Mineral status of Soil, Feed and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mineral status of Soil, Feed and


Mineral status of Soil, Feed and Fodder for Dairy Animals in different Agro-climatic Zones in INDIA Mayank Tandon National Dairy Research Institute – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mineral status of Soil, Feed and

Mineral status of Soil, Feed and
Fodder for Dairy Animals in different
Agro-climatic Zones in INDIA
Tandon National Dairy Research Institute Karnal,
Minerals Required by the Dairy Animal

(Under wood, 1981)
  • MACRO Minerals Calcium, Phosphorus,
  • Magnesium,
  • Potassium,
    Chlorine, Sulphur
  • MICRO Minerals Iron, Zinc, Copper, Cobalt,
  • Iodine,
  • Molybdenum,
  • Fluorine,
  • Recently added in list Arsenic, Nickel, Silicon,
  • Tin,
    Aluminium, Lead Rubidium.

Mineral Function Requirement
Calcium Structural (bone, teeth, cartilage), Acid- Base balance, Vit-D, Signaling, Enzymes Maintenance17g/d, Milk2.3g/L
Phosphorus Structural (bone, teeth), ATP, Oxidation of CHO, Nucleic acids, Phospho-proteins, phospho-lipid Maintenance14g/d, Milk2g/L
Magnesium Bone matrix, teeth, soft tissues, various enzymes, 5g/100kg B.Wt. Or 0.5 of DMI
Cont. ( Mc Donald et al., 1999)
Sodium Acid base balance, pH, Nerve function, Na-K pump, 0.5 of DMI
Potassium Acid base balance, Osmotic pressure, Na-K pump 0.2 of DM
Chlorine Associated with Na-K With Na
Sulphur Amino acids, Vitamins, hormone, enzymes, structural(hair, wool, hoof) 0.2 of DMI
Micro Minerals Micro Minerals Micro Minerals
Iron Haemoglobin,O2-CO2 transport 500mg/d-400kg
Zinc Various enzymes, 40 mg/kg DMI
Copper Hb, enzymes, melanin, wool, Ceruloplasmin 5-7mg/kg DM
Cobalt Vit B12, 0.05-0.07mg/kg DM
Iodine Thyroid, T3,T4 0.1mg/kg DM
Manganese Enzymes, transport of A As 16-36mg/kg DM
Molybdenum Xanthine oxidase, --
Chromium Glucose utilization --
Fluorine Teeth, bone, --
Selenium Se-AAs, Glutathion peroxidase --0.2-0.3 ppm
Some Metallo Enzymes in Animals (Georgievskii
S.No Enzymes Metal
1 Monoamine oxidase Cu
2 Uricase Cu
3 Cytochrome oxidase Cu
4 NADH-dehydrogenase Fe
5 Succinate dehydrogenase Fe
6 Aldehyde oxidase Fe, Mo
7 Pyruvate carboxylase Mn
8 Xanthine oxidase Mo
9 Carbonic anhydrase Zn
10 Carboxy peptidase A B Zn
11 Alcohol dehydrogenase Zn
12 Gultathion peroxidase Se
Emerging Nutrient Deficiencies in soils as a
Result of Increased Food Production (Swarup
Ganeshamurthy, 1998)
Year 1950 1960 70 80 1990 2000
Food Production 50mt 70mt 108 112 172 209mt
Emerging Nutrient Deficiencies ? N N N N N N
Emerging Nutrient Deficiencies ? Fe Fe Fe Fe Fe
Emerging Nutrient Deficiencies ? P P P P
Emerging Nutrient Deficiencies ? Zn Zn Zn Zn
Emerging Nutrient Deficiencies ? K K K K
Emerging Nutrient Deficiencies ? S S S
Emerging Nutrient Deficiencies ? Mn Mn Mn
Emerging Nutrient Deficiencies ? B B
Emerging Nutrient Deficiencies ? ?
Region-wise Fertilizer Use, Nutrient Removal and
(Swarup Ganeshamurthy, 1998)
S.No Region Use Removal Gap
1 Western Himalayan R 51 97 -46
2 Eastern Himalayan R 18 71 -55
3 Lower Gangatic Plains R 81 129 -48
4 Middle Gangatic Plains R 83 116 -33
5 Upper Gangatic Plains R 93 170 -77
6 Trans Gangatic Plains R 120 183 -63
7 Eastern Plateau Hill R 23 83 -60
8 Central Plateau Hill R 30 118 -88
9 Western Plateau Hill R 38 94 -57
10 Southern Plateau Hill R 73 123 -50
11 East Coast Plains Hill 156 46 -
12 West Coast Plains Hill 76 127 -51
13 Gujarat Plains Hill 66 87 -21
14 Western Dry R 6 33 -27
15 The Islands R - - -
Different Agro-climatic Zones
  • Are 15 Planning Commission
    (1992), GOI
  • Broadly are 5(4) Eastern,Western,Northern,
  • Southern,

