Title: Photos from the Classics Sports Extravaganza
1Photos from the Classics Sports
Extravaganza September 24, 2005
2The fun began on Saturday morning with SOFTBALL.
3Jupiter Pluvius ordained that the game be held
indoors in Tostrud Center.
4The "Genitive Absolutes" the "Critical
Apparatus" played to a tie after seven exciting
5Sack lunchesyum, yum!
6We want more sandwiches!
7And could we get some dessert, please?
8I think the rain has stopped now.
9Coaches Reece and May continued to give advice.
10By 1 p.m. the skies had cleared, just in time for
11Coach Brunelle took charge while Portia,his
frisbee-fetching canine, looked on.
12The two teams - "Lectio Facilior" and "Lectio
Difficilior" - were evenly matched.
13Autumn leaves made a pretty backdrop.
14Quick! Run to the left!
15No! Run to the right!
16Or maybe just stand still?
17The photographer ran off at halftime...
18leaving everyone with much to ponder which
Lectio won?