Cultural Diversity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Cultural Diversity


Nutritional methods Organic foods, herbs, vitamins Mind and body control Relaxation, meditation, biofeedback Hypnotherapy, imagery Energetic touch therapy Massage ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Cultural Diversity

Cultural Diversity
  • Health Team Relations

  • HC providers must provide care to many different
    types of patients
  • No two patients are alike
  • HC providers must be aware of and respect the
    individuality of each patient

Individuality/Uniqueness influenced by the
  • Physical characteristics
  • Family life
  • Socioeconomic status
  • Religious beliefs
  • Geographical location
  • Education
  • Occupation
  • Life experiences

  • Defined as values, beliefs, attitudes, languages,
    symbols, rituals, behaviors, and customs unique
    to a particular group of people and passed from
    one generation to the next
  • Set of rules about things like family relations,
    child rearing, education, occupational choice,
    social interactions, spirituality, religious
    beliefs, food preferences, health beliefs, and HC

All Cultures have 4 things in common
  • 1. Culture is learned
  • 2. Culture is shared
  • 3. Culture is social in nature
  • 4. Culture is dynamic and constantly changing

  • Defined as a classification of people based on
    national origin and/or culture
  • Members of an ethnic group may share common
    heritage, geographical location, social customs,
    language, and beliefs

Ethnic Groups in the United States
  • 1. African American
  • 2. Asian American
  • 3. European American
  • 4. Hispanic American
  • 5. Middle Eastern/Arab Americans
  • 6. Native Americans (Indians and Eskimos)

  • Classification of people based on the physical
    characteristics (color or hair, skin, and eyes)
  • There are different races present in most ethnic
  • Ex. There are black and white African Americans.

Cultural Diversity
  • This is the differences in culture, ethnicity,
    and racial factors among people
  • In previous times the United States used to be
    called the melting pot to represent the
    absorption of many cultures in the dominant
  • This is called cultural assimilation when people
    come from other countries and adapt to the
    American way of doing things

Cultural Diversity cont
  • In reality the U.S. is more like a salad bowl now
    where cultural differences are appreciated and
  • Acculturation the process of learning the
    beliefs and behaviors of a dominant culture and
    assuming some of the characteristics
  • This process occurs slowly over time
  • Recent immigrants to the U.S. are more likely to
    follow patterns of their native land than their
    children and grandchildren who have lived here

Cultural Sensitivity
  • The ability to recognize and appreciate the
    personal characteristics of others is essential
    in health care
  • Ex. In some cultures, called an adult by their
    first name is not acceptable except for close
    friends/relatives. Sensitive HC workers will
    address patients by Mr./Mrs. and their last name

  • A bias is a preference that prevents impartial
  • Example Individuals that believe in the
    supremacy of their own ethnic group
    (ethnocentric). These people believe that their
    cultural values are better than the cultural
    values of others

Common Biases include
  • Age
  • Younger people are more physically and mentally
    superior to older people
  • Education
  • College educated people are superior to
    uneducated people
  • Economic
  • Rich people are superior to poor people
  • Physical
  • Obese and short people are inferior to slender
    and taller people
  • Occupation
  • Nurses are inferior to doctors
  • Sexual preference
  • Homosexuals are inferior to heterosexuals
  • Gender
  • Women are inferior to men

  • Prejudice means to pre-judge.
  • It is a strong feeling/belief about a
    person/subject that is formed without reviewing
  • This causes fear and distrust and interferes with
    interpersonal relationships
  • Everyone is prejudiced to a certain degree!

  • Stereotyping occurs when an assumption is made
    that everyone in a particular group is the same
  • Labels individuals
  • Example All blondes are dumb.

Bias, Prejudice, and Stereotyping
  • These are all barriers to effective communication
    and relationships with patients
  • HC providers must be alert to these barriers and
    make every effort to avoid them

Ways to avoid bias, prejudice, and stereotyping
in Health Care
  • Know and be consciously aware of your own
    personal and professional values and beliefs
  • Obtain as much information as possible about
    different ethnic/cultural groups
  • Be sensitive to behaviors and practices different
    from your own
  • Remember you are not be pressured to adopt your
    patients beliefs, but you must respect them

Ways to avoid bias, prejudice, and stereotyping
in Health Care cont
  • Develop friendships with a wide variety of people
  • Ask questions about your patients
  • Evaluate all information before you form an
  • Be open to differences
  • Avoid jokes that may offend
  • Remember mistakes happen, apologize if you hurt
    someones feelings, and forgive if someone hurts
    your feelings

