Fascist Italy and Mussolini - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Fascist Italy and Mussolini


Fascist Italy and Mussolini Postwar Discontent Italy was disappointed over the failure to obtain as much territory as desired from the Treaty of Versailles Economic ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Fascist Italy and Mussolini

Fascist Italy and Mussolini
Postwar Discontent
  • Italy was disappointed over the failure to obtain
    as much territory as desired from the Treaty of
  • Economic Issues
  • National currency depreciated by 2/3
  • Cost of living increased widespread
    unemployment of returning veterans
  • Political instability
  • Elections of 1919 - liberal middle-class
    politicians lost control of the govt.
  • Socialists now the largest party take control
    of the govt.
  • Disruptive worker strikes occupation of estates
    by landless peasants

Benito Mussolinis Rise to Power
  • Developed Fascism
  • Gathered support as an alternative to
    Socialism/Communism as a reaction to poor
    economic conditions
  • Formed Fascio di Combattimento (Union of
    Combat) in 1919 made of young thugs veterans to
    enforce his program of reform
  • Physically attacked the Socialists and Communists
    with fighting squads of Black Shirts.
  • In 1921, reorganized movement into the Italian
    National Fascist Party

  • Supported by Italian industrialists and wealthy
    landowners b/c fear of Communism
  • Supported by workers b/c he promised jobs
  • Promised to restore the glory of Italy
    establish a 2nd Roman Empire
  • The March on Rome (1922) a march of 50k
    Fascist Black Shirts from Naples to the
    capital, to seize power for Mussolini the Party
  • Weak King, Victor Emmanuel III, invited Mussolini
    to form a new government, even though the
    Fascists were a minority group in parliament.
  • Mussolini became Prime Minister.

The Fascist Regime
  • By 1926, Italy had become a one-party
    dictatorship the Fascist Party
  • Mussolini becomes il Duce the leader
  • Formed the Corporate State.
  • Nation divided economically into 13 corporations
    to regulate working conditions.
  • Govt. based on industry
  • Glorification of militarism
  • Black Shirts reorganized into a national
    Fascist militia incorporated into the army
  • Increase of Italys armed forces, with emphasis
    on navy air force
  • Programs for training of the youth (boys girls)
    to become Fascists, stressing the motto To
    believe, to obey and to fight

  • Restored Relations w/ the Pope in 1929
  • Roman Catholicism recognized as the only state
  • Independence of the Vatican City
  • Policy of Mare Nostrum (Our Sea) desire to
    control the Mediterranean
  • Policy of imperialistic expansion led to invasion
    of Ethiopia in 1935 Albania in 1939
  • Alliance with Nazi Germany Rome-Berlin Axis of
  • Heavy involvement in the Spanish Civil War
    (1936-39) on the side of the Fascist rebels
  • Italy withdrew from the League of Nations in 1937
  • Benefits prevented communism restored
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