Introduction to Cognitive Science - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to Cognitive Science


Introduction to Cognitive Science Linguistics Component Topic: Formal Grammars: Generating and Parsing Lecturer: Dr Bodomo – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introduction to Cognitive Science

Introduction to Cognitive Science
  • Linguistics Component
  • Topic Formal Grammars
  • Generating and Parsing
  • Lecturer Dr Bodomo

  • In my previous lectures, we discussed how tacit
    linguistic knowledge can be represented at
    various levels of phonology, morphology, syntax,
    semantics, pragmatics, and their interfaces,
    including morphophonology, morphosyntax, and the
    syntax-semantics interrelationships.
  • In this lecture, we shall look closely at how
    these linguistic knowledge representations can be
    formalised into an algorithm, a computational
    procedure for processing this linguistic

  • Constituent structure rules
  • initial symbol
  • terminal symbol
  • non-terminal symbol
  • generative grammar
  • formal grammar

Formal devices and notation
  • The symbol ? indicates that a node is
    rewritten as or consists of, or has the
  • This is used in rewrite rules of the type S ? NP
  • a sentence, S, has the constituents noun phrase
    (NP) and verb phrase (VP)
  • Optionality in the grammar is expressed as X,
    Y . This means apply either X or Y but not both

Formal devices and notation (cont.)
  • The symbol is used to indicate constituent
  • e.g. _ is word initial while _ is word final
  • The notation X (Y) implies that X is obligatory
    and may be followed by Y
  • Initial symbol the symbol from which a rewrite
    rule begins (e.g. S)
  • Terminal symbol the end symbols from which no
    constituent structure can be further developed
    (N, V, Art). All others are non-terminal symbols
    (e.g. NP, VP).

Two main aspects of grammatical information
processingGenerating and Parsing sentences
  • Before we begin let us illustrate with a simple
    grammar and lexicon, using the following
  • The students greeted the teacher .

The students greeted the teacher.
  • Lexicon 1
  • Greeted V, - NP
  • Students N
  • The Art
  • Teacher N
  • Grammar
  • S ? NP VP
  • VP ? V NP
  • NP ? Art N

This grammar can also generate (i.e. produce)
the following sentences The teacher
greeted the students The teacher scared the
students The child ate an apple
But you have to augment i.e. increase the lexicon
as follows Lexicon2 An Art Greeted,
scared, ate V, - NP Apple N Students N
Child N Teacher N The Art
Sentence Generationthe algorithm
  • To produce a sentence we need three things
  • A set of phrase structure rules (as illustrated
  • A lexicon (as illustrated above), and
  • A lexical insertion rule (as explained below)
  • A lexical insertion rule is an instruction to
    select the right word from a lexicon
  • The following is an example of a lexical rule

Lexical insertion rule
  • For each terminal symbol of a phrase structure
    rule, select a word from the lexicon that
    satisfies the following conditions
  • It is a member of the class of terminal symbol
    (e.g. N, V)
  • its subcategorization frame matches that of the
    terminal symbol (e.g. V, _NP). Attach this word
    as the daughter of this terminal symbol.
  • The set of rules above constitutes what is known
    as a sentence generator.

  • The whole procedure of beginning with an initial
    symbol and then working through phrase structure
    rules to adding the lexical items via lexical
    insertions rules is driven by an algorithm or a
    set of instructions.
  • Let us set out an algorithm for the generation
    (production) of the sentence The students
    greeted the teacher, a grammar and a lexicon as

The students greeted the teacher
Lexicon1 Greeted V, - NP Students N The
Art Teacher N
Grammar PS Rule1 S ? NP VP PS Rule2 VP ? V
NP PS Rule3 NP ? Art N
  • i. Start with the initial symbol, S.
  • ii. For every non-terminal symbol, X, find a
    phrase structure rule with X as left-hand symbol
    and others as the right hand symbol(s), and
    develop a rewrite rule with X as the mother and
    the right hand symbols as ordered daughters.
  • iii. Apply rule ii. until all branches end in
    terminal symbols.
  • iv. Apply lexical rule iteratively until every
    terminal symbol is replaced by a lexical item.

Illustrating the algorithm
  • Applying rule i we get S
  • Applying rule ii and iii. We get

  • From the above we can see that we have started
    from an initial string and have ended with
    terminal strings with lexical items as their
    daughters. A sentence has thus been generated
    (produced), telling us how this sentence is built
  • Now, let us see how we can begin with an existing
    sentence and then break it down into its
    component parts by applying rules.

Sentence parsing the algorithm
  • To parse a sentence means to analyse it into its
    constituent parts by the systematic application
    of lexical insertion rules and some phrase
    structure rules. It is like the reverse process
    of generation.

Some sentence parsing rules which constitute a
  • For a sentence, S
  • i. Determine from the lexicon the word class of
    every item and develop a partial tree for each
    word where the word class label dominates the
  • ii. Find a PS rule of the type X ? Y, Z and
    where the right hand symbols match some sequence
    of categories in the structure so far, and
    develop a partial tree with X as the mother and
    the right hand symbols as ordered daughters.
  • iii. Continue rule ii. until the root, S, is
    reached and there are no unattached strings.

The man drank the tea.
Lexicon1 drank V, - NP man N The Art Tea
Grammar PS Rule1 S ? NP VP PS Rule2 VP ? V
NP PS Rule3 NP ? Art N
(No Transcript)
  • Parsing and generation of natural language data
    is a very important area of linguistics,
    especially in computer applications of natural
    languages which has become an important aspect of
    the computer or information processing industry.
  • In the next lecture, we shall be looking at the
    last topic of the linguistics segment i.e. how
    linguistic knowledge is acquired/learnt by
    speakers of a language, from the point of view of
    spoken language and from the point of literacy
    (reading and writing).
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