Extent of Soil Micronutrient deficiency in
Various States of India
(Singh, 2001)
States No. of soil samples Percent Sample Deficient (PSD) Percent Sample Deficient (PSD) Percent Sample Deficient (PSD) Percent Sample Deficient (PSD)
Zn Cu Fe Mn
AP 8158 49.4 lt1 3 1
Assam 2165 34.0 lt1 2 20
Bihar 19214 54.0 3 6 2
Delhi 201 20.0 - - -
Gujarat 30152 23.8 4 8 4
Haryana 21848 60.5 2 20 4
Cont(Indian soils ranged 0.2-6.9mg(0.87) Zn,
0.1-8.2mg(2.1) Cu, 0.8-196mg(19) Fe,
0.2-118mg(21) Mn/kg soil)
States No. of soil samples Zn Cu Fe Mn
HP 155 42.0 0 27 5
JK 93 12.0 - - -
Karnataka 27860 72.0 5 35 17
Kerala 650 34.0 3 lt1 0
MP 32867 43.9 lt1 7 -
Maharastra 515 86.0 0 24 0
Meghalaya 95 57.0 2 0 23
Cont (Singh, 2001)
States No. of soil samples Zn Cu Fe Mn
Orissa 16040 54.0 - 0 0
Pondichery 4108 8.0 4 2 3
Punjab 16483 48.1 1 14 2
Rajasthan 183 21.0 - - -
Tamil Nadu 28087 58.4 6 17 6
UP 26126 45.7 1 6 3
West Bengal 6547 36.0 0 0 3
All India 251660 49.0 3 12 5
Available SULPHUR in soils (Biswas,
States No. of Samples Low (lt10mg/kg) Medium 10-20mg/kg High (gt20mg/kg)
UP 6250 49 38 13
MP 2000 33 54 12
Gujarat 3016 33 29 38
Bihar 600 26 30 44
Jharkhand 809 51 31 18
West Bengal 4500 43 34 23
AP 1880 56 34 10
Karnataka 1730 43 32 25
Tamil Nadu 1716 26 41 33
PHOSPHORUS fertility status of soils of Indian
stats (Motsara, 2002)
States No. of Samples Low Medium High
Assam 30,154 27 36 38
Arunachal P 1,984 61 38 1
Manipur 4,528 76 36 12
Meghalaya 3,785 52 36 12
Mizoram 4,800 68 19 13
Nagaland 20,007 80 20 -
Orissa 2,51,196 59 28 13
Tripura 6,083 54 23 23
West Bengal 44,274 34 27 39
Gujarat 1,76,955 41 54 5
Goa 23,000 44 30 26
States No. of Samples Low Medium High
MP 1,38,553 39 38 23
Maharashtra 93,142 86 12 2
Haryana 2,73,459 81 18 1
HP 60,997 36 35 29
JK 39,470 72 24 4
Punjab 3,48,096 29 49 22
UP 8,07,424 71 26 3
Andhra P 3,12,521 57 29 14
AN Islands 8,111 96 4 -
karnataka 3,17,213 31 48 21
kerla 1,72,613 18 29 53
Pondicherry 19,622 94 6 -
Tamil Nadu 4,91,657 24 41 35
ALL INDIA 36,50,004 42 38 20
  • INDIA Soils are Deficient
  • 42 P, 40 S
  • 47 Zn, 4.8 Cu,
  • 11.5 Fe, 4 Mn,
  • 20 B, 18 Mo
  • (Tripathi, 2003 Motsara, 2002 Biswas, et al.,

