Title: Transforming learning
1Transforming learning
What sort of learners and learning are we aiming
Pete Bains 18/01/10
2What sort of learners do we want Camden schools
to produce? What sort of learning do we want
to take place?
Transforming learning
- Camden Campus for Learning
3What are we trying to achieve?
Successful learners who make progress and achieve
Confident individuals who lead safe and healthy
Curriculum aims, ECM outcomes, skills and
Responsible citizens who make a positive
contribution to society
4Schools today
- Todays high schools were conceived
- at the beginning of the 20th century to prepare
students to work in an industrial economy that
looked very different from the economy we have
today - Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. High Schools
for the new Millennium
- ..institutions out of sync with each other are
caught in a clash of speeds between the old
system and the new. Standardised education is
among the slowest institutions to adapt. - If you were monitoring the speed of cars going
by, you would clock the car of business, which
changes rapidly under competitive pressure, at
100mph. - But the car of education, which is supposedly
preparing the young for the future, is only going
at 10 mph. - You cannot have a successful economy with that
degree of desynchronisation - Alvin Toffler. Futurist author and advisor to
successive US and other administrations .
Speaking to the FT August 2006
6Organisations for learning
Institutions for schooling
- Teacher commands content and style of learning
- Limited choice
- Learning happens at the beginning of life
- Learning happens in institutions
- School buildings as institutions delivering
traditional learning - Education benefits some
- Child adapts to the school system
- Schools see other learning providers as a threat
- Learning professionals seek the most appropriate
combination of learning opportunities - Learners choose how, where, what and when they
learn - Everyone learns all the time
- Learning happens anytime, anywhere
- Responsive, alert and flexible buildings able to
accommodate change - Learning benefits all
- System supports the learner
- Learning providers collaborate with each other
7BSF in a nutshell....
- a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity
- 250 million investment in buildings and ICT
- raise achievement
- right wrongs social justice
- provide 21st century facilities
- facilitate effective learning
- transformational ICT
- CCfL
- inclusion Hubs
8Camden Campus for Learning
Challenge and engagement
Every Child Matters
Education fit for C21
Close attainment gaps
Raise achievement for all
14-19 entitlement
Personalised learning
High quality teaching and learning
New KS3 curriculum
New pedagogies
Development of skills
New technologies
Childrens centres
Inclusion Hubs
Diversity choice
Special schools
Primary Schools
Secondary Schools
Robson House
Children and young people
Camden CSF
Other education providers
Youth services
Schools in other boroughs
Extended services
Wider community
Multi-agency teams
Out of school learning
Team around the child
Adult community education
Parents and carers
Specialisms/ hubs of expertise
Efficiency and value for money
Integration and coherence