Summer Focus - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Summer Focus


Summer Focus Learning Map for each unit Common Mid-term and Final Exam for each course Identify pre-requisites for each course (to be used for pre-tests) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Summer Focus

Summer Focus
  • Learning Map for each unit
  • Common Mid-term and Final Exam for each course
  • Identify pre-requisites for each course (to be
    used for pre-tests)

Traditional design is like setting out on a trip
and not knowing where you are going And not
knowing how you will know when you get there
Textbook Teachers favorite topic/book Time-honore
d activities
Backward Design
To begin with the end in mind means to start
with a clear understanding of your destination.
It means you know where youre goingso the steps
you take are always in the right direction
What is backward design?
Its thinking about assessment before Deciding
how you teach
BEFORE Planning instruction
How will the student prove he/she understands..?
The performance task or culminating
projectprovides evidence that students are able
to use their knowledge in context
Tests, quizzesjournals, writing samples, etcare
used to assess knowledge skills that contribute
to the culminating performances
Is it teaching to the test?
Its determining/identifying exactly what skills
knowledge students will need to know and be
able to do as prerequisites to completing the
culminating project
It seems backward
  • because rather than creating
  • assessments near the end of a
  • unit of study (or relying on textbook
  • tests) we determine
  • assessment evidence as we
  • begin
  • to plan a unit

Not in the shower the day before the test!
  • Determine and prioritize desired results
  • Create the assessment
  • before
  • planning instruction!

Curriculum Planning Key Concept The
textbook or novel is not the course of study
The textbook or novel is only a resource that
supports the desired results They are tools
not the syllabus
Coverage is like marching through the textbook
Identify desired results
Determine acceptable evidence
Culminating Project or Performance task
Plan learning experiences instruction
Why plan for
planning instruction?
Standards help teachers
Percentage of teachers who said their instruction
has been helped by having clearly specified
learning goals for students
Source The Chronicle of Higher Education, SCHOOL
Stage 1 Desired Results
Establish Goals
Identify big ideas/concepts/understanding
Determine essential questions
Identify what students will be able to
Standards EOC blueprints HSAP blueprints Course
We are not teaching a book We are teaching
What provocative questions will foster inquiry,
understanding, and transfer learning?
Identify key skills and knowledge students will
acquire. What should students be to as a result?
We do not teach Animal Farm We teach how to
identify a fable, understand satire, allegories,
and symbolism, the meaning of eulogy, etc.
Big Ideas
  • Are rarely obvious!

Clarify Content Prioritiesand Identify the Big
  • Worth being familiar with
  • Important to know do
  • Big ideas core tasks

Look at the standards and EOC Blueprints
ELA Blueprint
R1 The student will integrate various cues and
strategies to comprehend what he or she reads.
23.6 R2 The
student will use a knowledge of purposes,
structures, and elements of writing to analyze
and interpret various types of text. 27.3 R3
The student will apply knowledge of word analysis
strategies to determine the meaning of new words
encountered in reading material and use them
correctly 15.5 W1 The student will apply a
process approach to writing. 20 C1 The student
will use speaking skills to participate in large
and small groups in both formal and informal
situations. 10.9 RS1 The student will select a
topic for exploration. gt1
RS2 The student will gather information from a
variety of sources. gt1 
Big ideas
adaptation, perspective Themes
good triumphs over evil,
coming of age Paradoxes
freedom must have limits, leave
to find oneself Theory
manifest destiny,
evolution Underlying assumptions
markets are rational, texts have

meaning Understanding/Principle
correlation does not ensure causality,
follows function
To what extent does the idea, topic, or process
represent a big idea having enduring value
beyond the classroom? Enduring understandings go
beyond discrete facts or skills to focus on
larger concepts, principles, or processes. As
such, they are applicable to new situations
within or beyond the subject. For example, we
study the enactment of the Magna Carta as a
specific historical event because of its
significance to a larger idea. That idea is the
rule of law, whereby written laws specify the
limits of a government's power and the rights of
individualsconcepts such as due process. This
big idea transcends its roots in 13th century
England to become a cornerstone of modern
democratic societies.
Does a student need to know this in adult life?
Use Blooms Taxonomy to help understand what each
standard is requiring and help ensure that
standards, lessons, and assessments are aligned.
  • Rather than stating that students
  • will learn..
  • the taxonomy helps clarify
  • specifically

Remember Understand
Essential Questions
How does fear threaten freedom?
Sets the focus of the lesson No single right
answer Raise other questions Ids what student
will able to do/know at the end of the lesson
Which is the best LEQ in each example
  • What is foreshadowing? OR
  • How does foreshadowing help you understand a
  • What are the nine planets? OR
  • What makes up our solar system?
  • What is a linear equation? OR
  • How do you solve real world problems using linear

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
  • Performance Task
  • or Culminating Activity

provides evidence that students are able to use
their knowledge in context
This is the time to create the task.
Its authentic if Task set in a scenario that
replicates or simulates real-world situations
The Swimming SchoolTune On Top of Old Smoky
  • Last year I decided
  • To be fit and trim
  • So I took a class called,
  • Lets Learn How to Swim
  • The classroom was tidy,
  • the textbook was cool
  • It had colored pictures of folks in a pool.