Specification for Mineral Mixture Type I and
S.No Specification Type I Type II
1 Moisture, By mass, max 5 5
2 Calcium, by mass, min 18 23
3 Phosphorus, by mass, min 9 12
4 Magnesium, by mass 5 6.5
5 Salt, by mass, min 22 without
6 Iron, of mass, min 0.4 0.5
7 Iodine, of mass, min 0.02 0.026
8 Copper, min 0.06 0.077
9 Manganese, min 0.1 0.12
10 Cobalt, min 0.009 0.012
11 Fluorine, max 0.05 0.07
12 Zinc, min 0.3 0.38
13 Sulphur, max 0.4 0.5
14 AIA, by mass, max 3 2.5
Supplements for Animals (Chopra, 2005)
Compound Minerals present Minerals present
Calcium carbonate 40 Ca 40 Ca
Lime stone powder 38.5 Ca 38.5 Ca
Calcite powder 39 Ca 39 Ca
Dolomite stone 22.3 Ca 12.8 Mg
Di calcium phosphate 23.3 Ca 18.5 P
Magnesium carbonate 21- 28 Mg 21- 28 Mg
Magnesium oxide 54 60 Mg 54 60 Mg
Magnesium sulphate 9.8 17 Mg 9.8 17 Mg
Zinc carbonate 52 Zn 52 Zn
Zinc chloride 48 Zn 48 Zn
Zinc sulphate 22- 36 Zn 22- 36 Zn
cont Supplements for animals
Compound Minerals present Minerals present
Potassium Iodide 69 I 69 I
Calcium iodate 63 I 63 I
Copper sulphate 25 Cu 25 Cu
Cupric chloride 37.25 cu 37.25 cu
Cobalt sulphate 21 Co 21 Co
Cobalt chloride 24.7 Co 24.7 Co
Ferrous sulphate 26 30 Fe 26 30 Fe
Sodium chloride 39 Na 51 Cl
Mineral status of Feeds and Fodder in Northern
Region of India (mean values)
Feed Ca P Fe ppm Cu ppm Zn ppm Mn ppm Refe..
Critical Level lt0.30 0.25 lt50 lt8 30 40
Dry roughages 0.44 0.10 572 15.38 17.92 34.13 Yadav, et al., 2002
Green roughages 0.75 0.29 405 22.17 30.66 44.65 Yadav, et al., 2002
Concentrate 0.43 0.68 280 22.17 35.15 50.08 Yadav, et al., 2002
Hisar ( Haryana) Lall et al., 1993
Green roughages 1.30 0.43 239 22 32 34 Lall et al., 1993
Rohtak (Haryana)
Dry roughages 0.19 0.09 7.76 2.3 22.6 27.7 Mann, et al., 2003
Green roughages 0.66 0.22 236.5 5.21 18.19 51.62 Mann, et al., 2003
Rewari (Haryana)
Dry roughages 0.34 0.19 215-468 7-13 16-31 67-71 Yadav, et al., 2002
Green roughages 0.53 0.66 227 40 82 175 Yadav, et al., 2002
Concentrate .09-0.6 0.50 66-371 7-24 22-41 27-79 Yadav, et al., 2002
Cont.. Northern
Feed Ca P Fe ppm Cu ppm Zn ppm Mn ppm Refe..
Critical Level lt0.30 0.25 lt50 lt8 30 40 Refe..
Jind (Haryana) Yadav and Khirwar, 2005
Dry roughage 282-323 8.1-20 14.8-33 22.9-45.7 Yadav and Khirwar, 2005
Bareilly (UP) Bedi and Khan, 1989
Dry roughages 178 9.53 9.07 76.86 Bedi and Khan, 1989
Green roughage 434.5 12.8 27.77 36.14 Bedi and Khan, 1989
Agra (UP)
Fodder 288.33 10.47 33.18
Aligarh (UP) Kumar et al., 2005
Fodder 312.78 12.22 29.4 Kumar et al., 2005
Hathras(UP) Kumar et al., 2005
Fodder 269.33 10.29 24.45 Kumar et al., 2005
Mathura (UP) Kumar et al., 2005
Fodder 334.89 14.76 27.67
Himanchal Pre Chaudhuri, 1981
Grasses 339.9 8.18 31.74 77.09 Chaudhuri, 1981
Cont. Northern
Feed Ca P Fe ppm Cu ppm Zn ppm Mn ppm Refe..
Critical Level lt0.30 0.25 lt50 lt8 30 40 Refe..
Pudraprayag (utt Sharma and Joshi, 2004
Fodder - - 67.12 7.13 26.12 Sharma and Joshi, 2004
Pauri (uttranchal Sharma and Joshi, 2004
Fodder - - 71.47 8.31 21.94 Sharma and Joshi, 2004
New Tehri (uttran Sharma and Joshi, 2004
Fodder - - 84.39 8.91 27.14 Sharma and Joshi, 2004
Chamoli (uttran Sharma and Joshi, 2004
Fodder - - 59.35 7.67 23.17 Sharma and Joshi, 2004
Dehradun Sharma and Joshi, 2004
Fodder - - 62.14 8.14 24.34
Almora (uttran) Sawhney et al., 1973
