Title: Special%20Operations%20Mastery%20Event
1Special OperationsMastery Event
- Consistent Way to Make Money for the Rest of
Your Life
4- At One Point in Your Life You Either
Have the Thing you Want or the
Reasons Why You Don't - - Andy Roddick
- Saturday
- Educate in the Morning
- Train in Afternoon Hands on
- Sunday
- Expanding and Optimizing
- - IRAs, Private Money, Outsourcing
- Rehab Network, etc.
- Today is What How
- Tomorrow is Where Bonuses
- Left Marine Corps
- Made a Bunch of Money
- Lost a Bunch of Money
- Making a Bunch of Money
- Will NEVER go Back to Old Ways of Business
11(No Transcript)
12(No Transcript)
13Training Goal
- Know what to do, what not to do
- Gain certainty working a process
- Get out of rat race
- Achieve independence
- Know your strengths
- Know your resources
- Know the techniques
- Know how to implement techniques within your
strengths and resources to make the right
15Envision The End State
- Passive Income
- Work Once, Keep Getting Paid
- Think Longer Term
- You, Your kids, Your Grandkids
16How to Get Success
- Translate Strategies Into a Consistent
- Process to Achieve Goals
- Must be Set
- Must be Realistic
- Cant always evaluate progress against best case
18How to Get Success
- Must Do Tasks
- VS.
- Optimal/Optional Tasks
- They Compete with Each other
- Know the Must Do Tasks that MAKE
MONEY - Different from Optimizing tasks that IMPROVE
20Money Tasks
- Get Leads
- Get Leads
- Get Leads
- Get Leads
21Money Tasks
- Reviewing Lists is everything
- List Management is the MONEY
- Find Properties All exits rely on this
- Must Become Routine!
22What are Tax Sales
- Property taxes are owed
- If not paid there are consequences
- Consequences Vary per state
23Tax sales Were Not What I Thought
- Counties Need the Money
- No Price Negotiations!
- More Deal Flow, could still make Cash
- Cheaper Deals, Less Competition
- Larger Buying Area with Online Research
24The Playing Field
25Playing Field
- Liens that Redeem
- Deeds that Redeem
- Deeds that you own right now
- Int Rate vs penalty Rate
- Many Auction Formats made for competition
- Buy at Auctions or Before/After Auctions
26Investor Type
- Finder
- Buy and wholesale (cant contract w/ county)
- Rehabber needs a Money Partner
- Money Partner needs a rehabber
- Buy Fix Sell or Hold
- 12) Buying Tax Liens AFTER the auction for max
rate allowed hoping it will redeem. - Letting it redeem or Selling it to others for
split - 3) Buy Liens AFTER auction, that likely WONT
redeem - 4) Send Mail to properties that have liens and
buy from owner before end of redemption
- 5) Mail to Tax Deed sale list,buy BEFORE live tax
auction - 6) Look at county Struck-off or county owned
property for rehabs and lots/land.
29Where Rubber Meets Road
- Match buying strategy with state rules with
investor type - Called Annual Wealth Roadmap
- Different for everyone
- Timing is everything, find the spots and keep
going back year after year
30Strategy 1 2 Liens to Redeem
- Buying Tax Liens AFTER the auction
- Letting it redeem or
- Selling it to others for split
- Applied when you HAVE money or
KNOW where to get money
31Liens to Redeem - Process
- Filter list with GIS land vs structure
- Look at Maps - Property condition/location
- Property type
- Value - websites like Totalviewrealestate.com
- Assessed value?
- Previous taxes paid?
- Condition- drive by agent to check if occupied
32Liens to Redeem - Process
- Title check for anything big
- Check online if possible, call girl in courthouse
if necessary - BK, FC, No EPA, No Bld Dept issues
- Exit 1 - Buy the lien, hold To Redemption
- James job
33Liens to Redeem - Process
- Exit 2 - Selling the Lien or buying with someone
- elses money
- Penalty states are best
- Get your money up front if possible
- Roll your own money assigning (flipping) the
34Strategy 3 Liens to Deeds
- Buy Liens AFTER auction, that likely WONT redeem
- Applied when you dont have money and submit
to Fortris or others
35Liens to Deeds - Process
- Looking for Liens that likely WONT REDEEM
- Filter with GIS land vs structure
- Look at Maps - Property condition/location
- Property type
- Value - websites like Totalviewrealestate.com
- Assessed? Previous taxes paid? Vacant?
