Title: Primary school Jelenia 16, Bratislava
1Where does electricity come from in our region?
- Primary school Jelenia 16, Bratislava
Slovak Academic Association for International
This project has been funded with support from
the European Commission. This publication
communication reflects the views only of the
author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the
information contained there in.
2Power plants make electricity out of other forms
of energy
- Most electricity in Slovakia today comes from
- nuclear reactors,
- converting the heat energy released from burning
fossil fuels--coal, natural gas and oil, - from renewable sources, such as sunlight,
biomass, wind, falling water and geothermal heat.
3Energy map of Slovakia
Source http//www.oenergetike.sk/oze/energeticka-
4Additional text to map
- heat energy burning fossil fuels
- energy from sun
- energy from water
- energy from biomass
- energy from wind
5Power plants in Slovakia
Nuclear -2
Heat- 2
Water - 34
6The proportion of primary energy sources in 2013
in region of Bratislava
Source www.zse.sk
7Renewables in Bratislava regionExamples of
companies or users
- Energy from biomass Spalovna
- Energy from biogas 5,14
- COV Vrakuna
- Energy from biofuels Enviral,a.s.
- Solar energy Ekosolar,s.r.o.
- Geothermal energy Aquathermal Senec, a.s.
- Water energy Danube has total theoretical
hydropower potential 3394 Gwh/year - Waterplant Gabcíkovo 29,58
- Wind energy mountains Malé Karpaty
8Localization of Photovoltaic panels in Bratislava
Source http//www.energia-jaras.sk/
9Energy in Bratislava
- Most of energy in Bratislava comes from heat
energy - The largest producer of heat is company
Bratislavská teplárenská, a.s. (BAT) its
produce is 198 718 MWh, supplies around 60,000
housing units and relevant equipments.
10Consumption of Electricity and Heat in Industry
11Domestic energy consumption
- Average in Bratislava region
- heat 79,8 GJ
- electricity 22 177 kWh
- The total annual energy consumption of the
average family in Slovakia - heat 75 GJ
- electricity about 15 500 kWh
- http//www.iea.org/stats/renewdata.asp?COUNTRY_COD
ESK - http//www.bratislava.sk/VismoOnline_ActionScripts
/File.ashx?id_org700000id_dokumenty11018636 - http//www.seps.sk/zp/fond/wwf/2.htm
- http//www.sfpa.sk/dok/PDFI/VBenc.pdf
- http//diplomovka.sme.sk/zdroj/sona_obrtalova.pdf
- www. eurelectric.org
- http//slovak.statistics.sk/