Extended Trips - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Extended Trips


Extended Trips Trips of 3 or more nights Topics to be covered: General travel information Planning and money Timelines and team work Before you depart – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Extended Trips

Extended Trips
  • Trips of 3 or more nights
  • Topics to be covered
  • General travel information
  • Planning and money
  • Timelines and team work
  • Before you depart
  • On your trip and back again

Table of Contents
  • Extended Trips Overview Stay Safe
  • Travel Through the Girl Scout Leadership Lens Get
  • Benefits to Girls Get Fit
  • High Quality, Fun Adventures 8 12 Month
  • Progression Check Your Knowledge 3
  • Check Your Knowledge 1 6 12 Weeks
  • Experience Counts Know About the Dough
  • Girl Planning 4 6 Weeks Checklist
  • Money Smarts Pack like a Pro
  • Budgeting Packing Checklist
  • Group Money Earning Journaling
  • Guiding Principles Check Your Knowledge 4
  • Check Your Knowledge 2 On Your Trip
  • Checklist 18 24 Months Home, Sweet Home
  • 12 18 Months Prior to Trip Travel with a
  • Team Building Where Youre Going, Where Youve
  • Group Agreement Check Your Knowledge 5
  • Safe Travel

Extended Trips
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  • This learning resource is created for girls and
    adults to prepare them for unforgettable life
    changing travel adventures.
  • After completing this powerpoint Extended Trips,
    you should be able to
  • Outline the planning steps and develop a
    timeline for trip or travel activities.
  • Explain the importance of progression.
  • Determine the readiness of your group for trip
    or travel activities.
  • List at least five resources for information
    on trip planning.
  • Identify health and safety guidelines.
  • Understand the council requirements for taking
  • Incorporate the Journeys and badges into any

Extended Trips
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  • Through travel, girls gain enormous benefits.
  • Develop self-confidence
  • Learn leadership skills by planning, earning
    money, and venturing to other places
  • Make lifelong friends with new girls and
    adults they encounter along the way
  • Gain an appreciation for differences and
  • A broadened perspective
  • As girls mature in Girl Scouts, many consider
    travel one of the most exciting aspects of their

Travel Through the Girl Scout Leadership Lens
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Focus of Girl Scout Activities Discover Connect Ta
ke Action
Long-Term Outcome Girls lead with courage,
confidence, and character to make the world a
better place.
Short-term and Intermediate Outcomes Girls gain
specific knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviors,
and values in Girl Scouting.
Girl Scout Processes Girl Led Learning by
Doing Cooperative Learning
Benefits to Girls
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  • Outcomes
  • Outcomes are another way of saying benefits
    to girls.
  • An outcome may be Girls develop critical
  • Another outcome could be for the girls to
    explore how they have grown as a result of this
  • Girls learn to try to solve problems for
    themselves before asking for help and/or to ask
    a friend for help.
  • Girls learn to plan meetings, overnights,
    menus, ceremonies, etc. by doing the planning.

High Quality, Fun Adventures
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  • An Open, Inclusive Environment adult page
  • Adults who partner with girls, need to keep in
    mind that their enthusiasm and support in the
    travel process are essential to helping girls
    build confidence and leadership skills.
  • Start off on the right foot by
  • Creating a safe and open environment for
  • Making it a two-way conversation.
  • Establishing roles. How do you envision your
    role? How do the girls envision theirs?
  • Encouraging girls to give input.
  • Helping girls reach solutions by asking questions
    to guide them in the right direction.
  • Having fun!

