Title: Genetically%20Modified%20Organisms
1Genetically Modified Organisms
2- Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)
- - an organism whose genetic material has been
altered using genetic engineering techniques - one or more genes from other organisms are
inserted into a living organism to give it new
3But why?
- Scientists are modifying genes of organisms so
that they contain new or improved characteristics
that could be beneficial for humans
4History of GMO
- Creation of GMOs possible because of the
discovery of DNA and other advances in scientific
technology - First GMO1973- E. coli expressing salmonella
gene - First GMO with a human gene1978- E. Coli strain
producing the human protein insulin
5Uses of GMOs
Agriculture- producing plants resistant to
drought, freezing, extreme heat, insects,
parasites, herbicides
Food- preventing moulding, increasing nutritional
Medicine- using animals for research producing
Industry- producing biodegradable plastics
producing fuel
6Genetic Engineering-How it works
- a characteristic of interest (a trait we want in
another organism ex. resistance to cold) is
identified and the gene is located in the DNA of
the organism - The gene is extracted from the donor organism
- The gene is inserted into the cells of the
organism to be modified - Organisms which contain the desired trait are
selected (when it works)
7How it really works (an example using insulin)
- The gene which is produces insulin in humans is
identified and isolated - A bacteria which is easy to grow is selected (E.
coli) - The gene is inserted into the genome of the
bacteria - The bacteria is cultured
- Insulin produced by the bacteria is extracted and
purified - Insulin is injected into an organism
8Ethical Considerations
- science interfering with nature- religious and
moral concerns - genes inserted in one organism could accidentally
incorporate into the genome of other organisms
with undesirable outcomes - possibility of allergic reactions for people
consuming genetically modified foods - traditional and native organisms being lost due
to other better breeds
Glofish the first genetically modified animal to
be sold as a pet
We do not yet know the environmental and health
consequences of GMOs
10Cell Cultures
11Cell Cultures
- Cell culturing is a process that allows cells to
be reproduced outside of their natural
environment (meaning outside of the organisms
from which they came) - many types of cells can be used such as
unicellular microorganisms or complex plant or
animal cells
- Research
- Testing medications
- Producing vaccinations
- Producing tissue such as skin
- Is the process whereby food is heated for a
period of time in order to destroy harmful
microorganisms. - Ex Raw milk -gt heating at 78.8 oC for 6 seconds
-gt Pasteurized milk