Title: A%20Framework%20to%20Engineer%20Communities%20of%20Web%20Services
1A Framework to Engineer Communities of Web
- Jamal Bentahar
- Concordia University (Montreal, Canada)
Royal Holloway, University of London July 09,
- Context and Motivations
- Communities of Web Services Definitions
- Communities of Web Services Engineering
- Argumentation between Web Services
- Conclusion and Future Work
- Web services (WSs) A new breed of Web
application - Self-contained
- Self-describing
- Can be published, located, and invoked across the
Web - Functions anything from simple requests to
complicated business processes - Once a Web service is deployed, other
applications (and other Web services) can
discover and invoke the deployed service
- Web service (WS)
- Software application identified by a URI
- XML artifacts Interface definition and
discovering - Web Service Description Language (WSDL)
- Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration
(UDDI) registry, ebXML - Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
- SOAP defines a common standard that allows
different systems to interoperate
5Standards and Projects
- Standards for Services definition, discovery, and
security - Projects for Web services composition,
personalization, and contextualization - Composition
- A user's request cannot be satisfied by any
single, available Web service - A composite Web service obtained by combining
available Web services may be used
6 Service-Oriented Architecture
Service Provider
Bind (SOAP)
Publish (WSDL)
Find (UDDI)
Service Requestor
Service Broker
Naming Service
- Communities of Web services
- Gathering WSs with similar functionalities (e.g.
FlightBooking) - How to initiate, set up, and specify a community
of WSs? - How to specify and manage the WSs that reside in
a community? - How to conciliate conflicts within a community
and between communities?
- What can agent technology do for communities of
WSs? - The notion of agent software-based computer
system that enjoys the following properties - Autonomy
- Reactivity
- Pro-activeness
- Social ability
- Interest of agent reasoning and communication
- ? Context and Motivations
- Communities of Web Services Definitions
- Communities of Web Services Engineering
- Argumentation between Web Services
- Conclusion and Future Work
10Communities of WSs
- Collection of WSs with a common functionality
- These WSs could have distinct non-functional
properties - A means for providing a common description of a
desired functionality - Objective To ease and improve the process of Web
services discovery and composition
11Architecture of WSs Communities
12Operations for Community Management
- A community of Web services is dynamic by
Community of Web Services
Temporarily Unavailable
Resuming operation after suspension
- ? Context and Motivations
- ? Communities of Web Services Definitions
- Communities of Web Services Engineering
- Argumentation between Web Services
- Conclusion and Future Work
14Operations for Community Management
- Community management
- Development
- Functionality definition
- Master WS deployment
- A dedicated Web service plays the role of master
for the time being of a community - Identifying a Web service from the list of Web
services populating a community to act as a
master - Dismantlement
- Number of active WSs
15Operations for Community Management
- Web services
- Attraction
- UDDI consultation
- Joining persuasion
- Retention
- Active behavior
- Collaborative environment
16Community Management
- Master WS leads the community
- Inviting and convincing Web services to sign up
in the community - Checking the credentials of Web services before
they get admitted
18Attraction and Retention
- A master WS responsibility
- Attracting new Web services to and retaining
existing Web services in a community - Consulting UDDI and checking the functionality
description of existing WSs
- Web services in a community should expose a
cooperative attitude - Web services should be aware of some peers in the
community that could replace them in case of
failure - Web service should be satisfied with their
participation rates in composite Web services
20WSCD Protocol
21CN Protocol WS Selection
22Master WS Architecture
23Slave WS Architecture
24Protocol Interactions
- ? Context and Motivations
- ? Communities of Web Services Definitions
- ? Web Services Communities Engineering
- Argumentation between Web Services
- Conclusion and Future Work
26Agents for WSs
Reasoning Capabilities
Reasoning Capabilities
Agent 2
Agent 1
Negotiation Persuasion Cooperation Conflict
- The notion of argument
- a pair ltPremises, Conclusiongt
- An argument is a pair (P, c) where P is a set of
beliefs and c is a formula, such that - i) P is consistent, ii) P c
28Argumentation Dynamics
- Argumentation is a dialectical process
- Attack relation binary relation between
29 Global View
Argumentation-based Framework for Communities of
Community Management Operations
Communication, Negotiation and Persuasion between
Argumentative Agent Framework
Dialogue game protocols specification,
implementation, and verification
30New Architecture of WSs Communities
31Dialogue Games
- Abstract structures that can be composed
- Sequencing
- Embedding
- Parallelization
- Decision making process
- Computational analysis
Game 1
Game 2
Game 1
Game 2
32 Specification of Dialogue Games
- A persuasion/negotiation protocol
- Specification language
33Entry Game
34Defense Game
35Attack Game
36PNAWS Protocol
- PNAWS Persuasion/Negotiation for Agent-based Web
Services protocol - BNF grammar
37Protocol Dynamics
38Termination Proof
- For any dialogue games, the PNAWS protocol always
terminates - Recursive definition
- The same move is prohibited
- The content of communicative acts is finite
- Challenge and attack moves are finite
- The agent-based WSs knowledge bases is finite
- Effect of using argumentative agents on QoS
- Reasoning about small knowledge base is efficient
- Polynomial time algorithms when using Horn
- (1) XML used for request and response
specification between users and WSs and also
between master WS and slave WSs - (2) JDK 1.4 used for operation processing,
- (3) Jack for argumentative agents and dialogue
games - (4) Eclipse 3.1 as an integrated development
41Implementation System Architecture
42(No Transcript)
- From WSs to Communities of WSs
- Specification and development of an
argumentation-based framework for communities of
WSs - Advantages
- Autonomous and flexible WSs and composite WSs
- Intelligent and dynamic WSs
44Future Work
- Specifying other protocols using the developed
framework - Defining operational and denotational semantics
for these protocols - Verifying these protocols by model checking
- Developing security policies for the communities
- Zakaria Maamar Zayed University, Dubai, United
Arab Emirates - Djamal Benslimane Claude Bernard Lyon 1
University, Lyon, France - Philippe Thiran University of Namur, Namur,
Belgium - Sattanathan Subramanian University of Namur,
Namur, Belgium - Muhammad Younas Oxford Brookes University,
Oxford, UK
46A Framework to Engineer Communities of Web
- Jamal Bentahar
- Concordia University (Montreal, Canada)
Royal Holloway, University of London July 09,