High Quality, Fun Adventures
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Process What It Means Why It Works What It Looks Like
Girl Led Girls make decisions and choices about what they do and how they do it. Girls feel they own their group and experiences. Theyll also have more fun. Girls plan, organize, and implement their travel projects with as little supervision as possible.
High Quality, Fun Adventures
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Process What It Means Why It Works What It Looks Like
Learning by doing Girls have opportunities for hands-on activities followed by reflection and discussion time. Girls strengthen their critical-thinking skills and are more likely to apply what they learn to their lives. Girls obtain the costs of travel and lodging for the trip and build in contingency funds to cover unexpected costs.
High Quality, Fun Adventures
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Process What It Means Why It Works What It Looks Like
Cooperative Learning Girls work towards a common goal as well as knowledge and skills in an atmosphere of respect and cooperation. Girls build healthy relationships and communicate effectively. This will help in their travel experiences and in other areas of their lives. Plus, cooperative learning is fun! Girls create a team agreement, reflect, and speak openly and often about how they are functioning as a team. Girls do activities in pairs or small groups. Girls set group goals that can only be achieved through interdependent efforts (e.g., sharing resources, helping).
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  • From Day Trips to Globetrotting
  • Progression is the backbone of Girl Scout travel.
    Girls build on positive basic trip experiences
    and new skills over time.
  • Start with simple local trips such as visits to
    the park or firehouse. Walk, use cars, or ride
    public transportation.
  • Take day trips to a nearby city. Then travel to
    neighboring states.
  • Progress to overnight trips one to two nights
    in a nearby state. Stay in a hostel, hotel,
    motel, or campgrounds.
  • Venture across the U.S. for multiple days. Use
    different accommodations and modes of
  • Trot the globe in Girl Scout style.

Check Your Knowledge 1
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  • What have you learned so far? Test your
    knowledge by answering the following questions
    (circle all answers that apply)
  • What benefits do girls gain through travel?
  • They develop self-confidence
  • They make lifelong friends
  • They gain an appreciation for differences and
  • They learn leadership skills by planning, earning
    money, and venturing to other places
  • All are correct.
  • Everything girls do in Girl Scouting is based on
  • The Cookie Sale Program
  • Campinng
  • Patches and Skill Building Badges
  • The Girl Scoutf Leadership Experience
  • What outcomes may girls gain as they connect with
    others through their trip?
  • Girls promote cooperation and team building
  • Girls feel connected to their communities
  • Girls gain practical life skills

More Check Your Knowledge
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  • 4. Which of the following is not part of the
    processes to guarantee girls will have a
    meaningful, relevant and fun time in the Girl
    Scout experience
  • Girl Led
  • Leader Led
  • Learning by Doing
  • Cooperative Learning
  • 5. Which of the following are progression steps
    you can do to help girls (each other) build on
    positive basic trip experiences and new skills
    over time
  • Girls play games a t the troop meeting
  • Girls visit local landmarks in their community
  • Girl stake a day trip to a nearby state
  • Girls stay overnight in a campground
  • Girls go across the U.S. for several days
  • 6. To determine progression prior to your trip,
    what should adult leaders be doing to guild
  • Charting their past travel experiences
  • Tell them where they are doing
  • Defining the purpose of their trip
  • Working out general trip details

Experience Counts
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  • Girls chart their experiences and skills from
    previous activities to gauge their own
  • Girls (and adults) reflect on trips theyve
    taken, awards theyve earned, events in which
    theyve participated, and experiences theyve had
    in their Girl Scout troop/group and beyond.
  • Girls are encouraged to think specifically, but
    also big picture-travel requires practical
    knowledge and skills as well as patience,
    adaptability, and the ability to problem solve.

Experience Counts
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  • Travel Guidelines for Extended Trips
  • Be registered Girl Scout Junior or above.
  • Align trip purpose to Girl Scout Leadership
  • Travel as a group.
  • Make sure there are at least two unrelated adults
    (see Volunteer Essentials adult-girl ratio).
  • Obtain your Membership Managers approval and
    adhere to Safety Guidelines.
  • Submit all required forms http//www.gscolorado.o
  • Menu item at bottom forms.
  • Health forms, permission slips, etc.
  • First Aiders card (copy)

Girl Planning
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  • A successful trip requires sound planning and
    teamwork by the troop/group.
  • The trip should be based on ongoing troop/group
    activities and interests.
  • Each girl should participate in the
    decision-making process about where the group
    will go and her goal in taking this type of trip.
  • With an experienced troop/group, the leader might
    give the girls a few suggestions and then let
    them start to develop their own list.

