In-Class Essays - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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In-Class Essays


Outline Readings Observations Experiences Surveillance is rampant Blink Your Eyes ... and Bob Herbert s Hounding the Innocent are all clear example of why ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: In-Class Essays

In-Class Essays
Review the Prompt
Surveillance is Necessary
  • Believe me, merchants don't like monitoring
    their customers to prevent theft, but they know
    that it's a matter of economic survival.
    Merchants know that closely watching customers is
    bad public relations if done crudely. However,
    the retail industry loses over 31.3 billion
    dollars every year, and shoplifting represents
    about one-third of that. Customer surveillance is
    limited to the public areas where there is no
    expectation of privacy as opposed to inside
    fitting rooms and restrooms that are considered
    private areas. If trained professionals do the
    surveillance properly, most people will never
    realize they have been observed while shopping.
    And since people from certain communities are
    more likely to shoplift than others, it's not
    surprising that loss prevention personnel keep a
    close watch on them. Certain groups simply harbor
    more lawbreakers, and while in theory security
    personnel should keep a watchful eye on everyone,
    the reality is that they need to focus their
    attention where it will pay off. The fact that
    certain ethnic groups are over-represented in
    arrest statistics shows that targeting them for
    increased police scrutiny is a smart business
    move and should be at the core of every business
    security policy.Explain White's argument and
    discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree
    with his analysis and conclusion. Support your
    position, providing reasons and examples from
    your own readings, observations, and experiences.

  • Readings
  • Observations
  • Experiences
  • Surveillance is rampant
  • Blink Your Eyes
  • Hounding
  • Surveillance angers people
  • WWYD
  • News
  • Surveillance is futile
  • Experiences in retail
  • Friends experiences

My intro
  • How do you act when no one is watching? The
    idea that someone is always watching is an idea
    that has been on the forefront of many
    discussions of current events. Surveillance
    occurs in many situations in life, and
    oftentimes, one might not even be aware that
    surveillance is taking place. In his article
    Surveillance is Necessary, Dan White argues
    that surveillance in stores based on or informed
    by ethnicity is a smart business move. However,
    I disagree with Dan Whites argument because in
    my readings, observations, and experiences, I
    have found that surveillance causes rampant
    racism, anger in people both in and out of those
    ethnic groups, and is futile because one person
    is just as likely to steal as the next person,
    regardless of race.

How your papers are graded
  • We read every essay alongside of the CSU rubric
    and determined where the essay fell on the 1-6
  • We then assigned point values based on an A-F
    scale for each number on the 1-6 scale
  • I went back and converted the 1-6 according to
    the point scale devised

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How I thought in general
  • 1 you attempted to answer the question
  • 2 you had a structured essay that neglected the
    actual prompt
  • 3 you had a structured essay that began to
    answer the prompt but lost sight of it or lost
    sight of the organization along the way
  • 4 you had a structured essay that answered the
    prompt, but there was often a flaw in the
    intro/thesis, or you lost sight of the prompt and
    got back to it later on in your essay
  • 5 you had a structured essay that answered the
    prompt, but could have been developed more

  • The essay itself is out of 50 points.
  • You also received up to 5 points for your
    pre-thinking/outlining on the back of the prompt.
  • Point total 55 points
  • 50-55 A
  • 49-44 B
  • 43-39 C
  • 38-33 D
  • 32 and lower F

Please review the sample essays attached to your
copies of the rubric. Assign a grade to each
sample essay and note that grade in your journal.
DO NOT write on the essays themselves!
Sample Essays
  • Sample 1 2
  • Does not fully address the prompt, lacking
    organization, very brief and not detailed at all.
  • Sample 2 5
  • Detailed, organized, addresses the prompt.
  • Sample 3 3
  • Addresses the prompt, but is missing a proper
    intro and overall organization. Also very brief.
  • Sample 4 4-
  • Lacks the experiences but addresses the prompt,
    lays out organization in the intro, and sticks
    with it throughout the essay. Also brings Dan
    White back into the conclusion.

Journal 34
Journal 34
  • Reflect on your grade. Copy down at least one of
    the comments made on your essay. What can you do
    to improve your essay? What were your strengths?
    What will you do differently on the next in-class
    essay (i.e. spend more time outlining, manage
    your time better, etc.)