Dry roughages - - 131.77 9.0 45 Sawhney et al., 1973
Green roughage - - 663.6 15.0 58.9 Sawhney et al., 1973
Mineral content of Feeds and Fodder in Western
Feed Ca P Fe ppm Cu ppm Zn ppm Mn ppm Refe..
Critical Level lt0.30 0.25 lt50 lt8 30 40 Refe..
Bundelkhand-MP Singh et al., 2005
Forages 0.55 0.2 250 7.0 25.5 45.5 Singh et al., 2005
Kota (Rajasthan)
Dry roughages 0.81 0.09 339.42 6.67 26.09 62.17 Garg, et al., 2003
Green roughages 1.08 0.21 616.55 9.97 26.28 55.88 Garg, et al., 2003
Concentrate 0.65 0.56 419.0 14.62 47.66 69.59 Garg, et al., 2003
Udaipur (Raj.)
Dry roughages 0.4 0.1 250 5.8 26.06 66.58 Garg et al., 2004
Green roughages 1.0 0.25 360 11.6 27.6 70.69 Garg et al., 2004
Concentrate 0.76 1.11 828.77 25.89 106 105.8 Garg et al., 2004
Junagarh Gujarat
Dry roughages 0.81 0.10 - - -- - Garg et al., 2002
Green roughages 0.61 0.20 - - - - Garg et al., 2002
Concentrate 0.40 0.38 - - - - Garg et al., 2002
Cont Western
Feed Ca P Fe ppm Cu ppm Zn ppm Mn ppm Refe..
Critical Level lt0.30 0.25 lt50 lt8 30 40 Refe..
Mehsana (Guj.)
Dry roughages 0.28 0.13 250.0 7.26 12.71 39.0 Garg et al., 1999
Green roughages 0.72 0.30 402.4 17.59 24.27 92.29 Garg et al., 1999
Concentrate 0.13 0.51 306.73 17.76 42.53 52.98 Garg et al., 1999
Kutch (Guj.)
Dry roughages 0.45 0.17 639.5 6.10 29.1 60.1 Garg et al., 2004
Green roughages 0.89 0.24 602.5 9.20 35.8 62.8 Garg et al., 2004
Dahod Panchmahal
Dry roughages - - 208.95 4.55 13.18 25.90 Garg et al., 2003
Green roughages - - 463.71 6.26 19.21 47.18 Garg et al., 2003
Concentrate - - 449.9 13.54 42.08 43.66 Garg et al., 2003
Mineral content of Feeds and Fodder in Southern
Feed Ca P Fe ppm Cu ppm Zn ppm Mn ppm Refe..
Critical Level lt0.30 0.25 lt50 lt8 30 40 Refe..
Eastern Southern dry zone (Karnataka) Eastern Southern dry zone (Karnataka)
Eastern Southern dry zone (Karnataka) Eastern Southern dry zone (Karnataka) Gowda et al., 2001
Dry roughages 0.7 0.24 429 11 41 - Gowda et al., 2001
Green roughages 1.08 0.47 1449 19.85 137.5 - Gowda et al., 2001
Concentrate 1.01 0.36 1244 19.0 66.17 - Gowda et al., 2001
Central dry zone (Karnataka)
Dry roughages 0.64 0.21 513 15.74 28.33 - Gowda et al., 2002
Green roughages 1.23 0.41 1550 39.62 67.09 - Gowda et al., 2002
Concentrate 0.41 1.45 1344 13.01 56.70 - Gowda et al., 2002
Hill Zone (Karnataka Hill Zone (Karnataka Hill Zone (Karnataka Hill Zone (Karnataka Hill Zone (Karnataka Hill Zone (Karnataka Hill Zone (Karnataka
Dry roughages 0.62 0.18 216 7.35 10.9 - Gowda et al., 2002
Green roughages 0.64 0.37 373 19.05 24.22 - Gowda et al., 2002
Concentrate 0.32 1.66 346.6 14.6 47.6 - Gowda et al., 2002
Cont. Southern
Feed Ca P Fe ppm Cu ppm Zn ppm Mn ppm Refe..
Critical Level lt0.30 0.25 lt50 lt8 30 40 Refe..
Southern transition zone (karnataka) Southern transition zone (karnataka)
Southern transition zone (karnataka) Southern transition zone (karnataka) Ramana et al., 2000
Dry roughages 0.46 0.17 217 8.33 7.33 - Ramana et al., 2000
Green roughages 0.63 0.46 503 19 24.71 - Ramana et al., 2000
Concentrate 0.59 1.52 474 14.75 50.5 - Ramana et al., 2000
NE transition Zone (karnataka)
NE transition Zone (karnataka) Ramana et al., 2001
Dry roughages 0.37 0.17 745 9.97 58.33 - Ramana et al., 2001
Green roughages 0.99 0.52 2099 35.78 124.5 - Ramana et al., 2001
Concentrate 0.25 0.64 1976 17.63 60 - Ramana et al., 2001