Girl Planning
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Discuss It! Girls can guide each other by
asking Where are we going? Why are we
going/ When are we going? How will we get
there? How much will it cost? How can we get
ready? Will everyone be able to go? What safety
factors must we consider? What will we do when we
get there? What will we do when we return home?
What else to consider How to include every girl
make sure each girl is heard and feels
comfortable expressing their ideas and
opinions. Art of compromising Itinerary dates/tim
es/places/menus Where male adults will be
Money Smarts
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Weekly/Monthly/Yearly Expenses
Food Entertainment Fun Clothes Other
Total for one week
One week total x 4.5 (equal to one month)
One week total x 52 (equal to one year)
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Travel Budget
Money Makes YOU Go Round the World Before you
go money-earning crazy, youll need to know how
much money your trip will cost. Fill in the
boxes at left to create a budget. Google
Girl Scout travel budget
Expenses for Group for You
Passport/Visa (if needed)
Food snacks
Event fees
Souvenirs, gifts
Local Transportation
Contingency fund (cost of one more night two meals in case of emergency)
Extra fees museums, theater, luggage, tipping
Group Money-Earning
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  • When you participate in money-earning projects,
    you build practical skills that benefit their
    groups, communities, and, most importantly,
    yourselves. You learn (see Addendum for money
    earning application)
  • Budgeting
  • Goal Setting
  • Marketing
  • Customer Relations
  • Good Business Practices
  • To support each other in money-earning project
    for travel
  • Girls create a detailed and realistic budget.
  • Get Membership Manager approval fro bank
    accounts and all money-earning projects and
    follow money earning guidelines in Volunteer
    Essentials and Program Planning Guide.
  • Delineate between the girls and adults
    personal and group expenses.
  • Optional Set up a group travel bank account
    managed by girls and to be overseen by a
    designated adult.
  • Have one person responsible for group funds and
    keep a daily account of expenditures.
  • All monies for travel should not be held by one
    person at any time during the trip.
  • Make decisions in advance about how to pay bills
    that occur before, during, and after the trip.

Group Money-Earning
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EXAMPLE Our troop has always worked on a 1/3,
1/3, 1/3 plan. Girls earn individually 1/3,
parents contribute 1/3, and the troop earns the
final 1/3. It is amazing how much the girls can
earn babysitting!
  • Cool Ideas for Earning Money
  • Participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program.
  • Babysit at special events (must have at least
    one adult, CPR/1st Aid training, and have taken a
    babysitting course).
  • Collect litter after sporting events.
  • Wash cars and/or dogs.
  • Do face-painting at a community event.
  • Hold a bottle/can/newspaper drive.
  • Care for pets.
  • Hold a dinner or breakfast.

Guiding Principles
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  • Money earning as part of a group is a great
    cooperative learning experience. Girls create
    guiding principles.
  • How will you cooperate with each other and
  • The Power of Goal Setting Dont be discouraged
    if girls families cannot contribute. Many Girl
    Scouts reach financial goals through hard work
    and perseverance.
  • Ask families about cooperation.
  • Six things to look for in a Chaperone
  • Willing to take direction from the girls
    adults and adhere to group agreement
  • Sets positive example.
  • Has prior traveling experience with girls.
  • Is someone girls can trust/turn to for help.
  • Is knowledgeable (or will be) about Girl Scout
  • Handles pressure and stress well.

Check Your Knowledge 2
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  • What have you learned so far? Test your
    knowledge by answering the following questions
    (circle all answers that apply)
  • About what travel guidelines should you know when
    planning a trip?
  • Travel as a group.
  • Every girl and adult are registered as Girl
  • Made sure there are at least 2 unrelated adults.
  • Obtain Councils approval and adhere to safety
  • None of the above.
  • In the decision-making process, the trip leader
    might give girls a few suggestions, but let them
    plan their own trip.
  • True False
  • How is the chart for Weekly/Monthly/Yearly
    Expenses used?
  • To get the girls thinking about hwere they spend
    their money everyday.
  • To figure out how much money the girls may need
    for their trip.
  • To punish girls for spending too much money.
  • To find out in which areas girls can save most of
    their money.
  • It is important that the group know how much the
    trip will cost and create a budget early in the
    planning stages..

