Title: A summary of the
1Transport policy forsustainable development
- A summary of the
- Swedish Governments transport policy
- objectives
2 Transport policy includes road traffic, road and
rail maintenance, railway traffic, shipping and
aviation. It also includes issues relating to
transport infrastructure as well as research in
specific sectors and procurement of public
3Objectives of transport policy
The overall objective of transport policy is to
ensure an economically efficient, sustainable
transport system for citizens and businesses
throughout the country.
4Six subgoals
- An accessible transport system
- High-quality transport
- Safe transport
- A good environment
- Positive regional development
- A transport system that serves the
- interests of women and men equally
5Intermediate objectives for betterfollow-up
- Accessibility objective
- Quality objective
- Traffic safety objective
- Environmental objective
- Objective for accessibility and
- positive regional development
- Objectives for a transport system that
- serves the interests of women and
- men equally