Mineral content of Feeds and Fodder in Eastern
Feed Ca P Fe ppm Cu ppm Zn ppm Mn ppm Refe..
Critical Level lt0.30 0.25 lt50 lt8 30 40 Refe..
Purulia (W B) Samanta Samanta, 2002
Dry roughages 0.15 0.10 481.6 10.6 33.3 22.2 Samanta Samanta, 2002
Concentrate 0.53 1.07 327.6 31.86 50.9 174.6 Samanta Samanta, 2002
Midnapore-WB Das et al., 1997
Grasses - - 86.5 28.54 48.5 282.3 Das et al., 1997
Shrubs - - 1624 28.30 49.20 235.4 Das et al., 1997
Coastal saline zone (WB)
Coastal saline zone (WB) Samanta Samanta, 2002
Dry roughages 0.15 0.06 360.31 9.4 32.9 289.1 Samanta Samanta, 2002
Concentrate 1.09 1.67 253.03 14.04 66.23 218.3 Samanta Samanta, 2002
Hill zone (WB)
Forages 0.39 0.16 369.5 7.75 48.4 44.1 Das et al., 2003
Concentrate 0.97 1.41 450.9 31.11 38.15 111.3 Das et al., 2003
Das et al., 2003
Cont Eastern
Feed Ca P Fe ppm Cu ppm Zn ppm Mn ppm Refe..
Critical Level lt0.30 0.25 lt50 lt8 30 40 Refe..
Dry roughages 0.29 0.11 229.50 8.43 40.75 25.19 Das et al., 2003
Green roughages 0.50 0.20 510.89 7.06 56.05 62.99 Das et al., 2003
Concentrate 0.53 1.05 351.80 20.81 58.85 78.93 Das et al., 2003
Meghalaya Saha et al., 1997
Natural forages 1.00 0.12 723 7 - 148 Saha et al., 1997
Concentrate 0.39 0.78 245 4 - 112 Saha et al., 1997
Manipur Saha et al., 1997
Natural forages 0.97 0.22 356 10 34 235 Saha et al., 1997
Nagaland Saha et al., 1997
Natural forages 1.40 0.14 256 12 - 367 Saha et al., 1997
Concentrate 0.38 0.53 - - - - Saha et al., 1997
Tripura Datt et al., 2004
Dry forages 0.45 0.16 201 6.33 35 126 Datt et al., 2004
Cultivated fodder 0.91 0.36 140 8.30 50.0 91 Datt et al., 2004
Cont. Eastern
Feed Ca P Fe ppm Cu ppm Zn ppm Mn ppm Refe..
Critical Level lt0.30 0.25 lt50 lt8 30 40 Refe..
Tripura Datt et al., 2004
Concentrate 0.45 0.79 70.0 13.58 35 72 Datt et al., 2004
Kamrup (Assam)
Dry forages 0.34 0.25 88.11 7.53 27.54 224.58 Kalita et al., 2003
Green forages 0.35 0.20 149.70 14.44 32.96 136.16 Kalita et al., 2003
concentrates 0.17 0.12 245.83 8.70 53.34 47.30 Kalita et al., 2003
Mandira farm
(Assam) Baruah et al., 2000
Pasture forages 0.32 0.10 311.24 11 60.24 31.26 Baruah et al., 2000
Assam Saha et al., 1997
Natural forages 0.77 0.16 242 8 - 172 Saha et al., 1997
Concentrates 0.24 0.74 21 5 - 54 Saha et al., 1997
Other Minerals
  • MAGNESIUM (lt0.20 of
  • Gujarat Mg levels in feed stuffs is adequate(