More Check Your Knowledge
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  • 5. What skills will girls learn through
    participation in money-earning projects?
  • Budgeting
  • Goal Setting
  • Marketing
  • Cheating
  • Customer Relations
  • Good Business Practices
  • 6. Girls do not need to check with their
    Membership manager before soliciting funds from a
    local organization.
  • True False
  • 7. One person should be responsible for keeping
    a daily account of expenditures during the trip.
  • True False
  • 8. Girls should set guiding principles before
    earning trip money.
  • True False
  • 9. What characteristics should girls look for
    when picking a trip chaperone?
  • 18 years old or 21 years old if driving

Checklist 18 24 Months
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24 months if going out of country At least 12
months for in country
  • Use the following questions as a guide when
    starting your own checklist.
  • Before you move on to the next phase of planning
    your trip, did you
  • Determine your trip location and purpose?
  • Determine budget?
  • Brainstorm ideas for trip activities?
  • Plant the travel seed with the girls families?
  • Submit Travel and High-Risk Activity
    Application(s) to your Membership Manager?
  • Determine how many adults are needed?
  • Find any other groups that have gone to this
    place? What can we learn from them?
  • Have the fitness necessary for this type of

12 18 Months Prior to Trip
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Adult leaders guide girls through Budgeting Money
earning Building adult networks Increasing
travel readiness How to pack a suitcase pair
up what did you forget? What should you do
without Can you lift it in and out of a car? Do
you need to pack it lighter/tighter? Courtesy
manners especially in other countries/cultures
Practice everything every part you will be
doing on your trip
12 18 Months Prior to Trip
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  • Get trip and money-earning approval from your
    Membership Manager.
  • Provide families with general information about
    the trip.
  • Set up a group travel bank account, if
  • Make sure you have a least two unrelated adults
    one of whom is female.
  • Expand the groups adult network by considering
    and reaching out to possible chaperones.
  • Integrate progression into trip preparations by
    planning smaller trips that build up to larger
  • Consider girls maturity by evaluating their
    adaptability, decision-making abilities, and
    other specific skills and interests.

Book group reservations early for well-attended
locations and activities al least one year in
8 12 Months Prior to Trip
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  • Before you move on to the next phase of planning
    your trip, did you
  • Make sure reservations for transportation and
    lodging are made.
  • Determine fitness level of trip and make
    necessary adjustments.
  • Determine training needs
  • CPR
  • First Aid/Wilderness First Aid/Wilderness First
  • Cooking Camping
  • Have an emergency plan.
  • Arrange for parent/guardian permission to
  • Make sure each person obtained needed
    immunizations and/or health exams for the trip.
  • Determined how many things the group can
    actually fit into one day.

Team Building
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How well girls (and adults) blend as a group will
play a major factor in how smooth the trip will
go. Allocate ample meeting time to focus on
activities that promote team building. What are
the dynamics of your group? Have an open and
honest conversation about it with all
involved. The more the group determines what the
groups dynamic is now, where it needs to be for
the trip, and by charting your own progress along
the way, the more you will feel a sense of
ownership and pride in your group/troop.
TROOP TIP Four Responsible Traveler Tips Learn
as much as you can about customs, values,
practices, and religion (language would help,
also). Be aware of peoples behaviors, dress,
and body language. Ask before you take someones
photo and offer to send copies. Respect the
environment no matter where you travel.
How will you handle it as a group? Things arent
going to go 100 smoothly the entire time. Try
this suggestion to get you stared. Come up with
a catchphrase, like Girl Scout shout, as a
reminder if things are starting to go south. Use
the catchphrase as a way of refocusing the group.
Help plan for emergencies
The Group Agreement
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  • Create a group agreement on a large piece of
    paper or newsprint before you leave for your
  • The group agreement can, also, serve as a
    reference point to make certain the group is on
    target with its goals or to see if the group
    needs to modify its plan.
  • When consensus is build around the written
    agreement, have each person, including
    parents/guardians, sign their names.
  • Keep the group agreement posted in a prominent
    place whenever the group meets. How do you want
    to bring the group agreement on the trip?
  • One suggestion is to write the group agreement on
    index cards and have each girl and adult carry

