes araA (L-arabinose
    isomerase), araB (L-ribulokinase), araD
    (L-ribulose-5phosphate-4-epimerase) from E.coli
    into the mutant strain of S.cerevesiae for
    arabinose metabolism

Bioethanol efficiency production
  • Sugar cane yields the best energy balance in
    production of ethanol.

Raw Material Energy Output / Energy Input
Wheat 1.2
Corn 1.3 1.8
Sugar Beet 1.9
Sugar Cane (under Brazilian production conditions) 8.3
Macedo, I. et alii, F.O. Lichts 2004
Raw Material Energy Output / Energy Input
Wood 0.47
Switchgrass 0.50
Corn 0.71
David Pimentel D. And Tad W. Patzek 2005
Fermentation efficiency production
Alternatives approach in Bioethanol production
20 - ?
Plant improvement Sucrose content Pathogen
response Photoreceptors Aluminum tolerance
Microbial improvement Fixing nitrogen to the
plant Phytohormones Auxin, giberillin and
cytokinin. Antagonism against pathogens.
Pre-treatment of Lignocellulose for bioethanol
  • It was considered necessary to give a brief
    overview of this pre-treatment step, since the
    method employed can have implications for
    fermentation conditions and the choice of
  • The hydrolysis is usually carried out by the use
    of enzymes or by chemical treatment.
  • Enzymatic Hydrolysis
  • This is carried out by cellulose enzymes which
    are highly specific.
  • Novozymes is launching three new enzymes which
    make the production of ethanol from wheat, rye
    and barley up to 20
  • The new enzymes break down components of the
    grain which would otherwise result in a thick
    consistency. This saves producers the amount of
    water and energy that would otherwise be required
    to dilute and handle the mash. A thinner mash
    also makes life easier for the enzymes in the
    next stage of the process, which break the
    material down into sugars for fermentation into
    ethanol (alcohol).

Ethical and Conclusion
  • Lands used for lignocellulose production for
    ethanol production, could be used for edible
    crops, in helping to alleviate current food

million hectares
  • Brazils Territory 850.00
  • Total Arable Land 320.00
  • Cultivated - all crops 60.40
  • - with Sugar Cane 5.34
  • for ethanol 2.66
  • Denmarks Territory 4.3
  • Total Arable Land 2.679

  • From the present statistics, about 57 more
    energy is required to produce a litre of ethanol
    than the energy harvested from ethanol using
    lignocellulose. The poor tropical countries of
    the world are best suited for the growth of sugar
    cane, and most of these countries have vast
    unused lands that could be utilized for this

  • It would therefore be an advantage to all parties
    to used the vast resources being spent on trying
    to make something work which might not be
    economically viable, to helping these countries
    cultivate sugar cane on a large scale, and then
    either locating ethanol plants there, or having
    the harvested cane shipped to the developed
    countries for the fermentation process. It would
    provide much needed cash flow for some of these

  • Ethanol from sugar cane although more efficient,
    still consumes more energy than is produced. It
    therefore means that a lot of the energies being
    channelled into metabolic engineering for
    lignocellulose bioethanol production could be
    used for finding means of improving this process,
    which represents greater economic viability.

Blend gasoline - urban pollution
  • Studies have found (Australia) that the use of
  • Decreased CO emission by 32
  • Decreased HC emission by 12
  • Decreased toxic emissions of 1-3 butadiene (19),
    benzene (27), toluene (30) and xylene (27)
  • Decreased carcinogenic risk by 24.
  • In the USA, wintertime CO emissions have been
    reduced by 25 to 30.

  • Conclusion
  • For bioethanol from lignocellulose to be a viable
    alternative to fossil fuel, then the cost of
    production will have to be reduced.
  • The perfect microbe that provides broad substrate
    utilization, give high ethanol yields and is
    tolerant to the harsh conditions after chemical
    pretreatment will have to be engineered
  • Reduction in process costs, by integrating
    process engineering tools with metabolic
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