  • (Garg,
  • Roughages are poor to moderate in NE and

  • (Saha et al., 1997 Gowda et al2002)
  • Haryana and Punjab are also poor to good.
  • (Singhal and
    Mudgal, 1984 Chopra and Hooda, 2002)
    (lt0.20 of DM)
  • Rajasthan Grains(0.16), Straws(0.13) are low.

  • (Garg et al., 2003)
  • Gujarat is normal to good (0.18-0.4)

  • (Garg,

  • COBALT (0.1ppm)
  • Adequate Cobalt in Northern and Western Region

  • (Singh and Chhabra, 1994 Garg et al., 1999)
  • Assam forages contain less.
    (Barauh et al., 1999)
  • In Haryana almost all the cultivated fodders,
    grasses and tree leaves contain Appreciable
    amount of Cobalt

  • (Singhal and Mudgal, 1984)
    (0.05-0.8 ppm)
  • In, India hilly regions of Himalayas and
    Vindhyachal and
  • Northern region is deficient.
    (Pailan and Singhal, 2003)
  • In Haryana I status is as Soil ( 0.10 ppm on
    DM), Berseem (0.70), Oats, ( 0.9), Jowar (0.67),
    Maize (1.1), Wheat straw (1.24)and
  • Water (0.003 ppm)
    (Chopra et al., 2003)

(0.2-0.3 ppm) Gujarat is well above (0.2-0.8
ppm) (Patel and Mehta, 1970) Punjab high
(up to 6.6 ppm) (Dhillon, 1972)
Haryana, Punjab and Western UP in normal to
high (Degnala)
(Datt and
Chhabra, 2004)
CHROMIUM ( 0.2 4.5 ppm) Chromium were
present in a few fodders but the tree leaves
were free from it (Haryana)
(Singhal and Mudgal, 1984)