The Group Agreement
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A group may agree to
Respect and communicate with each other
Deposits payment timeline (refund policy)
Personal expenses
Give members the right to pass (meaning Id rather not or I dont want to answer) (how often?)
Carry out my kapers responsibilities
Conduct myself in a Girl Scout manner
Attendance at meetings
Sensitive to diversity
Be physically fit
Create a safe space
Be open to new experiences
No alcohol, drugs, smoking or social media on trip
Safe Travel
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Safety can be a big source of anxiety for
travelers, even if they dont mention it and
its a concern for your parents, too. Put
everyones mind at ease by preparing for safe
travel. Consult Volunteer Essentials, Appendix
For Travel Volunteers, to make sure your trip
meets safety guidelines. When preparing for any
activity, always begin with Safety Activity
Checkpoints written about that particular
activity by accessing our website
at http//www.girlscoutsofcolorado.org and
search for all the activities the troop will be
doing on their trip Be prepared for every
question to put parents at ease.
Safe Travel
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  • Here are a few things each person can do to
    prepare for safe travel
  • Create emergency contact cards. Include group
    emergency contact information, family contact
    information and who to contact when unable to
    reach family members.
  • Role-play potentially unsafe situations and
    brainstorm solutions. Create a worst-case
    scenario game, with each person imagining an
    emergency situation.
  • Quiz each other, game-show style, on the travel
    and safety guidelines. Create the questions and
    answers for the game yourselves.
  • Discuss travel fears.

Stay Safe
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When on the road, safety comes FIRST! Go over the safety tips below (often) to make for smooth traveling.
Use the buddy system at all times.
Know what to do if you are separated from the group.
Do NOT wear your name monogrammed where strangers can see it. Its better to all dress alike with the same color t-shirts, bandanas, or backpacks when visiting crowded areas. This makes group identification easy.
Know how to phone home and the destination police/fire department.
Check Safety Activity Checkpoints for all activities each will be doing on the trip.
Carry only as much money as you need inside a pocket or money belt. Avoid purses. Store the rest of your money in the hotel safe.
Know what to do in case of fire.
Make a plan with escape routes for each new place you visit.
Discuss, often, how to navigate a crowd. Have
someone at home always available at by phone who
has all emergency contact information. First Aid
kid in every vehicle. Leave 4 5 minutes
apart. Have an accident card and emergency forms
for each person.
Stay Safe
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When on the road, safety comes FIRST! Go over the safety tips below (often) to make for smooth traveling.
Do NOT roam the hotel halls alone. Even if you are going to another girls room, always take a buddy and check with your chaperone before leaving and when you get back. Only open your door to someone you know, never to strangers and ALWAYS keep your door locked.
If carrying a backpack, pin the zipper down with a large safety pin it may be a little inconvenient to use, but it will help prevent theft from behind.
Always be alert and aware of your surroundings. Be careful laying down packages, backpacks, and purses while watching entertainment, eating at a restaurant, riding public transportation, etc.
Dont say your hotel room number out load in front of strangers.
Carry identification with you in an inside pocket or money belt.
Always have an emergency plan.
Be aware of your surroundings at all times to avoid losing track of the larger group.
Have a call word for those times someone may become lost.
Get Physical
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Are you planning to sightsee from the bus? Or,
are you expecting to walk, hike, carry bags, and
fully engage physically, if able? Depending on
your answer, you many need time to prepare
physically for the trip. Its important for
everyone to assess their fitness levels but
equally important to design the trip around girls
Cardio respiratory health Run up two
flights of stairs ( at least 32 steps) without
stopping. How do you feel? a. I can talk
comfortable and could run up another two
flights. b. Im too winded to talk. c.
Wheres the ambulance?
Endurance Take a three-hour hike. How do you
feel? a. I could do another three hours. b.
The first hour and a half was a breeze. But,
now Im tired. c. Ill just lie here until
someone rescues me.
Muscle-Strength Carry a 30-pound bag for 20
minutes. How do you feel? a. No problem.
Where to now? b. I did it, but Im ready to
put this thing down now. c. I had to ditch
the bag after 5 minutes.
Overall fitness How do you feel after
completing this test? a. What test? I feel
great! b. Im a little bit sore and
tired. c. Im ready for a vacation.
Get Fit
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The physical activity level of your trip can
range from mild to strenuous, depending on where
youre going and what activities you will be
enjoying. Each person needs to look critically
at each activity in your itinerary and rate each
activity using the scale below.
  • Light walking and hiking for an hour or two a
    day. Bags stay at our place of lodging the whole
  • Moderate hiking, biking, rafting, kayaking, and
    other activities that require only an
    average/moderate level of fitness to enjoy. We
    have to pick up and go with our bags every couple
    of days.
  • Hiking, trekking, or cycling of up to eight hours
    a day or other activities that require a high
    level of fitness. And those bags go where we go.
  • How does the physical activity level required for
    your trip match your personal fitness level? If
    theres a gap, use your preparation time to get
    in shape.

