Title: 2 Star Fieldcraft
12 Star Fieldcraft
Judging Distance
2There are 2 methods of judging distance
- The Appearance Method
- The Unit of Measure Method
3The Appearance Method
4The Appearance Method
This method is used to view how a person or their
surroundings look at various distances away from
you, the observer.
For example
- At 100m clear in all detail
- At 200m clear in all detail, skin colour and
equipment identifiable.
- At 300m clear body outline, face colour good,
remaining detail blurred
- At 400m only body outline clear
- At 500m body begins to taper, head becomes
- At 600m body now wedge shaped, no head apparent.
5The Unit Of Measure Method This method uses an
object which you the cadet knows quite well, such
as the length of a football pitch (100metres) or
the length of your street. All you need to do is
insert your chosen unit (eg a football pitch)
between you and your target as many times as you
can. If you think that a football pitch would fit
3.1/2 times then the distance is around 350
metres. The following slide shows an example of
6Your position
350 metres
The Enemy
7There are also 3 aids to Judging Distance...
- These are
- Halving
- Bracketing
- Key Ranges
8Halving Choose a point that you think is halfway
to your target estimate the distance to that
point and then double it. Bracketing Say to
yourself The target is not more than 400m away,
but is certainly more than 200m from me, so it
must be about 300m away. Key Ranges If you
already know the range to any point in your arc
of observation, you can estimate the distance to
other objects from it.