Written by Jean Spanko
  • I read every chapter, I read every line
  • I did all the worksheets- success would be mine.
  • The teacher said, First thing,
  • Well learn not to drown.
  • Id suggest you take notes now,
  • Cause this is profound.
  • The test will be Friday, its fill-in-the-blank
  • I grade on the bell curve
  • To see where you rank.
  • Swimming School, pg. 2

Written by Jean Spanko
  • Well, wonder of wonders,
  • I got the best score
  • So now I was ready to swim shore to shore.
  • I rushed to the pool
  • Which was right down the block
  • I jumped in the water and sank like a rock.
  • The lifeguard who saved me
  • Was not too impressed
  • When I showed my grade card
  • That proved I was best.
  • Swimming School, pg. 3

Written by Jean Spanko
  • He said, Swimmings a pattern of kicking and
  • But you have no program, your class was a hoax.
  • So now Im enrolled in
  • Lets Learn How to Knit,
  • Im making a muu-muu
  • Forget being fit!
  • Swimming School, pg. 4

Written by Jean Spanko
(No Transcript)
Its authentic if
It requires judgment and innovation
Has to use skills wisely/effectively to address
challenges or solve problems. The realistic
challenges require the learner to figure out the
nature of the problem
Not reciting, restating, regurgitating
How would an adult truly use this in real life?
  • Performance Tasks and Projects  
  • As complex challenges that mirror the issues and
    problems faced by adults, they are authentic.
    Ranging in length from short-term tasks to
    long-term, multi-staged projects, they require a
    production or performance. They differ from
    prompts because they
  • Feature a setting that is real or simulated one
    that involves the kind of constraints, background
    noise, incentives, and opportunities an adult
    would find in a similar situation.
  • Typically require the student to address an
    identified audience.
  • Are based on a specific purpose that relates to
    the audience.
  • Allow the student greater opportunity to
    personalize the task.
  • Are not secure. Task, criteria, and standards are
    known in advance and guide the student's work.

Big idea
Performance task/Major project Cause
Effect of the Civil War create a
of a great battle of
the war with
exhibit materials

Rules of War
analyze and debate in what ways (Does the
ends justify the means?) General
Washingtons surprise
violates rules of war?
Criteria for evaluation
Culminating Activity/Project Rubric
Rubrics are given to the student when the task is
  • Determine the criteria by
  • Establish the BEST, the EXEMPLARY
  • Define the lowest level of performance
  • Identify what is between the top bottom

To find rubrics to use or modify
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//

(No Transcript)
Score Exemplary 100-95 Needs
Improvement 81-87 Good
94-88 Re-teach 80
or less
Authentic assessments
  • Example 1. Consider the difference between
    asking students to answer multiple choice
    questions about geared systems and mechanical
    advantages and asking them to construct a
    transmission that will displace a required load
    with a pre determined power input. In the latter
    case, students must put their knowledge and
    skills to work just as they might do naturally in
    or out of school.
  • Example 2. Students are given some polluted
    water and some materials to help them with
    cleaning up the water. They are not given any
    advice, but are encouraged to work in teams to
    get the water as clean as possible. Later, they
    are asked to reflect on which methods were most
    effective. Also, they reflect on which types of
    pollutants were most difficult to remove. Then
    results are compared to water treatment
  • Example 3. Students are asked to design a
    company called Pythagorean Industries. They are
    asked to explain their strategies and make all
    computations. They must control a budget while
    ordering necessary supplies. They must list and
    graph monthly expenses.

Pythagorean Industries Memo To Accounting
Dept. From Mrs. Haney Date 02/26/01 Re Company
Expenses  Monthly Expenses The following is a
list of our monthly expenses. Please create a
circle graph which shows what percent of our
total expenses each expense represents. Attach a
description of how the graph was created.
Include any conclusions or thoughts you have
regarding our monthly expenses. Amount of
Expense Rent for Office Space 6,500 Company cars
2,550 Electricity 6,400 Salaries
68,550 Advertising 136,000 Production 30,000 
(No Transcript)
Authentic assessments
  • http//

With your department..
  • ID desired results prioritize
  • Determine create culminating activities/performa
    nce tasks (major common assessments)
  • Establish criteria - rubrics
  • Determine how you dept plan to use MAP data
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