8 12 Month Checklist
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Checklist Before you move on to the next phase of planning your trip did you
Apply for a passport/visa (if needed)?
Create a detailed daily itinerary?
Agree on a code of behavior with your group?
Discuss safety and communication agreements for the group such as having phone calling cards and wearing the same color t-shirts?
Prepare your emergency contact card?
Pay deposits, earn money?
Rate the physical activity level of your trip activities and your fitness level?
Determine if you need to make adjustments in your fitness level?
Complete all travel forms at http//www.girlscoutsofcolorado.org/travel-forms

Check Your Knowledge 3
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  • 1. If someone (or several) want to add an item
    to the itinerary that doesnt fit with the plans,
    have them take it off the list.
  • True False
  • 2. 8 12 months prior to your tip, guide the
    group by asking
  • How much can we really fit in a day?
  • Do we need to buy tickets in advance or book
    additional travel?
  • Do we need to build in time for travel delays?
  • How much will delays cost?
  • What are the opening and closing times of
  • What is our backup plan?
  • 3. Team building does not play a major factor
    in how smoothly the trip will go.
  • True False
  • 4. A group agreement is a way to embarrass some
    members of our group when they dont follow what
    was decided on.
  • True False
  • 5. What safety-related items should each person
    know before their trip?
  • What to do if they separate from the group

More Check Your Knowledge
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  • 6. Where should you look to make sure your trip
    meets safety guidelines?
  • Safety Wise
  • Volunteer Essentials
  • Safety Activity Checkpoints
  • Program Planning Guide
  • 7. It is OK for a girl to go alone as long as
    she is just going to another girls room.
  • True False
  • 8. The Travel and High-Risk Activity
    Application is on the GSCO website.
  • True False
  • 9. When visiting crowded areas, its better to
    have everyone dress with different colored
    clothing or backpacks.
  • True False
  • 10. To prepare your body for travel, you should
  • Stay healthy
  • Get rest
  • Take care of health issues

6 12 Weeks
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  • Get Down to Details
  • Youre down to crunch time! With less than three
    months to go, use this time to ensure you are up
    to date in completing all steps within the
  • Revisit the itinerary
  • Lock in daily itinerary items.
  • Double-check places, dates, and times.
  • Confirm your lodging.
  • For International trips check State Department
    for warnings and register your group (refer to
  • Safety Check
  • Go over all the travel safety guidelines again.
    Are all girls well-acquainted with procedures?
    Review Volunteer Essentials and Safety Activity
  • Family Meeting
  • Hold a group family meeting to go over final
    details. Have a communication plan so families
    will know where the group will be at all times.
    Also, discuss safety plans and use the time to
    have parents and guardians fill out any forms
    that havent been completed.

6 12 Weeks
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  • Everyone together
  • Finalize details and get all forms in to GSCO.
  • Check paperwork.
  • Confirm plans, especially lodging.
  • Finalize itinerary and budget.
  • Complete all safety and risk-management planning.
  • Inform families with full and final details of
  • Recruit and train the back-home Emergency Contact
  • Continue to strengthen group team-building.
  • Work on and submit the extended trip insurance
    enrollment form from Marlene Bruno
    (marlene.bruno_at_gscolorado.org) at 303.778.8774.