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Number Breakdown
  • 6 0
  • 5 6
  • 4 16
  • 3 40
  • 2 22
  • 1 15
  • Total number of students 99

Common Issues
The biggest issue!
  • Your intro sets the tone for your ENTIRE paper!
    Just reading the intro is a near-perfect
    indicator of how the paper as a whole will score.
  • Remember, HOOK ? IVF ? Thesis

  • Businesses provide a very easy, carefree
    shopping experience for customers. But when
    certain shoppers take advantage of this kind act
    of the retailers, businesses must take action to
    protect their items for sale. Therefore, Dan
    White was completely correct when stating,
    Certain groups simply harbor more lawbreakers,
    and while in theory security personnel should
    keep a watchful eye on everyone, the reality is
    that they need to focus their attention where it
    pays off.
  • Does not explain Dan Whites argument, only
    copies it!

  • Opening up a business requires owners to come
    across a copious amount of issues in which they
    are forced to make smart decisions in order to
    maintain a successful workplace. In Dan Whites
    opinion, he claims that achieving this success
    can be possible by targeting certain ethnic
    groups for increased police scrutiny. Although
    our society sees racial profiling as unethical,
    Whites claim is certainly true based on my
    experiences working at a clothing store, several
    readings of articles, and simply maintaining a
    successful business.
  • Yay!

Another common issue
  • Losing the organization of the essay mid-way
  • Your introduction SHOULD provide an outline for
    the rest of your essay. If your intro is off, the
    whole paper will be off. Lay out an outline in
    your thesis and stick to it!

Sample of a well-organized paper
  • Opening up a business requires owners to come
    across a copious amount of issues in which they
    are forced to make smart decisions in order to
    maintain a successful workplace. In Dan Whites
    opinion, he claims that achieving this success
    can be possible by targeting certain ethnic
    groups for increased police scrutiny. Although
    our society sees racial profiling as unethical,
    Whites claim is certainly true based on my
    experiences working at a clothing store, several
    readings of articles and by simply maintaining a
    successful business.

  • Paragraph 2 experiences with Surveillance
    while working at clothing store
  • Paragraph 3 Information in Racial Profiling
    about taxi drivers surveillance
  • Paragraph 4 31.3 billion dollars lost in
    businesses due to theft and the need for
    surveillance to keep a successful business

  • In short, racial profiling in businesses are
    necessary in order to achieve a successful
    workplace. This concept is demonstrated clearly
    by my experiences working at a clothing store,
    readings of articles and simply by maintaining a
    business. Dan White should be commended for his
    accurate assessment.
  • Re-addresses the items in the Introduction, wraps
    it up nicely, and brings it full-circle with a
    re-mention of Dan White!

Another Big Issue
  • Proofreading!!
  • The following are actual examples from essays

WAYS TO SPELL Surveillance ?
  • survalince
  • surveyance
  • servallance
  • survailance
  • suvailence
  • surveliance
  • survilence

  • In Bob Herberts artical Hounding the Innocent
    he shares the stiticts of 45,000 people but more
    over total number of arrests madewas less then
    10,000. So if they would of done these random
    searches their could have been 10,000 people with
    something illegal roaming the city. Although this
    may have already caught you eye it is a fact that
    business loose 1/3 of their profit to

  • For instance, In my opinion, at times for a store
    it is ok to profile someone, and what I really
    mean is that if someone comes into a store with
    baggy clothes, looks suspicious, and is walking
    around looking at things clearly. Well then, yeah
    I would be paying much more attention to that
    person, than a nice lady who comes in to buy

  • First off shop lifting is super bad for business.
    The retail industry loses over 31.3 billion
    dollars every year. Losing all this money could
    reslut in dept. stores in the mall buy a certain
    amount of money for renting the space there store
    is it there consistly losing money and dont end
    up having enough for rent they go out of

  • From personal experiences such as watching my
    brother-in-law be racially profiled, Susys
    encounter with profiling, and Bob Herberts
    Hounding the Innocent are all clear example of
    why exploding a single ethnic group is wrong.

10 Words to Stop Misspelling
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Your correct usage of this word will determine
whether or not we keep studying grammar.
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I went to the store, then I went to school. Id
rather go to the store than go to school
Your Assignment
  • Revise your essays!
  • Can be typed or handwritten
  • Revise to include all of the missing elements in
    your first submission, especially proper
  • EVERYONE must submit a revised essay, regardless
    of your score
  • Due Monday, November 14th!
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