Mandalas - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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MANDALAS Mandalas – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mandalas

  • Mandalas

What is a Mandala?
What is a Mandala?
  • The word "mandala" is from the classical Indian
    language of Sanskrit.
  • Loosely translated to mean "circle
  • It represents wholeness, and can be seen as a
    model for the organizational structure of life
  • Originated in Tibet 2000 years ago
  • Tibetans use it to calm themselves and think
    about the meaning of life
  • Intricately illustrated
  • Used for meditation
  • Show individual or cultural uniqueness
  • Many cultures use it
  • Aztec
  • Asia
  • Native Americans

Aztec Calendar
  • Timekeeping
  • Religious uses

Taoist Yin-Yang Symbol
  • To show opposition and interdependence

Native Americans
Sand painting
  • Medicine wheels

What is a symbol?
  • A picture that means many things like.
  • Remember, colors also have a symbolic meaning.
    Lets brainstorm
  • Shapes can also be symbolic, like a circle.

Why a circle?
  • What are some things a circle can symbolize or

Why a circle?
  • Represents harmony and wholeness of life
  • Universal shape eye, sun snowflake, moon, circle
    of friends, the atom, cells, nucleus
  • A simple representation of WHO YOU ARE
  • Using symbols that represent you
  • Peace, love, friendship, etc

Mandala examples
Shelaugh DignamCanada
  • My Mandala is entitled the "The Sacred Star" I
    have always been attracted to anything colorful,
    intricate and symmetrical... hence my natural
    attraction to Mandalas.
  • Being creative is my meditation and working with
    fabric is my first choice for a creative medium.
    The Sacred Star is the first creative project
    that is completely my own.
  • The points of the star appear to expand and reach
    outwards... they expand just as my creativity has
    through the making of this project and they reach
    outwards just as I hope my Mandala does to touch
    other peoples lives by bringing them a moment of
    peace and pleasure...

Terry ThorntonEngland
  • My Mandala story I created the mandala using a
    mix of Paint Shop Pro and Photoshop.
  • I see in it the inner world of the web merging
    into the outer world we inhabit and going further
    into the universe we try so hard to
    understand.The inner warmth of our feelings
    fighting the cold we find in the world outside, a
    delicate power that can conquer all our fears and
    lead to a peace so soft it lulls us into a dream
    from which we seek no release.

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.The Assignment
  • You are going to create your own symbolic
    picture representing aspects of your life your
    own mandala.
  • You will also complete a written explanation
    detailing your mandala.

common core standards we will address
  • Writing
  • Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue,
    pacing, description, reflection, and multiple
    plot lines, to develop experiences, events,
    and/or characters.
  • Write routinely over extended time frames and
    shorter time frames for a range of tasks,
    purposes, and audiences.
  • Language
  • Spell correctly.
  • Produces legible work that shows accurate
    spelling and correct use of the conventions of
    punctuation and capitalization.

Brainstorming with Visualizations
  • Close your eyes
  • Picture the scenes Im going to describe
  • Open when I say
  • Write or draw what you thought about

Visualization 1
  • Think about a significant day in your life.
  • Who was there?
  • Where were you?
  • What was happening?
  • Why is the day so important to you?

Visualization 2
  • Think about a series of favorite locations of
    your childhood.
  • Why is each place special? What does it
  • Dads lap?
  • Grandmas kitchen stool
  • A secret hiding place under a tree

Visualization 3
  • Envision the people closest to you.
  • Who are they?
  • See their faces
  • View their actions
  • What have they done or what do they do that makes
    them special?

Visualization 4
  • Think about the objects in your life that are
    most important to you.
  • What are they?
  • Feel yourself holding them
  • How do they make you feel?
  • Where did you get them?
  • Why are they special?

Visualization 5
  • Think about a difficult time in your life.
  • What was going on?
  • Why were you struggling?
  • Who was there to help you?
  • How did you respond the challenge?

Visualization 6
  • See your life as a journey.
  • What does it look like?
  • Bumpy road
  • River
  • Where did the journey begin?
  • Where has it led you?
  • Where is it heading?
  • How has the trip been
  • What part was really important, a defining moment?

Now to create your rough drafts
  • Most important symbol in the middle
  • Think of connecting design
  • Unifying theme
  • Symmetrical pattern
  • Think of ways to incorporate your visualizations
    (maybe you can think of a symbolic color, shape,
    object, etc. that represents your memory

  • The leaves are what inspired me to create this
    special project, for they are of great bounty in
    nature ever changing and transforming. The colors
    reflect my personality and the colors of the
    rainbow helping to remember god's plan for all
    creatures. I love colors especially purple and
    that is why purple is the main color at the top.
    Each color on this wheel of circles represents a
    different aspect of my personality and a
    different element.
  • Blue reflects water, blessings, clear thinking,
    understanding, calmness, and reflection. Green is
    the grass and the trees representing growth,
    life, change, and luck. Yellow is happiness, joy,
    bright and sunny this color represents the sun.
  • Orange is changes, both good and bad, fruits of
    the earth, vacations, freedom, uniqueness, and
    courage, lions are orange, representative of the
    animal kingdom.
  • Red is Power, struggle, tension, anger, justice,
    mood, pain, intense thought, even death, it
    resonates in flowers and in our blood. Red to me
    is a symbol of well used power and it is the
    color I wear when I want or need to stand up for
    what I believe in.
  • Pink represents everything girly, flowers,
    tradition, heritage, and babies, if red equals
    death pink equals life generating changes, self
    improvement, innocence, youth, sweet thoughts,
    romance and all things that I adore including
    guys. The symbols on my chart represent things I
    love and unique characteristics about me. First
    the whole circle reflects rainbows which are
    fleeting and beautifully full of life and color,
    representing promises and happy thoughts.
    Butterflies are transformers, fleeting, intense,
    unique, and self important, all characteristics
    of me.
  • The butterfly is placed where it is to represent
    beauty and uniqueness. The water lily symbolizes
    peace, and understanding, also my favorite
    painting, Monet's Water Lilies series. They are
    delicate, fragile, perfect, unique, and exotic,
    to me they represent true beauty inside and out,
    they also smell sweetly. No I am not perfect but
    that is always what one dreams is it not?...
  • Jennifer Marie Kubic

The mandala project
  • How to create a traditional mandala
  • Another example

Checklist for completion
  • Before you turn in your final work, make sure
    that you have
  • No spelling, punctuation, or capitalization
  • Created a neat, legible, and creative mandala
    that is colorful and reflects and illustrates who
    you are as a person
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