World Language Countywide - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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World Language Countywide


Practice Schedule Validation January 15th January 22ndParticipating teachers to log into the ASW tab beginning January 15th and complete the first ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: World Language Countywide

World Language Countywide
  • January 20, 2015

  • CCS True North Instructional Framework

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  • World Language Department Site
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  • Resources

  • ASW platform
  • Gradpoint

ASW Timeline 2015
ASW - Timeline
  • January 2015
  • Teachers access schedule information in ASW
    Platform to complete a practice validation and
    final validation of their 2nd semester schedules
  • February 2015
  • Online platform selects classes for teacher
  • February May 2015
  • Second Semester Evidence Collection Window
  • May 2015
  • 2nd Semester Student Selection/Evidence Upload
    Window Opens
  • June 2015
  • Evidence Upload Window Closes

Practice Schedule Validation January 15th
January 22ndParticipating teachers to log into
the ASW tab beginning January 15th and complete
the first step schedule validation. The purpose
of the practice schedule validation is to ensure
that teacher schedule information is correct in
the ASW platform. If teachers find incorrect
scheduling information, they will need to inform
their school or district PowerSchool person to
correct the schedule information in
PowerSchool. Teachers at multiple school sites
should only validate the classes at their base
school. Teachers should only complete the first
step  they should not attempt to continue
forward in the process.
ASW Timeline
DPI Uploads final schedule data into the ASW
platform January 23rd January 29th DPI will
pull the updated teacher schedule information
from PowerSchool and upload that schedule data
into the ASW platform. All existing (practice)
schedule validations completed by teachers will
be erased from the system.
ASW - Principal Role
  • Approve the Teachers Schedule
  • Principal receives notification from TNL
  • Signature step in TNL looks exactly like
    signature steps in the evaluation platform.
  • CCS - Debbie Brown will hold a refresher ASW
    training webinar for principals on Wednesday,
    January 28, 2015 at 400 pm.
  • Practice Schedule Validation
  • Approval window in January 2015
  • Final Schedule Validation
  • Late January - Early February 2015

Final Schedule Validation and Principal Approval
January 30th February 6thTeachers will
re-enter the ASW platform and complete the final
validation of their schedules. Principals have
until Friday, February 6th to approve the
teachers validated schedule. Teacher Receives
List of Classes Selected for ASW No later than
February 10thThe ASW platform will select the
classes from which the teacher will collect
student work immediately after the Principal
approves the teachers validated schedule.
ASW - Principal Role
  • Approve Chosen Objectives
  • Approve objectives chosen by Teacher
  • Approval window opens in early February
  • No final deadline can be done in the system at
    any time.
  • Guidance
  • Review objectives with the Teacher, and then
    approve in TNL system.
  • Strands and Standards Guidance Charts available
    on the ASW Wiki for each content area.

  • Teachers Select Objectives and Principals Approve
    Can be completed any time after teachers
    receive classes selected for the ASW process.
  • Teachers will select 3 objectives on which they
    will collect student work.
  • Principals should review the objectives chosen by
    the teacher and check for 2 things
  • Has the teacher chosen 3 objectives?
  • Do the objectives follow the guidance set forth
    by DPI for the teachers specific content area?

February May 2nd Semester Evidence Collection
Can evidence be collected during 1st
semester? Teachers of year-long classes may
voluntarily choose to collect and keep evidence
from the first semester for use in one or more of
their 3 Timelapse Artifacts, but are not required
to do so. The expectation for the ASW Process is
that teachers will only need to collect and keep
evidence for 3 Timelapse Artifacts in the spring
of 2015. For semester teachers  the online
platform will only choose classes from the
2ndsemester. Teachers with semester classes
should only collect evidence from 2ndsemester
2nd Semester Student Selection/Evidence Upload
Window Opens
2nd Semester Evidence Upload Window Closes
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