- Condition- drive by, or Contractor look
36Liens to Deeds - Process
- Can use myrouteonline.com if youre going to
drive around. - Title check for issues
- Check online if possible, call girl in courthouse
if necessary - No BK, No FC, No EPA, No Bld Dept issues, Out of
town? - Et al, how many people were notified
- Buy the lien, File for ownership, then Quiet
37Strategy 4 Mailing Liend Owners
- This is buying AFTER AUCTION
- Send postcard to properties that have liens and
buy from owner - Applied when you have SOME money and can
submit to Fortris or others
38Strategy 4 Mailing Liend Owners
- Card format is in Research Center
- Mail 30 days prior to redemption
- 2 touches white card, read headline
- Then yellow card, with headline
- Get attention, dont freak them out
39Mailing Liend Owners - Process
- Get list of liend property from county
- OR get live list just prior to auction, then get
leftover OTC list and subtract - Filter list with GIS land vs structure
- And get MAILING ADDRESS for houses
- Clean up duplicates
40Mailing Liend Owners - Process
- Create click2mail.com account
- Prepare file in the way click2mail.com wants it
- Katrina can show an upload during the workshop,
Its 3 clicks and its mailed
41Mailing Liend Owners - Process
- Owners will call back
- Only evaluate those who call
- Liens wont be cleared, this is negotiation to
make something work, might be equity or not. - Can contract and wholesale, rehab, hold, etc..
Any exit, You HAVE TIME
42Strategy 5 Mail to Deed Auction
- This is buying BEFORE AUCTION
- Mail to Tax Deed Sale list
- Applied when you have SOME money and can
submit to Fortris or cash buyers
43Strategy 5 Mail to Deed Auction
- Have to hustle to get deal before sale
- San Bernadino example during workshop
- Hustle to exit or have the cash to buy
44Mail to Deed Auction - Process
- Get list of liend property from county
- Filter list with GIS land vs structure
- And get MAILING ADDRESS For Houses
- Clean up duplicates
45Mail to Deed Auction - Process
- Create click2mail.com account
- Prepare file in the way click2mail.com wants it
- Its 3 clicks and its mailed to house owners
46Mail to Deed Auction - Process
- Owners will call back
- Only evaluate those who call
- Need Repair Est and Repaired Value
- Can contract and wholesale, rehab, hold, etc..
47Strategy 6 FLC Deeds
- This is Buying AFTER the Auctions
- Applies when you dont have money and need
to find things to own now
48FLC Deeds - Process
- Foreclosed Land Commission, Struck off, Lands
Available for Taxes, etc. - Look at county owned property for rehabs or lots
49FLC Deeds - Process
- Filter list with GIS land vs structure
- Look at Maps - Property condition/location
- Property type
- Value website like Totalviewrealestate.com
Agent - Assessed value?
- Previous taxes paid?
- Condition- drive by Contractor
50FLC Deeds - Process
- Title check for anything big
- Check online if possible, call girl in courthouse
if necessary - No BK, No FC, No EPA, No Bld Dept issues
- Action to Quiet Title Hire attorney
- Can take several months, get last owners to sign
quit claim deed to save the time
51FLC Deeds - Process
- Finders Non Circumvent agreement to work with a
partner. Or Buy it, then wholesale, or hold etc..
Many exits
52Command Center
- Facilitates Getting lists and Mailing to lists
and Researching lists.
List of OTC states -Calendar or List
summary Research State GIS link to start
filtering Our staff to outsource support
ticket Go over properties on list Or Mail to
list Submit deal review if necessary
Find partner with money in Collaboration
Center Fortris Buys it and pays a fee to
finder You buy it ( inside IRA?) Wholesale Deed
or Lien Keep and Renovate - Material orders
through vendor network Sell or hold
- Taxsaletraining.com/workshop
- Filter List GIS Link to search
- Goal Get used to different list types and data
on the GIS maps property card
54Click2mail DEMO
- Katrina Greenville
- Its filtered
- Sent to houses
- 500 cards sent
55Valuation Buy THIS Not THAT
- AR Howard 850-00494-000
- This is an example of an unconventional house all
56Valuation Buy THIS Not THAT
- examples of close piers
57Valuation Buy THIS Not THAT
- Lien amount 500 Paid 10 50Title fee
due 30 Balance 480Elect Tower is
owned by We Energy Company - Was a county right away
58Valuation Buy THIS Not THAT
- This house is built outside the building envelope
59Valuation Buy THIS Not THAT