Title: Software Construction (1)
1- Software Construction (1)
- Dr. Pedro Mejia Alvarez
2Main Contents
- Construction Activities
- Software Reuse
- Construction Ideas
- By Steve McConnell
31. Construction Activities---what is software
- More than just programming
41. Construction Activities---Construction is not
- Distinction Between Activities and Phases
- Activity ! Phase
- Talking about Construction as an activity does
not imply a distinct phase - Differentiating between kinds of activities is
extremely helpful
51. Construction Activities
- Construction Activities
- Design in Construction
- Select Construction Environments
- Programming Practices
61. Construction Activities--- Design in
- Key Design Concepts
- Softwares Primary Technical Imperative Managing
Complexity - Construction Design Heuristics and Practices
- Broad practical knowledge
- Some typical examples later
71. Construction Activities--- Managing Complexity
- Complexity
- Organize into modules
- Abstract at all levels
- Keep code simple and readable
- Coupling
- Minimize Coupling
- Use interfaces, Law of Demeter
- Cohesion
- Maximize Cohesion
- Keep methods short
- Dont let classes get too big
81. Construction Activities--- Managing Complexity
- Law of Demeter
- Any method of an object should call only methods
belonging to - Itself
- Any parameters that were passed in to the
method - Any objects it created
- Any directly held component objects
- i.e. dont use objects to get other objects
91. Construction Activities--- Examples of
Construction Design Practices
- Defensive Programming
- Assertive programming
- Test-driven development
- Design-by-Contract
- Refactoring
- Communication
- Reviews, pair-programming, stand-up meetings
- etc.
101. Construction Activities--- Select
Construction Environments
- Construction Environments
- Programming Language
- Construction Platforms
- OS, DBMS, Network, Middleware, Etc.
- Standards
- Code standards
- Technology standards
- Component model, etc.
- Tools
- Coding environments
- Debug and testing environments
- Sourcing managing environments
111. Construction Activities--- Programming
- Many Heuristics
- Example How To Write Unmaintainable Code
122. Software Reuse---Introduction
- What is Reuse?
- "...the use of existing software artifacts or
knowledge to create new software..." FraTer96 - This includes all types of artifacts created.
- Why Reuse?
- Because we (the CS people) are inventing the
wheel over and over again and wasting enormous
resources doing so. - We hope that there is a way to make integration
and design of the reusable component cheaper than
132. Software Reuse--- Practices about Reuse
- Studies Only 15 of new code serves an original
purpose - i.e. Theoretical reuse rate of 85
- Studies Software Reuse is the most beneficial
silver bullet (30-35) - There is no other way to build large applications.
142. Software Reuse--- Chaos 2000, Standish Group
152. Software Reuse--- Types of Reuse
- Opportunistic reuse This is possible during
programming when components are discovered that
happened to fit a requirement. - Systematic reuse This require a design process
that consider how exciting designs may be reused
and that explicitly organized the design around
available software components.
162. Software Reuse--- The Reuse Landscape
172. Software Reuse--- Types of Implementation
183. Construction Ideas
- A Decade of Advances in Software Construction
- Ten Realities of Modern Software Construction
- Some of the Worst Construction Ideas of 1990s and
193. Construction Ideas
- A Decade of Advances in Software construction
201. Design has Been Raised a Level
- Programming has advanced through ability to
create larger code aggregations - Statements
- Routines
- Classes
- Packages
- Real legacy of OO might well be larger
212. Daily Build and Smoke Test
- Institutionalizes incremental integration
- Minimizes serious integration problems that used
to be common - Lots of other benefits, too
223. Standard Libraries
- Good programmers have always used libraries
- Now provided with languages (Java, C, .NET)
234. Visual Basic
- Visual programming innovation
- The first development environment to make
widespread use of COTS components - Only language to learn Adas syntax lessons (case
statements, control statements, etc.) - Highly integrated environment
245. Open Source Software
- Great aid to programmers during development
- Reduced barriers to making code available
- Opportunity to learn from available code
- Improved ability to read code
- Nice community of programmers
256. The Web, for Research
- FAQs
- Discussion groups
- Searchability in general
267. Widespread Use of Incremental Development
- Concepts were well known in 1990s
- Practice is well established in 2000s
278. Test-First Development
- Shortens time to defect detection
- Increases personal discipline
- Complements daily build smoke test
289. Refactoring as a Discipline
- Provides a discipline for making changes
- Not so good as a total design strategy
- Good example of incrementalism
2910. Faster Computers
- Implications for optimization
- Implications for programming languages
- Implications for development
303. Construction Ideas
- Ten Realities of Modern Software Construction
31-1-Construction is a Legitimate Topic
- Software Construction Now Looks Like This
32-2- Individual Variation Is Significant
- Where do Variations Exist?
