Title: RHESSI Visibilities
1RHESSI Visibilities
Gordon Hurford, Ed Schmahl, Richard
Schwartz 1 April 2005
2What are Visibilities?
- A visibility is the calibrated measurement of a
single Fourier component of the source. - Measured spatial frequency (arcsec-1)
- Magnitude determined by the angular pitch of
the grid. - Azimuth determined by the grid orientation at
the time of measurement. - The measured visibility is a complex number
- Has amplitude and phase OR x and y
3Properties of visibilities (1)
- Represent an intermediate step between
modulated light curves and images. - Represent an (almost) noise-free transformation
of input imaging data, containing all the
imaging info required for mapping - Fully calibrated.
- No remaining instrument dependence (beyond
spatial frequency coverage) -
4Properties of visibilities (2)
- Statistical errors are well-determined, since
they are a linear combination of the binned
counts. - Redundancy provides indication of systematic
errors. - Amplitudes for visibility azimuths differing
by 180 deg should be same. - Phases for visibility azimuths differing by 180
deg should be equal and opposite. - 3rd harmonic visibilties from grid n should
match fundamental visibility from grid n-2. - Redundancy is independent of source.
5Properties of visibilities (3)
- Visibilities depend linearly on both the data and
the source.gt Visibilities of a multicomponent
source sum of visibilities of its components
Very helpful in directly interpreting
Facilitates a forward-fitting program - Visibility measurements can be linearly
combined. - Can add or subtract energy bands
- Can add or subtract data over time
- Can weight data in energy and/or time.
6How are visibilities measured ?
- Visibility observations correspond to the
modulation amplitude and phase - Can be measured from light curves directly
- Problem of data gaps
- Statistical issues
- Normalization and sampling issues
- Most easily determined from stacked data
7Stacker Output as the Starting Point for
Measuring Visibilitesly
Subcollimator 5
Measure amplitude phase in each of 24 roll bins
8Example of measured visibilities for
subcollimator 5
9Polar plots of amplitude vs roll angle
Subcollimators 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 Aug 20, 2002 12-25 keV
10How can visibilities be used? (1)
- Provide a compact representation of input
imaging data - Can provide starting point for imaging
algorithms - Useful for iterative processing
- Ease statistical and chi2 issues
- Background is automatically removed.
- Can be used with any radio astronomy imaging
package -
11How can visibilities be used? (2)
- Can infer quantitative source properties
without mapping. - Source diameter
- Source ellipticity
- Source position
- Statistical errors can be well-determined.
- Provides a very sensitive tool for refining
grid calibration -
12Status of Visibility Software
- Currently testing a fragile version of software
to calculate, display and exploit visibilities - Available offline to venturesome volunteers
- Many features to be implemented
- Testing for compatibility with latest version of
hsi_phz_stacker - Handling of missing visibilities
- Better shell routine for convenient execution
- Testing with use of automatic calculation of
time and roll bins - Convenient tools for exploiting visibilities
- Improved grid calibration
- Calculation and application of statistical
errors - Testing with harmonics
- Integration of visibility analysis routines