Whos carrying passports?
Know About the Dough
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So, youve researched where to go, saved money,
and maybe even ordered a passport. Before
hopping on that plane, or getting in that car,
get your monetary ducks in a row. Review budget
and balance it against troop funds. Is the trip
feasible? By this point, tickets, lodging,
transportation, event fees and whatever can be
purchased in advance should have been done. All
trip funds should be collected 12 weeks
out. Familiarize yourself with the different
options for carrying money. Here are pros and
cons on currency Pro Cash is universally
accepted but carry small bills. Con Once money
is lost or stolen, you cannot replace it.
Carrying a lot of cash around may not be
safe. See next slide for more ideas.
Know More About the Dough
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ATM/Debit Card
Credit Card
Pro ATM machines abound, giving you access to
cash virtually any time. Con ATMs can carry fees
as high as 5 per withdrawal, so it might be a
good idea to look for ATMs with free withdrawal
fees. TIPS Make sure your ATM card is linked
through one of the major networks (PLUS, Cirrus,
MasterCard, Visa, etc.)
Pro Credit cards are like insurance hopefully
you wont need them, but if you run out of or
lose your money, they come in handy. Con Not
every card has the same replacement
policy. TIPS Most credit cards are widely
accepted, but check your cards policy on
replacing a lost or stolen card.
Pro Purchased for a set amount. Can be used
at many stores. Can add money to it along the
way. Con Surcharge for purchasing may need PIN
to activate or need to set up ahead of
time. TIPS Keep a copy of the front and back of
credit card with emergency contact person.
Pre-paid Credit Card
4 6 Weeks Checklist
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Checklist Before everyone moves on to the next phase of planning the trip, did the group
Balance and finalize the budget?
Decide what kind of money to bring?
Finalize the trip itinerary? Additional insurance purchased?
Meet all safety guidelines (see Volunteer Essentials)?
Purchase transportation tickets?
Finalize accommodations?
Submit all required forms?
Review all trip information with parents and guardians and emergency contact?
  • First Aider needs
  • to have all health forms
  • to know what meds anyone will be taking, document
    dosage taken and when and with what
  • have First Aid kit(s) ready.

Pack Like a Pro
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Pack Like a Pro! What you pack can make or break your trip. Too much stuff and youll be lugging around a heavy suitcase. No comfy shoes? Blisters could be in your future. Follow the packing tips and people might just think youre a pro!
Know airline restrictions.
Go light and easy to wash.
Pass on the bling/electronics.
Go label crazy.
Leave a little room.
Bring special supplies with you.
Keep the important stuff close to you.
Whatever you bring you are carrying.
Dont take anything you cannot afford to lose.
  • First Aider needs
  • to have all health forms
  • to know what meds anyone will be taking, document
    dosage taken and when and with what
  • have First Aid kit(s) ready.

Packing Checklist All the World Centers have
their own packing lists.
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Packing for your trip has the potential to make
you feel stressed, but stay positive and
organized. Use the checklist below and add your
own items. Plan what to wear each day before you
pack. Remember function over fashion!
Group's Important Stuff General Stuff Carry-on Toiletries Suitcase Clothes Suitcase
  Airline tickets   Change of clothing   Toothbrush   Dresses

  Copies of passports   Safety pins   Toothpaste   Shirts

  Health forms   Raingear   Soap/laundry detergent   Skirts

  Wallet   Phone cards   Shampoo/hairspray   Pants

  Cash   Magazines, books   Deodorant   Shorts

  Debit Card   Pen and paper   Comb/brush   Swimwear

  Credit Card   Addresses   Hair ties   Shoes

  Itinerary   Sunglasses   Bandana   Pajamas

  Lodging information   Camera/memory card   First-aid supplies   Underwear

  Emergency phone numbers   Batteries   Sunscreen   Socks

  Prescription medication in original containers to give to first-aider, except inhaler or epipen.   Hand sanitizer/handiwraps   Feminine hygiene products   Hats
Prescription medication in original containers to give to first-aider, except inhaler or epipen.
Prescription medication in original containers to give to first-aider, except inhaler or epipen.   Comfort items (blanket)   Cotton swabs   Comfortable shoes
Prescription medication in original containers to give to first-aider, except inhaler or epipen.
Prescription medication in original containers to give to first-aider, except inhaler or epipen.   Itinerary   Baggies   Sneakers
Prescription medication in original containers to give to first-aider, except inhaler or epipen.
Prescription medication in original containers to give to first-aider, except inhaler or epipen.   Emergency Contact info   Laundry bag   Flip flops

