Workshop 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Workshop 1


Workshop 1 . DeFT: Digital Futures in Teacher Education. Anna Gruszczynska and Richard Pountney, Sheffield Hallam University – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Workshop 1

Workshop 1 DeFT Digital Futures in Teacher
Anna Gruszczynska and Richard Pountney,
Sheffield Hallam University
Introduction and background
  • Local teachers and pupils, teacher educators and
    teacher education students involved in
  • sharing and developing good practice in teaching
  • understanding more about digital literacy
  • developing guidance on Open Educational Resources
    in the school context
  • Project outputs will be shared via an open
    textbook (pulling together case studies and
    supporting resources) and the "Digital Bloom"
  • For more information
  • Project website
  • Project blog
  • Twitter _at_deftoer3
  • Slideshare
  • Contact

Activity no 1.
  • 1. List your three favourite digital tools
  • 2. Name a tool you're not very familiar with but
    would be interested in trying out

Research questions and framework
  • Key questions
  • What is the relationship between Open Educational
    Resources and digital literacy within
    professional development?
  • What understandings of digital literacy and Open
    Educational Resources emerge through a reflexive
    approach to project methodology?
  • Research framework
  • Embedded within Bernstein's theory of pedagogic
  • Drawing on the principles of social sciences
    knowledge production (teacher education as its
  • Exploring tacit aspects of pedagogical practice
  • Exploring the "why" (socio-cultural/institutional
    context) rather than solely the "how" (technical
    aspects) of OER/DL

Project methodology Data collection
  • Reflexive moments
  • Five staged prompts sent out to team members
    responses via e-mail or personal blogs
  • Each moment is followed by a digest of emerging
    themes and issues, shared with project
    participants via project website
  • Materials emerging from the case studies of
    digital practice
  • notes from project meetings and school visits
  • notes from rich media content - photographs and
  • comments from teachers/team members on project
    blog and Twitter
  • focus groups with PGCE students

Project methodology Principles
  • The case study method (Stake, 1985)
  • Schön's 'reflection-in-action' (1983) - sharing
    stories of "opening up" pedagogical practice
  • Bernsteins theory of pedagogic discourse
    (Bernstein, 1990, 1996, 2000) - exploration of
    (in)visible pedagogical practices.
  • 1.The DeFT movie!
  • 2. Alternative Forms of Recording for teaching
    and learning
  • 3.Camp Cardboard
  • 4. Reflections on Digital Literacy

Activity no. 2
Tell us a bit more about your digital profile 1.
What is your digital superpower? 2. What is your
digital kryptonite?
Available from Dunechaser under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
Frameworks for digital literacy
  • Engagement with existing frameworks (JISC, 2011)
  • Digital literacy as a continuum between the
    purely social and the purely technological
  • Move from the singular literacy to the plural
    literacies to emphasise the sheer diversity of
    existing accounts (Lankshear and Knobel, 2008).
  • Digital literacies as "the constantly changing
    practices through which people make traceable
    meanings using digital technologies" (Gillen and
    Barton, 2010).
  • Critique of the concept of digital natives
    (Bennet et al. 2008)

Activity no.3
  • 1.Find a partner
  • 2. Pick a device - iPod, iPad, your smartphone or
    pen and paper
  • 3. In pairs, take turns to answer the following
  • How do you define digital literacy in personal
    and professional context?
  • Capture the answers using your chosen technology
    - record the audio/video, Tweet it, write it
  • Ideally, email them to us
  • 4. Reflect on the experience with the group

DL and the rules of regulative discourse
  • When it comes to e-safety, we seem to live in a
    culture of fear where we might be teaching road
    safety but never letting the child out (project
    meeting, teacher)
  • Web2.0 filters
  • Technological barriers
  • Access to devices

DL and locus of control over selection of
instructional discourse
In terms of teaching and digital literacy the
ultimate question we constantly need to deal with
is - is this going to help the students when they
get to an exam? Because what I would like to see
happening is the fostering of a community,
personal growth etc. but most of the time it is
about having to teach "for an exam (focus
group with PGCE students).
DL Tensions sharing resources
polished performance vs. accounts of real
you have to be sharing with the kids anyway all
the time (focus group with PGCE students)
You dont know what reaction you would get
can you imagine if you put it on you tube and you
got loads of thumbs down?
Locus of control over pacing Stories of a
digital divide
My pupils were shocked to discover that I didnt
have a mobile phone as a teenager and when you
arranged to meet with your mates you just agreed
on a meeting time and point and then waited. You
would actually talk to each other, you know,
rather than keep texting. (focus group with
PGCE students)
DL investigations new avenues
  • Methodological approaches exploring the ways in
    which understandings around DL are expressed and
    shared through reflection in action
  • Re-examining DL in the context of the debate
    around ICT in the curriculum and the removal of
    the programmes of study
  • Exploring the place of DL and OERs in
    professional development of teachers

References.Questions? Comments?
  • Bennett, S, Maton, K, Kervin, L. (2008). The
    digital natives debate A critical review of
    evidence. British Journal of Educational
    Technology, 39, 775786.
  • Bernstein, B. (1990). The structuring of the
    pedagogic discourse Class, codes and control.
    London Routledge.
  • Bernstein, B. (1996). Pedagogy, Symbolic Control
    and Identity Theory, Research, Critique. London
    Taylor Francis.
  • Bernstein, B. (2000). Pedagogy, Symbolic Control
    and Identity Theory, Research, Critique.
    (Revised edition). Lanham Rowman Littlefield
  • Gillen, J. Barton, D. (2010). Digital
    literacies. A research briefing by the
    technology enhanced learning phase of the
    teaching and learning research programme. London
    London Knowledge Lab, Institute of Education,
    University of London.
  • Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC).
    (2011). Digital literacy anatomised access,
    skills and practices. Available from
    8/Digital20literacies20anatomy.pdf (Last
    accessed 29 February 2012).
  • Lankshear, C. Knobel, M. (2010) New Literacies
    Everyday Practices and Social Learning (3rd
    Edition). Maidenhead Open University Press.
  • Schön, D. (1983). The reflective practitioner.
    New York Basic Books.
  • Stake, R.E. (1995). The art of case study
    research. London Sage.
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