CADMIUM In Haryana agro-industrial byproducts,
fodders, grasses and tree leaves were either
free or had very low level (Singhal and Mudgal,
Summery based on above slides for mineral
REGIONS Minerals deficient in feeds
Northern Ca , P , Mg, Zn ,Cu, Mn, I,
Western Ca, P, S, Cu, Zn,
Southern Ca, P, Mg, Cu, Zn,
Eastern Ca, P, Mg, Mn, Cu, Zn, Co,
REGIONS Minerals deficient in feeds
Northern Ca , P , Mg, Zn ,Cu, Mn, I,
Western Ca, P, S, Cu, Zn,
Southern Ca, P, Mg, Cu, Zn,
Eastern Ca, P, Mg, Mn, Cu, Zn, Co,
Yes, there is need of Area Specific Mineral
Mineral mixture for Northern Region.
S.No Specification Type I Type II Recommended
1 Moisture, By mass, max 5 5 ---
2 Calcium, by mass, min 18 23 Y
3 Phosphorus, by mass, min 9 12 Y
4 Magnesium, by mass 5 6.5 Y
5 Salt, by mass, min 22 without ---
6 Iron, of mass, min 0.4 0.5 ---
7 Iodine, of mass, min 0.02 0.026 Y
8 Copper, min 0.06 0.077 Y
9 Manganese, min 0.1 0.12 Y
10 Cobalt, min 0.009 0.012 ---
11 Fluorine, max 0.05 0.07 ---
12 Zinc, min 0.3 0.38 Y
13 Sulphur, max 0.4 0.5 ---
14 AIA, by mass, max 3 2.5 ---
Mineral mixture for Western Region.
S.No Specification Type I Type II Recommended
1 Moisture, By mass, max 5 5 ---
2 Calcium, by mass, min 18 23 Y
3 Phosphorus, by mass, min 9 12 Y
4 Magnesium, by mass 5 6.5 ---
5 Salt, by mass, min 22 without ---
6 Iron, of mass, min 0.4 0.5 ---
7 Iodine, of mass, min 0.02 0.026 ---
8 Copper, min 0.06 0.077 Y
9 Manganese, min 0.1 0.12 ---
10 Cobalt, min 0.009 0.012 ---
11 Fluorine, max 0.05 0.07 ---
12 Zinc, min 0.3 0.38 Y
13 Sulphur, max 0.4 0.5 Y
14 AIA, by mass, max 3 2.5 ---
Mineral mixture for Southern Region.
S.No Specification Type I Type II Recommended
1 Moisture, By mass, max 5 5 ----
2 Calcium, by mass, min 18 23 Y
3 Phosphorus, by mass, min 9 12 Y
4 Magnesium, by mass 5 6.5 Y
5 Salt, by mass, min 22 without ----
6 Iron, of mass, min 0.4 0.5 ----
7 Iodine, of mass, min 0.02 0.026 ----
8 Copper, min 0.06 0.077 Y
9 Manganese, min 0.1 0.12 ---
10 Cobalt, min 0.009 0.012 ----
11 Fluorine, max 0.05 0.07 ---
12 Zinc, min 0.3 0.38 Y
13 Sulphur, max 0.4 0.5 ---
14 AIA, by mass, max 3 2.5 ----
Mineral mixture for Eastern Region.
S.No Specification Type I Type II Recommended
1 Moisture, By mass, max 5 5 ----
2 Calcium, by mass, min 18 23 Y
3 Phosphorus, by mass, min 9 12 Y
4 Magnesium, by mass 5 6.5 Y
5 Salt, by mass, min 22 without ---
6 Iron, of mass, min 0.4 0.5 ---
7 Iodine, of mass, min 0.02 0.026 ---
8 Copper, min 0.06 0.077 Y
9 Manganese, min 0.1 0.12 Y
10 Cobalt, min 0.009 0.012 Y
11 Fluorine, max 0.05 0.07 ---
12 Zinc, min 0.3 0.38 Y
13 Sulphur, max 0.4 0.5 ---
14 AIA, by mass, max 3 2.5 ----
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