Title: A autonomous B baptism mode S
Religious Emblems
Religious Emblems the Lynchpin to Membership
2How to Have Congregations and Clergy Begging You
to Start the Full Family of Scouting
3Stop Selling Packs, Troops, and Crews
4Stop Selling Scouting as Ministry
5Start Selling SOLUTIONSto Congregations and
Their Needs
6Whose needs are these?
- Membership growth
- Retention
- Program
- Money
- Trained Volunteers
7- You can have everything
- in life you want, if you'll just help enough
other people to get what they want! - Zig Ziglar
8Why Collaborate?
- Whats in it for Congregations?
9Whats in it for Congregations?
- Question
- What are the five most stated items in any
strategic plan of a local congregation?
10Whats in it for Congregations?
- Answer
- Membership
- Retention of new members
- Religious training
- Volunteers / Leaders
- Money
11Religious Organizations Benefit
- Common Goals
- Enrich current program
- Scouting has high brand recognition
- Membership opportunities
- Proven youth program citizenship training,
character development, fitness - Outdoor resources (local and national facilities)
12Religious Organizations Benefit
- Trained Leaders
- Provides leadership training skills
- New leaders (adults may volunteer to be leaders
because they see it as service to their religious
organization) - Religious organizations select the leadership
that reflects their values
13Religious Organizations Benefit Membership
- Congregations need
- Young families
- Adult males
14Religious Organizations BenefitFaith Formation
- Religious Emblems Programs
- Are developed by the national religious
organizations, not BSA
15Religious Organizations BenefitMembership
- The average size of a pack is 30
- 50 to 60 of youth in a pack troop or crew do not
currently have a faith home - These parents are pre-qualified as looking for
values for their children - 15 pre-qualified families already in your
building without a faith home
16Religious Organizations BenefitMembership
- The unit leader makes a presentation on religious
emblems using the R.E.C. / Duty to God resources. - The congregation offers a religious emblems
17Religious Organizations BenefitMembership
- The chartering congregation offers their
religious emblems program for their youth members
and extends an invitation to the Scouting unit,
especially those without a current congregational
home. - Invite the parents to the first class and start
building relationships.
18Religious Organizations BenefitMembership
- If the congregation offers a religious emblem
class to all youth in their units - If the congregation offers a religious emblem
class to the whole district - The congregation expands its membership potential
in close geographic area
19Religious Organizations Benefit Membership
- Congregations need
- Young families
- Adult males
- Retain members
- Scout parents www.scouting.org/scoutparent
20Whats in it for CouncilsProgram
98 the number of clergy who are unaware that
these religious emblems even exist!
21Journey to Excellence
- Membership
- Units
- Retention
- Advancement
- Camping
22Why Collaborate?
- Whats in it for Councils?
2366.9 of Traditional Scouting Units are
24Important Unit Growth Note . . .
- 70 of these charter partners currently have only
one member - of the Scouting family
- and should be prime
- prospects for the
- others!
25A Sad Truth . . . Nationally, 2/3 of all new
units organized this year will be gone by the end
of the third year!
- ? To retain 10 new units this year will require
- organizing 30 units!
- ? To retain 30 new units over the three years
- will require organizing 90 units
- AND there will be 60 bad experiences
- which will make it difficult to ever organize
- another unit in that location!
26Faith-Based Units Have Greater Longevity
272 0 0 9 / 2 0 1 0
New FBU Units
Dropped FBU Units
28Faith-Based Units Have a Higher Percentage of
Youth Achieving Rank Advancement
29Rank Advance-ment
30(No Transcript)
31Ranks Achieved in Other Venture Crews
32Whats in it for Councils?
- Question
- What are your councils top goals according to
Journey to Excellence?
33Whats in it for Councils?
- Answer
- Membership
- Retention
- Advancement
- Money
- Leadership
- Program
34Whats in it for CouncilsMembership
- Youth membership
- Parents are looking for values
- Religious organizations share common goals
- Adult leaders
- Improve retention of leaders
- Religiously based individuals are more likely to
volunteer - Target underserved populations
35Whats in it for CouncilsProgram
- Religious organizations teach the religious
emblems programs - Recruit clergy for religious retreats and
camporees - Chaplains
36Ingredients for Success
- Both sides must clearly understand the chartered
organization agreement before it is signed. - BSA should use as many congregational volunteers
as is feasible. - The congregation must invest their best kid
person to be the leader
37Ingredients for Success
- All volunteers should be trained by the local
council - Religious emblems must be promoted by the unit
leader - Congregations must offer a religious emblems class
38Wrap up Why Collaborate?
- Win-win-win situation
- Collaboration results in
- Stronger youth and families
- Stronger congregations
- Stronger councils
39Take Away
- 1. Every scout promises to do his Duty to God
- We need to help them achieve this
- .2. Boys wear their rank and merit badges
- to show what they have accomplished
- What to they wear to show their Duty to
God? - 3. Religious Emblems are an effective tools
for - membership, retention and new charters
- Lets use them