- Researchers have found variations ranging from
10x to 28x in - Coding speed
- Debugging speed
- Defect-finding speed
- Percentage of defects found
- Bad-fix injection rate
- Design quality
- Amount of code generated from a design
- Etc.
33-3- Personal Discipline Matters
- Why Personal Discipline Matters
- Being realistic about predicting the future
- Areas where discipline matters
- Refactoring
- Prototyping
- Optimization
- Minimal-complexity designs specifically
- Managing complexity generally
- EndpointsDiscipline and Courage
- Humphrey on PSP
- Beck on Extreme Programming
34-4- A Focus on Simplicity Works Better than a
Focus on Complexity
- Focus on read-time convenience, not write-time
35-5- Defect-Cost Increase is Alive and Well
36-6- Importance of Design
- There are lots of valid points on the no
designall design continuum - General Point Extremes are Usually Not
Productive - All design up front vs. no design up front
- Entirely planned vs. entirely improvised
- Pure iterative vs. straight sequential
- All structure vs. all creative
- Document everything vs. document nothing
37-7- Technology Waves Affect Construction Practices
- Effect of Technology Waves on Construction
- Definition of technology wave
- Early-wave characteristics
- Mature-wave characteristics
- Late-wave characteristics
- Construction is affected by technologymore than
I thought (doh!) - Technology can be addressed in terms of general
38-8-Incremental Approaches Work Best
- Perspective on Incrementalism
- The pure waterfall model is not at all
incremental or iterativewhich is why it hasnt
worked very well - Spiral development is highly incremental and
iterative, which is part of why it does work well - All projects will experience iteration at some
point - Think about where and when in your project you
will get your incrementalismcheaply, or
39-9- The Toolbox Metaphor Continues to be
- Toolbox Metaphor
- Whats best? Agile? XP? Scrum? CMM?
- Toolbox explains theres no one right tool for
every job - Different industry segments will have different
tools and even different toolboxes - Whats in the Software Engineering Toolbox?
- Best practices
- Lifecycle models
- Templates, checklists, patterns, examples
- Software tools
40-10- Softwares Essential Tensions
- Softwares essential tensions have remained
unchanged for years - Rigid plans vs. Improvisation
- Planning vs. Fortune Telling
- Creativity vs. Structure
- Discipline vs. Flexibility
- Quantitative vs. Qualitative
- Process vs. Product
- Optimizing vs. Satisficing
- Balance wavers, but basic tensions are constants
413. Construction Ideas
- Some of the Worst Construction Ideas of 1990s and
42Some of the WorstConstruction Ideas of 1990s
- Code fix
- All design up front programming
- Design for speculative requirements
- Components will solve all our construction
problems - Automatic programming
- Uninformed use of the waterfall model
- Calling everything object oriented
43Some of the WorstConstruction Ideas of 2000s
- Code fix
- No design up front programming
- Planning to refactor later
- Offshore outsourcing will solve all our
construction problems - Automatic programming
- Uninformed use of Extreme Programming
- Calling everything agile
44Worst Ideas, 1990s vs. 2000s
45The End
- Recommend book
- (Code Complete),2ed,Steve McConnell