Title: Comprehension Check
1Comprehension Check
- Number a piece of notebook paper 1-10
2Wrap-Up Questions
- 1.) Which two individuals were born into slavery?
_________________ - 2.) Which two individuals were presidents and
founding members of black colleges? - __________________________________________________
______ - 3.) Which two individuals were founding members
of the NAACP? - __________________________________________________
______ - 4.) Which two individuals believed that if blacks
were to have jobs and make as much money as
whites and have a similar standard of living
(have economic equality with whites), that whites
would come around and give them equal political
and social rights eventually? - __________________________________________________
______ - 5.) Which two individuals believed that blacks
needed to take action and demand equal political
and social rights from whites? - __________________________________________________
______ - 6.) Which individual made the a famous speech at
the 1895 International Cotton States Exposition
called the Atlanta Compromise? - __________________________________________________
______ - 7.) What did the person from the answer above
mean when he said, In all things that are purely
social, we can be as separate as the fingers, yet
one as the hand in all things essential to mutual
__________ - __________________________________________________
__________________ - 8.) A.) Which individual originally thought that
the Talented Tenth would help blacks get equal
rights? ________________________ - B.) Describe what the Talented Tenth was in one
sentence. ________________________________________
__________________ - __________________________________________________
______ - 9.) Why do you think Booker T. Washington might
have had more white fans (who liked what he had
to say) than W.E.B. Dubois? - __________________________________________________
____________ - 10.) Who do you think was right about blacks
getting equal rights Booker T. Washington or
W.E.B. Dubois? Explain.
3WRAP UP QUESTIONS 1.) Which two individuals were
born into slavery? Washington
and Herndon 2.) Which two individuals were
presidents and founding members of black
colleges? Washington and Hope 3.) Which two
individuals were founding members of the
NAACP? Dubois and Hope 4.) Which two individuals
believed that if blacks were to have jobs and
make as much money as whites and have a similar
standard of living (have economic equality with
whites), that whites would come around and give
them equal political and social rights
eventually? Washington and Herndon 5.) Which two
individuals believed that blacks needed to take
action and demand equal political and social
rights from whites? Dubois and Hope
46.) Which individual made the a famous speech at
the 1895 International Cotton States Exposition
called the Atlanta Compromise? Booker T.
Washington 7.) What did the person from the
answer above mean when he said, In all things
that are purely social, we can be as separate as
the fingers, yet one as the hand in all things
essential to mutual progress? Its okay for
blacks and whites to not gather together socially
(Jim Crow), but they must choose to work together
on the things that will benefit them both
economically. (You dont have to love one
another, but youve got to work together) 8.) A.)
Which individual originally thought that the
Talented Tenth would help blacks get equal
rights? WEB Dubois B.) Describe what the
Talented Tenth was in one sentence. Dubois plans
for 10 of African-Americans to become college
educated and to be leaders in the black
community 9.) Why do you think Booker T.
Washington might have had more white fans (who
liked what he had to say) than W.E.B.
Dubois? Washington advocated change over time,
Dubois wanted immediate action and change 10.)
Who do you think was right about blacks getting
equal rights Booker T. Washington or W.E.B.
Dubois? Explain.