Holistic Care
  • HC providers must be aware of cultural diversity
    to provide holistic care (well-being of the whole
    person) to their patients

Family Organization
  • This is the structure of a family and the
    dominant or decision-making person in the family
  • Families vary in their composition and in the
    roles assumed by family members

2 Main Types of Families
  • 1. Nuclear family
  • Usually consists of a mother, father, and
    children (single-parent and children)
  • Common type for European American families
  • 2. Extended family
  • Usually includes nuclear family plus
    grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins
  • Common type for Asian, Hispanic, and Native
    American families

Patriarchal Families
  • In these families the father or oldest male is
    the authority figure and makes the decisions for
    the family
  • So, this is the person who would make the health
    care decisions as well
  • Women are expected to be obedient

Matriarchal Families
  • In these families the mother or oldest female is
    the authority figure and makes the decisions for
    the family

  • Dominant language used in United States is
  • However, 20 of population under 65 years of age
    speaks another language
  • A health care provider must determine the
    patients ability to communicate by talking with
    pateint/relative and asking questions

Common Questions to Determine Patients
  • Do you speak English as your first language?
  • What language is spoken at home?
  • Do you read English?
  • Do you have a family member/friend that can
    interpret for you?

Health Care Providers should
  • Find a translator when possible
  • Speak slowly and use simple words
  • Use gestures/pictures to clarify meaning of words
  • Use nonverbal communication (smile or gentle
    touch) when appropriate
  • Avoid tendency to speak louder
  • Try to learn some words/phrases in their language

Personal Space
  • Personal space territorial space
  • This describes the distance people require to
    feel comfortable while interacting with others
  • This varies among different ethnic groups
  • Close contact groups comfortable standing very
    close to and even touching
  • Distant contact groups

HC Providers Personal Space
  • HC providers have to invade a patients personal
    space at times to do certain skills (ex. Taking
    vital signs, baths, etc.)
  • HC providers should always be alert to patients
    verbals and non-verbals
  • HC providers should use a slow, relaxed approach
    and explain the procedure

Eye Contact
  • European Americans regard eye contact during
    conversation as a sign of interest and
  • Asian Americans consider direct eye contact to be
  • The many beliefs regarding eye contact can lead
    to misunderstandings when people of different
    cultures interact

  • Shaking head yes or no
  • In India, it is the complete opposite
  • Pointing at someone with a finger represents a
    strong threat by Asian and Native Americans

Health Care Beliefs
  • The Western system is the most common HC system
    in the U.S.
  • This system is based on the cause of disease
    being microorganisms, diseased cells, and the
    process of aging
  • When the cause is determined, HC is directed
    toward eliminating microorganisms, conquering
    disease process, and/or preventing the aging
  • HC providers in the U.S. are trained and licensed
    to practice

Western HC Beliefs
  • Encouraging patients to learn as much as possible
    about their illness
  • Informing patients about terminal illnesses
  • Teaching self-care
  • Using medications and technology to cure or
    decrease effects of disease/illness
  • Teaching preventative care

Health Care Beliefs of Different Ethnic Groups
  • Look in book on page 142-143
  • Make your own table with six rows down and five
    columns down
  • I will help you condense chart in book

Alternative Health Care
  • Nutritional methods
  • Organic foods, herbs, vitamins
  • Mind and body control
  • Relaxation, meditation, biofeedback
  • Hypnotherapy, imagery
  • Energetic touch therapy
  • Massage, acupuncture
  • Body-movement methods
  • Chiropractic, yoga, tai chi
  • Spiritual methods
  • Faith healing, prayer, and spiritual counseling

Traditional vs. Alternative Treatments
  • All individuals have the right to choose the type
    of HC system and method of treatment that they
    feel is best for them
  • HC providers must respect this, even if they do
    not agree

Spirituality vs. Religion
  • The beliefs individuals have about themselves,
    their connections with others, and their
    relationship with a higher power
  • Individuals need to find meaning and purpose in
  • Organized system of belief in a superhuman power
  • Form of worship
  • Ex. Going to church

Major Religious Beliefs
  • Pg 145-148

  • Someone who does not believe in a higher power

  • A person who believes that the existence of a
    higher power can not be proven or disproven

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