    Water bottle       Sweater/sweatshirt
            Group uniform
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Answer each question for yourself About what
things are you most excited? _____________________
___________________________________ About what
things are you most worried? _____________________
___________________________________ What things
do you predict youll miss the most about
home? ____________________________________________
____________ What things do you predict youll
miss the least about home? _______________________
_________________________________ What will be
your greatest single challenge on this
trip? ____________________________________________
____________ How do you think your travel
experience will change you? ______________________
__________________________________ Now, discuss
your answers with each other and with your adult
leaders (in private, if necessary). Bring a
journal with you on the trip. A journal will
help you as you reflect on the days events. It
should include pages for girls to record daily
experience, not just for memorys sake but as a
way to think deeply about what they saw, did, or
felt. Recording daily insight is a means for you
to observe how youve changed, and can serve as
inspiration to take action on something about
which you care. Leaders will make sure there is
time each evening for you to journal but you can
choose to any time of day as things occur to
Check Your Knowledge 4
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  • 1. Why is it important to have a family meeting 6
    12 weeks before your trip?
  • Discuss safety plans
  • Have parents fill out any forms that havent been
  • Go over communication plan
  • Go over final details
  • All are correct
  • 2. The four options for carrying money are cash,
    ATM/Debit Card, prepaid credit cards, and credit
  • True False
  • 3. Pre-paid credit and debit cards are a good
    money option because most banks dont add a
    surcharge for using them.
  • True False
  • 4. What should you do 4 6 weeks prior to your
  • Finalize trip itinerary
  • Review trip information with parents
  • Submit all required forms
  • Purchase transportation tickets
  • Ignore safety guidelines and safety activity

On Your Trip
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Individual Reflection To deepen your experience
you need to reflect on the day and apply lessons
learned to future situations. All write
individually in their journals. Group
Debrief At the end of each day, make time for a
group discussion (see suggested questions on the
next slide). Besides reflecting on the days
happenings, this is a time for adults and girls
to check on group interaction (whats working,
whats not) and logistics (next days plans,
meeting time). While traveling the girls
need to take the lead as much as possible.
Girls can solve problems together as well.
Have fun!
On Your Trip
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Daily Reflections
Are we still on track with the group agreement?
What was the best thing about today?
What was the biggest challenge/issue today?
Are there any changes we need to make?
Are there any other questions?
Did anyone have an experience or see something today that could translate into a Take Action project?
Home, Sweet Home
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Welcome back! The trip is over and everyone
will be excited to talk about her experiences,
show photos and videos, and reflect on what she
learned. Everyone now needs to evaluate
the trip discuss what was fun and worthwhile,
and decide what the group would like to change on
future trips. This is, also, the time to pay
all bills promptly, turn in insurance forms
within 30 days if there have been any
accidents/illnesses on the trip, and decide what
to do with any leftover money. Girls can
post and share their travel stories at
vel-story Whats Different? After all have
had a chance to reflect individually on their
trip, bring the group together to discuss the
impact of their travels. Support the Girl scout
process of learning by doing by having girls
run the debriefing themselves.
Travel with a Purpose
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  • Take Action
  • Each person needs to think about places the
    group visited and people they met. Each person
    needs to answer these questions
  • Did you see something you can do differently to
    help make the world a better place?
  • Think about a community issue that you would like
    to address when you return home?
  • Learn new ways of doing things that can benefit
  • Meet ne people with great ideas that inspired you
    to take action?

Discuss It! Do you feel passionately about
something you saw or learned on your
travels? Are there one or two ideas that recur
in your journal writing? Who would like to share
some of the issues you are interested in
pursuing? Are you interested in working on one
project or several mini team projects?
Where Youre Going, Where Youve Been
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Now that your travel experience has come full
circle, take time to reflect. Everyone thinks
about each statement below in relation to their
travel experience, from the very first moments
of brainstorming location ideas to working on
their Take Action Plan. Put a check next to
each statement they feel is true. Because of
my trip . . . I made a difference . . . I
connected . . . I was empowered . . . I
learned . . . Something new I tried . . .
Check Your Knowledge 5
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  • 1. When on your trip, at the end of each day you
  • Talk about what went right/wrong during the day
  • Get some sleep instead of reflecting on the days
  • Check on group agreement
  • Go over the next days plans and any adjustments
    that need to be made
  • 2. Any issues that come up among the group
    should just be ignored and viewed as stress.
  • True False
  • 3. When you return home, girls should reflect on
    their trip on their own and without discussion as
    a group.
  • True False
  • 4. The adults role is NOT to tell girls what
    Take Action projects will best fit with their
    trip experience.
  • True False
  • 5. What questions can be asked to get everyone to
    reflect on their trip and think about a Take
    Action project?
  • Did you see something you can do differently to
    help make the world a better place?
  • Is there a community issue that you would like to
  • Are there new ways of doing things that can
    benefit others?
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